The Propaganda Report

The Propaganda Report with Brad Binkley offers amusing commentary on the news of the day as well as deep insights into the powers that be who reveal their agenda in their own words.

News Commentary
Drivetime Prop: Climate Propaganda Threatens Hu...
Climate Propaganda Threatens Humanity, The Amazon Fires Do Not. The War On Truth Intensifies (2019.08.28) If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become a...
30 min
Drivetime Prop: New Epstein Revelations & The R...
The Real Housewives of the G7. Are liberal mainstream journalist going to be implicated by Epstein? New Epstein revelations.  Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we...
33 min
Drivetime Prop: G7 Reality Show, NYT Goes Full ...
The G7 Reality Show. Retaliatory Tariffs, China Trade War, Protestors Water Cannoned in Hong Kong & at G7 in France. First gunshots ring out in Hong Kong. Escalation of protests worldwide. New York Times Goes Full Orwellian. Media prepares to be...
30 min
Drivetime Prop: Overstock CEO, Russian Spy, Iph...
Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become a Patreon. (links below) Every little bit...
39 min
Drivetime Prop: Violent Protesters, Parkland Gu...
Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin!   If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become a Patreon. (links below) Every...
35 min
Drivetime Prop: Boy Scout Scandal, Fake Greenla...
Boy Scouts caught up in sexual abuse scandal. Fake outrage around Trump's Greenland inquiry escalates. Jeffrey Epstein's cellmate, who is literally a beast, says he's being threatened, and Climate Change propaganda is coming at us from all angles,...
29 min
Drivetime Prop: Fluoride Linked To Low IQ's, Al...
Gun control agenda amps up, Study links Fluoride to lower IQ's, Gillibrand says Al Franken has a path to redemption after leading the charge to oust him. The Resistance encouraged to model themselves after Hong Kong Resistance. Ghislaine Maxwell In...
30 min
DriveTime Prop: Pre-Crime, Bio-Hacking Laws, Sm...
DriveTime Prop: Pre-Crime, Bio-Hacking Laws, Smart Car HWY, & Stacey Abrams (2019.08.19) Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train...
30 min
Ep. 181 - Smiley Face Killer, Media Control, Ep...
Ep. 181 - Smiley Face Killer, Media Control, Epstein (Interview with William Ramsey Investigates) Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this...
61 min
Ep. 180 - Are We Living In A Simulation? & Demo...
Ep. 170 - Are We Living In A Simulation? & Demonization of Trump Is Off The Rails Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin,...
61 min
Drivetime Prop - Cult of the Resistance, Projec...
Drivetime Prop - Cult of the Resistance, Project Iceworm, DNA Collection, & Ad Blacklist (2019.08.16) Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help...
32 min
Drivetime Prop - Epstein Strangled? Where's Max...
Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become a Patreon. (links below) Every little bit...
30 min
Ep. 179 - Demonization of Conspiracy Theorists,...
Ep. 179 - Demonization of Conspiracy Theorists, Backdoor Gun Legislation, & Epstein Dead...or Is He? Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep...
92 min
Drivetime Prop - Antifa Calls for Violence, Dro...
DARPA drones surround mock city in Georgia. Portland braces for far-right rally as Antifa promotes violence. A new propaganda documentary film about Trump in production. And a Jeffrey Epstein update.  Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends....
32 min
Drivetime Prop - "Unverified" Cuomo Unleashed, ...
Drivetime Prop - "Unverified" Cuomo Unleashed, Abrams Rising, Epstein Guard, Mice Deep Fake, Toxic Algae (2019.08.13) Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to...
32 min
Drivetime Prop - The War On Conspiracy Theories...
Drivetime Prop - The War On Conspiracy Theories, Epstein, Hong Kong Protests, Worldwide Color Revolution (2019.08.12) Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to...
32 min
How to Find Good Information - Monica's Intervi...
Monica's recent interview with Clint Powell of During the Break Podcast.  During the Break Podcast:  Day Fire Podcast:   Marketing Mix Radio:  Connect Marketing:    Donate, Subscribe, Share with your...
13 min
Drivetime Prop - Military Neurotechnology, Ferg...
Responsible use of military neurotechnology, gun control, red flag laws, universal background checks, P.T. Barnum and Politics, assault weapons ban, Floridian steals gun during orgy, Ferguson anniversary, Brookings says "there are not two sides",...
32 min
Drivetime Prop - Strategy of Tension, Battlefie...
Dems want McConnel to call an emergency session of the senate to pass gun control. Strategy of Tension unleashed. Battledfield surveillance comes to your town. Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find...
30 min
Ep. 178 - How The Resistance Radicalizes Online
Ep. 178 - How The Resistance Radicalizes Online Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become...
88 min
Drivetime Prop - Identity Politics, Racism! Mas...
Drivetime Prop - Identity Politics, Racism! Mass Madness Continues in Aftermath of Mass Shootings 2019.08.07 Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us...
29 min
Ep. 177 - Joe Biden is a Republican & Cory Book...
Joe Biden is a republican and Cory Booker cares about the Constitution? Huh? (Aired on WSB Radio 8.3.19) Debt to GDP ratio Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want...
94 min
Afternoon Prop - Shootings update, crimes of th...
Crimes of the  mind, mental health agenda, red flag laws, thought control, media promoting white nationalist vs antifa tension before Charlottesville anniversary Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you...
33 min
Afternoon Prop - More Mass Shootings, More Disg...
More Mass Shootings, More Disgusting Politics
31 min
Ep. 176 - Dem Debates: CNN Employs Strategic Ma...
Donate, Subscribe, Share with your friends. Help us keep this train rollin! If you find value in the content we produce and want to help us keep this train rollin, drop us a donation via Paypal or become a Patreon. (links below) Every little bit...
66 min