The Propaganda Report

The Propaganda Report with Brad Binkley offers amusing commentary on the news of the day as well as deep insights into the powers that be who reveal their agenda in their own words.

News Commentary
Ep. 127 - Are We A Socialist Country? & 5G Dang...
Are We A Socialist Country? & 5G Dangers (Aired 2.9.19 on WSB Radio, Atlanta)     Thank you to everyone who has supported the show via Paypal, Patreon, and in a variety of other ways. It is your continued support that enables us to...
31 min
Ep. 98b - (5.19.18) - Stacey Abrams & Brian Kem...
Show Originally Aired on May 5th, 2018 on WSB radio Atlanta, Stacey Abrams & Brian Kemp - Who Is Worse? Thank you to everyone who has supported the show via Paypal, Patreon, and in a variety of other ways. It is your continued support that...
94 min
Ep. 126 – Heard The One About Kamala Harris and...
Have you heard the one about Kamala Harris and a group that claimed to be descendants of the Knights Templar? Plus, the real reason Progressives fear Howard Schultz. All on this episode of the Propaganda Report Podcast. Source links, videos, and...
67 min
Ep. 125 - Unjust War Demands Media Suppression...
How are the MAGA hat kids and the Venezuela protests related? Unjust war demands media suppression. Show originally aired on January 26th, 2019 on WSB radio Atlanta, 95.5 FM and 750 AM. Thank you to everyone who has supported the show via Paypal,...
30 min
Ep. 124 - Covington Catholic Psyop Is About Soc...
The mainstream media gets busted reported fake news about MAGA hat wearing catholic school boys. But while the right was celebrating the victory, the left was scapegoating, and pinning blame on an anonymous Twitter account, which was immediately...
68 min
Ep. 123 - Attorney General William Barr. JUST S...
Trump nominates swamp creature William Barr for attorney general. Just say no. And Trump makes a big announcement about the government shutdown. Show originally aired on January 19th, 2019. Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your...
56 min
Ep. 122 - Is it 2019 or 1984? (Originally Aired...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez downplays the importance of being factually correct, the government shutdown, and progressives are trying to pull the democrats further and further left. Show originally aired on January 13th, 2019 on WSB. Thank you to...
64 min
Ep. 121 - Political Operative Stormy Daniels Po...
Political Operative Stormy Daniels Poses for Playboy. You Read That Correctly. (Originally Aired 12.27.18) Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your support that keeps us going. Anyone who is interested helping out, you can ,...
64 min
Ep. 120 - The Top Stories of 2018, The REAL Top...
On today's show we talk about the top stories of 2018, the real top stories. (Originally Aired on 12.29.18) Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your support that keeps us going. Anyone who is interested helping out, you can ,...
105 min
Ep. 119 - 2019 Political Predictions & Themes (...
On today's show we tell you what to look out for in 2019. Show originally aired on WSB radio Atlanta on January 6th, 2019.  Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your support that keeps us going. Anyone who is interested helping...
104 min
Ep. 118 - Democrats Admit Posing As Russian Bot...
Democrat posed as Russian Bots and conducted "false flag" disinformation campaign during the Alabama special election between Roy Moore and Doug Jones. This should have been the biggest story of 2018. (Show Originally Aired on 12.22.18 on WSB Atlanta)...
69 min
Ep. 117 - Don't Underestimate Alexandria Ocasio...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fantastic at doing the job she's been tasked to do. And NBA star Steph Curry is needlessly attacked for saying that he doesn't believe in the moon landing.  Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your...
77 min
Ep. 116 - Tim Cook Wants Apple AI To Be The Wor...
Apple's Tim Cook wins an ironic award from the Anti-Defamation league and speaks of the moral virtue of Apple AI.    Thank you to everyone who has supported the show. It is your support that keeps us going. Anyone who is interested helping...
61 min
Ep. 115 - Stacey Abrams Sabotaged Effort To Rem...
(Show Originally Aired October 28th, 2018 on WSB) On WSB Atlanta, We broke the story about Stacey Abrams burning the Georgia flag on the steps of the Georgia capital when she was in college. The New York Times then took that story, gave us no credit,...
32 min
Ep. 114 - Stacey Abrams after a 2020 Bid? & Bre...
On today's show we are going to talk about Stacey Abrams is using Saul Alinky's "lose well" tactic to perfection and how it might lead her to the very opportunity she's truly after. And we're going to talk about the plan by some on the left to break...
73 min
Ep. 113 - Stacey Abrams Burned Flag for Civil R...
Stacey Abrams burned the GA state flag on the steps of the capital on 1992, but did she do it for Civil Rights? Or did she do it in pursuit of what she's always been after, power? Today we show that Abrams history seems to indicate that she puts the...
94 min
Ep. 112 - The Real Goal of All the Protesting &...
Today we discuss activism in America through the lens of the community organizer to expose the true purpose of the madness. We use Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals to guide us. We also talk about Kanye West's oval office meeting with President...
78 min
Ep. 111 - Kavanaugh Fallout Reveals True Purpos...
The focus on the salacious aspects of the Brett Kavanaugh circus distracted away from the true purpose of the madness surrounding his Supreme Court nomination. The protests, the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford and others, and the...
68 min
Ep. 110 - Guilt By Accusation - The New Standar...
The case of Brett Kavanaugh has shown yet again that when it comes to politics in America, the accused are no longer innocent until proven guilty. Instead, they're presumed guilty the second they're accused. Thank you to everyone who has supported the...
86 min
Ep. 109 - We Were Purged from The Internet (Ori...
Without notice, Wordpress removed our websites and all of our content. On today's show, we tell you how it went down and how Wordpress baited us into getting banned. (Originally aired 8.25.18 on WSB ATL) Thank you to everyone who has supported...
90 min
Ep. 108 - 4 Propaganda Goals, Bob Woodward's Ro...
Today's show will be broken into two parts. In the first half we will go through the four strategic objectives and three tactical objectives of propaganda. This is a helpful lens through which to process the madness we are subjected to by the media on...
85 min
Ep. 107 - This Is What You Defend When You Defe...
Fueled by Trump hate, more and more people are thoughtlessly defending, endorsing, and even joining Antifa without having a clue what the group truly represents or what potential consequences may come from associating with them. On this episode of the...
81 min
Ep. 106 - Is Alex Jones Ban Corporate Fascism? ...
Alex Jones has been banned from Apple, Facebook, Youtube, and many other social media platforms. Is this a violation of free speech or an exercise of private property rights? Or could it be something else all together? On the show we talk about what...
100 min
Ep. 105 - Georgia Governor's Race - Is it Bad v...
Ep. 105 - Georgia Governor's Race - Is it Bad vs. Worse? There are officially four candidates in the Georgia Governor's race, Abrams, Kemp, Odom, and Metz. The media however would have you believe that you must choose between two bad choices, Stacey...
60 min
Ep. 104 - How To Talk To Rabid Trump Haters
The 10 Commandments of Propaganda
113 min