The Hook Rocks!

The Hooks Rocks Podcast is the place to be for talking rock music. In depth discussions on the state of rock music, new music spotlights featuring new up and coming artists, and much more. Get hooked on The Hooks Rocks…The Ultimate Rock Community podcast! Now Part of Pantheon Podcasts!

Music Commentary
Music Interviews
New Music Spotlight - Interview With Lia Metcal...
From Liverpool, England The Mysterines are ready to take on the world. With a definitive punk and grunge vibe combined with the mixed influences of The Pretenders, Sonic Youth, Hole, Blondie, & The Kills they are a band everyone needs to prepare for. I chatted with singer/guitarist Lia Metcalfe about her influences and what inspires her songwriting as well as evolving from a trio to a 4 piece band. Once the lockdowns are lifted greatness awaits The Mysterines. Please enjoy the episode!
42 min
A Teenagers Music Adventure: My Sons Live Conce...
Exposing my son to music at an early age was always a goal. Allowing him to find a connection and start a musical journey was an important step in unlocking his imagination and him having a passion. The bond we developed over music has included visits to the record store, talking about favorite albums, and the live concert event. We've been to so many great shows together we finally get a chance to reflect on the beginnings of his journey. Please enjoy the episode.
67 min
The Power of A Mixtape and A Playlist
With the ability to put different multiple songs on a cassette or CD the mixtape/CD became the preferred way to communicate a theme through music lyrics or song titles. Whether you were missing a friend, longing for love, or trying to convey a feeling to someone you were never without the capability of helping your cause, through the sequencing of music. The invention of the playlist years later gave the end user the means to create a list of songs for any situation. Road trips, workouts, parties, etc allowed music lovers to shuffle through an array of tunes to help past the time or create a much needed vibe, while being forever part of one's memory bank. Mark from joins me to discuss this fun topic. Please enjoy the episode!
50 min
Classic Album Rewind: Physical Graffiti
There is no other album in my collection that continues to evolve as I do as a person than Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin. The album is a journey filled with songs that take you to another place. From the days of youth through the years of life it's lyrical content continues to resonate. Led Zeppelin continued its evolution as a band with experimental tones and texture with songs like "Kashmir" & "In The Light". They were able to tap into a funky groove with "Trampled Underfoot" while reminiscing about lost love on "Ten Years Gone." In my opinion, this is the pinnacle of Led Zeppelin. Please enjoy the episode.
24 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Labros G Fr...
The new album Youth of Dissent shows once again why 1000mods is building an audience across the globe. Insightful lyrics and a sound that keeps evolving the band was ready for another step in their musical journey. However, the circumstances surrounding Covid19 have put things on pause while giving 1000mods a different perspective. I spoke with drummer Labros G about the past, the now, and the future. Please enjoy the episode!
52 min
The Top 10 Songs From Richie Kotzen's 50 For 50...
It's been three months since the epic masterpiece album 50 For 50 was released by Richie Kotzen. There is so much music to digest even a few months later I am still discovering nuances inside several tracks. As we talk about in the episode it's like contantly having three new albums to listen to. Crash Crafton and I rank our top 10 songs as best we can! Please enjoy the episode!
60 min
The Joe Satriani Interview
Guitar legend Joe Satriani has just released another masterpiece of an album called Shapeshifting and it's full of diverse energetic instrumentals. I chatted with Joe about how the recording process for this album differed from the previous ones and how he is constantly looking for ways to be inspired. I'm sure you will find the conversation interesting as Joe also talks about his influences, his creative process, and much more. Please enjoy the episode!
47 min
Classic Album Rewind: Van Halen l
The music world changed on February 10th, 1978 and it never was the same. The loud and ferocious tone of Eddie Van Halen influenced generations of new guitar players while also inspiring veteran players to change their sound. I heard this album 5 years later as an 8-year-old sneaking into my brothers' room as my mother cleaned the house. When I heard the first song "Runnin With The Devil" my soul was captured and my musical journey went into overdrive. Please enjoy!
30 min
Why Iron Maiden is One of The Greatest Bands of...
We always have the benefit of hindsight whenever we reflect on the past. Things we may have missed and not appreciated are now looked upon much differently. The '80s hard rock and heavy metal era was such a great time. So many greats bands with so many great songs filled the airwaves and had a presence on MTV. However, none of those bands had the catalog that Iron Maiden put out with seven outstanding studio albums plus a massively successful live album. Nesbit from the Talking Maiden podcast and I discuss how those albums and the music Iron Maiden produced were responsible for their incredible global presence. Enjoy the episode! Up The Irons!
60 min
New Music Spotlight: Interview With Barry "Baz"...
The new album from the band Massive Wagons "House of Noise" is on its way this July and their first single "In It Together" has dropped. The high energy band is ready to take the stage but will have to wait like many others due to the coronavirus impacting the globe. I had the opportunity to sit down with their lead singer Barry "Baz" Mills and discuss everything from the new album to the current state of affairs. Please enjoy the conversation!
55 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Mark Sean F...
With a dirty south sound mixed with classic rock influences, Black Heart Saints are a band on the rise. The Misery EP released this past fall, which is a follow up to their full-length album Alive shines a light on their addictive riffs and sleazy grooves. Lead guitarist Mark Sean joins me to discuss the history, influences of the band, and where they are headed once life gets back to the new normal. This band is building a reputation and it's time to take notice. Please enjoy the episode!
42 min
The Ian Thornley Interview
Big Wreck released their 6th album "...but for the sun" last year to glowing reviews. For me personally, it was one of my favorite albums of the year and the music continues to be in my everyday music rotation. I got the chance to chat with Ian Thornley about the album and how the death of guitarist Brian Doherty affected both him and the rest of the band. Ian also shares his thoughts on writing music and what inspired him to pick up a guitar. Please enjoy the conversation!
47 min
Classic Album Rewind: The Number Of The Beast
I first saw the album cover of Iron Maiden's The Number of The Beast by way of a poster while at a family friend's house when I was 8 or 9 years old. I remember feeling scared and excited at the same time. It wasn't until a few months later while at a sleepover I heard the album in its entirety. The album had a huge impact on my life growing up. I had realized at a young age how the imagery of an album connected with me just as the music did. In the first episode of Classic Album Rewind I take a look back at the influence and impact The Number of The Beast had on the hard rock and heavy metal community. Please enjoy the episode!
26 min
The Frank Hannon Interview
Being in one of the most recognizable bands in rock history has not stopped Tesla's Frank Hannon from trying to evolve as an artist. His solo records have become the outlet he needs creatively as well as a way to increase his knowledge of the guitar. Frank and I also talk about what went into developing his last solo effort, his passion for helping new musicians, and how the covid19 stay home order has helped him reconnect with his family. Enjoy the episode!
41 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Brad Marr F...
From Melbourne, Australia the band Massive has been building a solid reputation in different parts of the world over the past 8 years. From their home country to the U.K. Massive is feeding the hunger of fans who crave loud raucous rock 'n' roll. Lead singer Brad Marr visits The Hook Rocks podcast to talk about the history and influences of the band while discussing the challenges of the current Covid19 global lockdown and what the future may look like. Please enjoy the episode!
46 min
The Adventures of A Rock 'n' Roll Journey!
Everyone has their own rock 'n' roll story. We all have similar tales of how we connected to hard rock and heavy metal but no one has the same exact tale. Jaide Alicia grew up after the height of the hard rock and heavy metal popularity. Nevertheless, her journey began with Kiss and as a result she has toured with bands across the country, helped them with selling merchandise, and has pushed herself to fulfill her goal of a metal music journalist. She certainly has a story to tell. Enjoy the episode!
58 min
Who Were The Biggest Bands of The '80s?
Who were the biggest bands of the '80s? Several bands throughout this decade held the throne at one time or another. They were larger than life and influenced music for generations that followed. Mojo Moomey and I give our own top ten and opinions on why the bands we selected deserve to be on the list. Not only was this a fun discussion but it allowed us to take a trip down memory lane. Please enjoy the episode!
104 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Shane Green...
With their new album "Point of No Return" released earlier this being one of my favorites of 2020, it was a pleasure to have a conversation with the lead vocalist of Those Damn Crows, Shane Greenhall. We discuss everything from his influences, the band history and recording process, as well as where he finds the inspiration for his lyrics. The album is one you should have and this episode is one you should listen to! Enjoy!
41 min
The Michael Des Barres Interview
Michael Des Barres is a rock 'n' roll legend. Starting his journey with music and acting in the 60's Michael has a unique and timely perspective. The conversation covers a lot of ground, from our current situation under lockdown to his music career to his views on life, there is so much to learn from his point of view. I found his candor and honesty refreshing, even if you disagree I'm sure you will find the interview interesting. Please enjoy the episode!
43 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Brian Tichy...
Silverthorne features drummer Brian Tichy, vocalist/guitarist Pete Shoulder, and Daniel Spree on bass. The band's debut EP "Tear The Sky Wide Open" features a modern sound with bluesy soulful influences and in my opinion, it is one of the best rock records in 2020. I had the pleasure of speaking with Brian Tichy about Silverthorne as well as other projects he has in the works. Please enjoy the episode!
50 min
What are the Top 5 Rock Albums So Far This Year!
The first three months of 2020 are in the rearview mirror and several great rock albums have been released. Chris Corradetti and I break down our favorites of the year so far. Debut releases and rock 'n' roll veterans have all shined with captivating new music. Which ones have you listened to? Which ones will make our lists! Please enjoy the episode.
63 min
Raised On Rock By The Record Store
Every rock 'n' roll fan has the memory of the local record store. It is where we discovered music, it is where we developed friendships, and it's where we would sit for hours digesting the album covers of our favorite bands. The record store helped raise us on rock music. The internet was nonexistent and the information we heard about our favorite music, came from the store clerks and the magazines sold at the record store. Growin Up Rock co-host Steven Michael joins me to talk about these wonderful memories. Enjoy The Episode!
64 min
New Music Spotlight- Interview With Paul Martin...
With their third album "Red" released earlier this month, New Zealand's Devilskin continues to release top-notch music. With poignant lyrics and big hooks, the album takes you on a journey from the opening track "Do You See Birds" through the epic "Corrode" & "Endo" and ends with "Everybody's High But Me". This is an album every rock fan must own. I had the pleasure of talking with Bass player Paul Martin about the writing and recording process as well as what life is like right now with everything stuck in idle because of Covid-19. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I had having it!
41 min
What Happened To The Rock Star?
The days of the larger than life rock stars are gone. The swagger and the attitude that once graced the stages of stadiums and concert halls are now replaced with toeing the line and fear of the boycott. No one wants to say the wrong thing and alienate half of their audience. Rock 'n' Roll has always been about the middle finger and not caring what people think. How do we get back to those days? Sharise Brown and I discuss this topic and how it relates to the outlaw image the youth of America will always embrace. Please enjoy the episode!
65 min
The Impact of Mental Health Issues in The Music...
In 2017- 2018 MIRA (The Music Industry Research Association)along with the Princeton University Survey Research Center partnered with Music Cares and surveyed over 1200 musicians regarding the challenges musicians face. The study conducted revealed an overwhelming response to mental health and substance issues along with other challenges people face in the music industry. Kristi Enigl and I discuss the findings and how it relates to the current world situation we are all facing. Please enjoy the episode.
62 min