Lead Balloon - Public Relations, Mark...

Compelling tales from the world of public relations, marketing and branding, told by the well-meaning communications professionals who lived them.

On Lead Balloon, professional communicators share tales of the do-or-die situations that defined their creative careers—how they planned for the unexpected, how they navigated high-profile crises, and what they learned in the process.

With immersive storytelling and a wry sense of humor, host Dusty Weis revisits epic PR disasters, intense communications scenarios, professional inflection points and notable campaigns we all remember, and usually finds a reason to chuckle.

Because sometimes, there are important lessons to be learned from someone else's worst day.

And sometimes, it's just more convenient than group therapy.

Lead Balloon is an award-winning program for strategic communicators and content creators, named by Adweek as "Marketing Podcast of the Year," nominated for a Webby award and nominated for "Best Business Podcast" in the Podcast Academy awards.

Tune in monthly for new episodes. Visit podcampmedia.com/leadballoon to learn more.

Business News
Trailer—The Lead Balloon Podcast—PR, Marketing ...
Re-creating old "war stories" with the biggest brands and the most compelling strategic communicators.
1 min
34. Murder in Boston Blamed on Sega's Virtua Co...
Did a shooter train for his revenge rampage by playing a hands-on arcade game? A public relations true crime investigation.
56 min
33. National Airlines' Saucy "Fly Me" Ad Campai...
The ads may have been cringe-y, but they led to heated protests that actually helped improve working conditions for stewardesses.
38 min
32. Tesla’s Elon Musk Fires the Entire Public R...
How and why Tesla's approach to communication went from unconventional to nonexistent.
50 min
31. Snapple: Pitching the Best Catchphrase On E...
A world-class slogan crashes and burns, and then an iconic brand burns all its bridges.
50 min
30. Inside the PBR "Eating Ass" Tweetstorm, wit...
In our first NSFW episode, we try to decide whether social media manager Corey Smale deserved to get fired over the faux pas.
45 min
29. Ukrainian Creatives Waging an Information W...
Ad agencies and freelancers across Ukraine have banded together to pierce the veil of Russian propaganda--and they need your help.
40 min
28. Wendy's Twitter Account Manager Recounts Ba...
How Can Social Media Managers "Take a Break From Social Media?"
50 min
27. Sherwin-Williams Paints Itself Into a Corne...
A Plucky TikTok Superstar Gets Fired for Finding Unexpected Brand Success on Social Media
45 min
BONUS: Milwaukee Bucks Senior VP Alex Lasry on ...
Alex had so much to say, it didn't all make it into Episode 26 of Lead Balloon.
16 min
26. Bigger Than Basketball: The Milwaukee Bucks...
With a title within reach, players refusing to take the court is a sports marketing nightmare... unless it's for a good cause.
55 min
24. The Dreaded Grand Jury Subpoena, with Duct ...
Host of one of the web's longest-running marketing podcasts, John Jantsch shares a cautionary tale from early in his career.
32 min
23. Bridgegate: Behind the Scenes at the Port A...
Known as the scandal that ended Governor Chris Christie's presidential ambitions, we look back at Bridgegate from a PR perspective.
43 min
BONUS: Bulletins From an NBA Title-Winning Terr...
Milwaukee's NBA title victory is about so much more than basketball. Come celebrate with us.
9 min
22. Scandal at Foresters Financial, with former...
As spokesman for the company, Henry DeVries's moral fiber is tested when he's dragged into a torrid affair between two Foresters executives.
41 min
21. Hip-Hop Mogul Russell Simmons Hijacks the M...
When the co-founder of Def Jam Records goes off in front of a live audience, emcee Justin Shriber tries to save face.
43 min
20. Plane Crash in Colombia: American Airlines ...
Three weeks into her role as an American Airlines spokeswoman, Jennifer Hudson is called to Colombia following an air disaster that claimed 159 lives.
47 min
19. Coca-Cola and the Masters Tournament, with ...
When women's rights activists take aim at a last-bastion boy's club, Coke has to navigate a Public Relations lose-lose.
57 min
18. Coca-Cola's Retired Comms VP Ben Deutsch on...
Overseeing communications for one of the world's largest corporations is not a job for the faint of heart, as these tales illustrate.
44 min
17. The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson: Insurrec...
January 6 was a dark day for America, with lasting ramifications for how businesses talk about politics and Trumpism.
44 min
16. Vaccine Messaging: How Comms Professionals ...
There's a new front in the war on Covid, and comms professionals have a chance to fight on the front lines.
65 min
15. Going Rogue, Battling Bears, Government Shu...
When a government shutdown threatened to cancel her National Parks press junket, Julie Wright took a group of reporters and went rogue, creating a legendary story in the process.
42 min
BONUS: Adweek's "Marketing Podcast of the Year"...
Midwestern podcast host and small business owner seen jumping up and down with excitement for 48 hours straight.
7 min
13. The Squatty Potty Saga and the Science of G...
Promoting anti-poo-stink spray and constipation remedies may not be glamorous, but it is highly profitable for the viral video mavens at Harmon Brothers.
50 min
12. A Creative in the Corporate World, with Dav...
For outsiders transitioning into the world of marketing, it can be easy to feel like a square peg in a round hole.
45 min