The Hook Rocks!

The Hooks Rocks Podcast is the place to be for talking rock music. In depth discussions on the state of rock music, new music spotlights featuring new up and coming artists, and much more. Get hooked on The Hooks Rocks…The Ultimate Rock Community podcast! Now Part of Pantheon Podcasts!

Music Commentary
Music Interviews
Save Our Stages
2020 is the year we would all like to forget. The things we know and love like sporting events, vacations, and concerts have been postponed or canceled in the wake of the Covid19 pandemic. For live music lovers, small clubs and theatres are or on the verge of closing because of the loss of revenue. The impact this has on the communities surrounding these venues is devastating. Jordan Grobe from the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA), the group behind the Save our Stages campaign sits down with Jay Scott to discuss the current bill in congress, seeking aide for these venues and what the outlook is for live music if it's not approved. Please enjoy the episode!
42 min
The Return of Joey Cassata
We welcome back one of our favorite guests Joey Cassata to discuss his latest book "Wrestling With Joeylicious". A Rocky meets Porky's adventure about an amateur wrestler pursuing his dream while his imaginary Pro Wrestling friends guide his journey. Many of you know Joey from the band ZO2, the television show Z Rock and his first book, the autobiography "Start With a Dream". You don't need to be a wrestling fan to enjoy this story and the fun conversation he and I had about the book and our similar childhoods.
50 min
New Music Spotlight: Interview With Theo Van De...
The new rock 'n' roll scene is truly global. Bands from all over the planet have the ability to connect with audiences in different countries via social media and streaming platforms. There is no better example of this than the Brazilian band Ego Kill Talent. I had the pleasure of speaking with guitarist Theo Van Der Loo about the band's history as well as the impact Covid19 has had on them. I am excited to hear what's next for this great new band. Please enjoy the episode!
47 min
Streaming Services Don't Use Vaseline
Streaming music is now the norm. The convenience and accessibility for music fans have left the old ways of how we absorb music in the dust. However, what's great for these companies who provide these platforms and their bottom line has created a vaccuum for the artists we love. The compensation given to these bands and artist on average is less than minimum wage and if your new to the scene it's even tougher. We welcome Kristi Enigl back to the show as we discuss how streaming companies have changed the reality for musicians and what new bands and mid-level artists can do to counteract the greed and arrogance of these platforms. Please enjoy the episode.
77 min
The Michael Sweet Interview
Released last Friday "Even The Devil Believes" is the latest from the hard rock band Stryper. The album, which was recorded earlier this year prior to the Covid19 pandemic offers Stryper fans great songs and a powerful message. I chat with lead singer/guitarist Michael Sweet on the recording process and the impact Perry Richardson had had on the band. We then turned our discussion to the current partisan climate in our country, why we've become so divided, and how we need to pull together in order to put the pandemic in our rearview mirror. Please enjoy the episode.
40 min
New Music Spotlight: Interview With Blake Allar...
One of the most interesting and exciting bands to come out over the past few years is Joyous Wolf. Armed with incredible songs, great musicianship, and defining stage presence the band is looking to take advantage of the forced downtime, preparing themselves for what's next. Guitarist Blake Allard and I discuss the next steps in Joyous Wolf's future and how excited they are to be part of the new wave of rock. Please enjoy the episode!
48 min
In The Know On New Rock 'n' Roll
The days when a classic rock fan can say "New rock music sucks" are over. With so many great new bands taking the stage over the past few years the problem with rock 'n' roll is the fans, not the bands. The fact is the genre is on the rise and even though the pandemic has paused the momentum, rock 'n' roll is positioning itself to explode once the new normal begins. The question is, are you in the know on new rock 'n' roll? Chris Corradetti and I will feature three new bands on a bi-monthly basis. First up is 1000mods from Greece, Black Smoke Trigger from New Zealand and South of Eden from Columbus. Enjoy our discussion on each band and as I always say "Give The a Listen!"
63 min
The New Generation of Rock 'n' Roll
One of the major factors pushing rock music into irrelevancy is the lack of connection with younger fans. For whatever reason, rock 'n' roll stopped embracing the rock 'n' roll lifestyle of danger and excess while being a soundboard for the outcast teenager filled with angst...but it's coming back. With the success of the Motley Crue biopic "The Dirt" and rising rock scene filled with new incredible bands rock music is on the verge, even though the momentum has paused due to the pandemic. I chat with Sydney Taylor from Metal From The Inside to discuss her passion for rock music and why as a young adult she feels the return of rock 'n' roll is imminent. Enjoy the episode!
59 min
George Lynch Returns
We welcome back Mr. Scary George Lynch back to the podcast to discuss the Lynch Mob 30th Anniversary Re-Imagined Wicked Sensation album along with other topics such as his recent Sturgis appearance, Covid19, and moving on from the name Lynch Mob. There is never enough time when you interview George Lynch because he always gives thoughtful and honest answers, which is why I look forward to our conversations. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Enjoy the episode!
44 min
The New Music Spotlight: Interview with Ehab Om...
One of the most exciting new bands to hit the scene over the past few years is South of Eden. From the college town of Columbus, Ohio the rock influences of Guns'n'Roses, Van Halen, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin are worn on the sleaves of all four members in this band. I had the pleasure of chatting with lead singer Ehab Omran and discussed all things rock 'n' roll including how Covid19 has affected the momentum the new wave of rock music was developing prior to the pandemic. Enjoy the episode!
55 min
The State of Rock 2020 With Marci Wiser from KLOS
Coming into 2020 rock 'n' roll music was starting to gain momentum with hopes of taking the long road back to the mountain of relevancy. There seemed to be an enthusiasm burning right underneath the surface. Now because of Covid19 there is more uncertainty than ever before. Will clubs survive? Will bands survive? My guest Marci Wiser from KLOS 95.5 and I discuss this and the lingering challenges facing rock music. Enjoy the episode!
64 min
Is The Future of The Rock Guitar Hero In Doubt?
The most iconic instrument in music is the guitar and rock n roll's history has been defined by the guitar heroes who have graced the stages with mind-blowing riffs and ear-piercing tones. Over the past few decades, the guitar has slowly moved to the background with less emphasis on the song solo and individual innovation. The next generation of guitar players are here...will the mystique of the guitar be a part of them? Mike Longacre from Mike's Guitar Parlor in Hermosa Beach, CA and I discuss this and more! Enjoy the episode!
68 min
The Donnie Vie Interview
From learning to write songs to the success of Enuff Z Nuff to the depths of Donnie Vie's challenges over the past several years, music has always provided the purpose in his rock n roll journey. Donnie's rebirth began with his latest album Beautiful Things and continues with his latest single "All My Favorite Things". I had the pleasure to speak with Donnie about all that and more during our conversation and anyone who listens will find him engaging and forthcoming about the path he has chosen. He truly is the King of Power Pop! Enjoy The Episode!
60 min
The New Music Spotlight: Interview With Shane S...
If you are a grunge rock fan and enjoyed bands like Soundgarden & Alice In Chains this is a band you should check out. Hailing from Grand Forks, BC in Canada members of BADGUYSWIN decided to start a journey outside of their other band Slagduster. The result is a passionate alternate heavy rock project designed to blow you away sonically. Check out my interview where I find out about the history and creative process of this new band. Enjoy the episode!
40 min
What Are The Top 5 Rock Albums So Far This Year...
The second three months of 2020 are in the books and once again several great rock albums have been released. I welcome back Chris Corradetti and we break down our favorites of the year so far for the months of April through June. Debut releases and music from our favorites are once again spotlighted. Which ones have you listened to? Which ones will make our lists! Please enjoy the episode.
65 min
The Don Crash Interview!
The band H.E.A.T. is building its international audience with incredible music and spectacular live shows. Their latest release H.E.A.T ll is one of my favorites for 2020. The drummer Don Crash stops by for a chat about the impact covid19 has had on their momentum and how it will affect the immediate future. Don also discusses his recent appearance in the all-star Winger video for the song "Better Days Comin" and how he utilized his very own green screen. Check out this great episode!
48 min
The New Music Spotlight: Interview with Vocalis...
One of the great new bands to hit the scene over the past few years is The Amazons from Reading, England. The album "Future Dust" was one of the top rock records of 2019. Vocalist Matt Thomson joins me on The New Music Spotlight and reflects on his influences and how the band draws from their influences to develop new music. Even though the band is young they are always looking to evolve their sound. We can't wait to see what's next for The Amazons. Enjoy the episode!
54 min
New Music Spotlight: Chris Tapp From The Cold S...
One of my favorite musicians in rock 'n' roll makes his second appearance on The Hook Rocks and talks about the new music that is on the way. With the band focused on the new tunes and what the future will be, we discuss what it means to persevere through tough times and challenges. With the country facing an unparalleled set of challenges, Chris has had quite the journey and his perspective is so appreciated. Enjoy the episode!
57 min
The Evolution of Metallica
From the moment Metallica took the stage in the early '80s people took notice. Their debut album Kill'em All grabbed young kids across the country and set them on a journey into the underground phenomenon known as Thrash. Fast forward a few decades later Metallica has evolved both musically and is regarded as a world-wide stadium act. Clint Wells from the 'Metal Up Your Ass' podcast joins me to discuss the evolution of one of the biggest bands ever. Enjoy the episode!
69 min
New Music Spotlight: Interview With James "Degg...
The U.K. continues to produce great new rock bands showcasing a modern sound with elements of classic rock influences from the '70s through the '90s. No band better exhibits this than Gorilla Riot. Their sound merges so many influences from rock and blues to country giving them the most unique sound compared to their contemporaries. I chat with the bass player Deggy and discuss the bands history, his musical journey, and the recording of their incredible debut album Peach. Please enjoy the episode!
46 min
The Eddie Spaghetti Interview
With a new album released in 2020 and a European tour ready to go the Supersuckers were expecting the same cycle they've experienced over the past few decades. Release an album, tour Europe, tour the here, there, and everywhere and write some music while doing it. All was good until Covid19 hit. Lead singer and bass player Eddie Spaghetti joins us to talk about the Supersuckers new album and what lies ahead for the ultimate good-time party band. Remember to support the artists you love! Enjoy the episode!
39 min
Remembering Chris Cornell
On the 3rd anniversary of Chris Cornell's death, Ari Karnezis joins me once again to celebrate his music, his legacy, and discuss the unfortunate litigation between his former band Soundgarden and his widowed wife Vicky. It's still hard to imagine my musical journey without Chris Cornell and his music however, the greatest part about his legacy is his music continues to be celebrated. Please enjoy our discussion!
48 min
Classic Album Rewind: Master Of Puppets
Continuing with our Classic Album Rewind series we focus on the heavy-hitting thrash masterpiece Master of Puppets. I was 11 years old when the album was released and the impact it had on my taste in music was forever changed. This album was a game-changer. Not long after it's release Metallica was struck by tragedy with the death of Cliff Burton while on a promotional tour in Europe. The band eventually carried on and over the next decade but evolved in a way their fans did not foresee. Please enjoy this episode.
25 min
What Will Be The Future of Live Music ?
We know Covid19 is having an impact on communities across the world. How much of an everlasting impact it will have is still unknown but one thing is for certain, the normal we knew will be gone for a long time. When it comes to live music, the impact is already devastating. Bands can't tour, small clubs and mid-level theatres are trying to survive, and fans are wondering if it will ever be safe to attend a concert. Renowned Los Angeles promoter Julian Douglas and I discuss what the future may look like, what may change, and how the live music industry will survive. Please enjoy the episode.
119 min
The Butch Walker American Love Story Album Review
Are we having a conversation? The latest album from Butch Walker "American Love Story" challenges the audience like no other album in his discography does. With the music offering a contrast to the lyrical content of each song, Butch forces you outside your comfort zone while giving you a unique perspective during these unprecedented times. Chris Riccardo and I break it down and offer our own thoughts on this incredible Rock Opera concept album...and yes we are having a conversation! Please enjoy!
62 min