Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Genius Things Every City Should Have
Imagine a city where public toilets are designed to prevent splashing or even where they’re made of see-through glass that turns opaque when you lock the door—how cool is that? Picture a skyscraper with a slide that lets you zip down from the top floor, adding a bit of fun to your daily commute. These genius innovations make city living more convenient, hygienic, and entertaining. They show how a bit of creativity can transform mundane aspects of urban life into something special. Wouldn't it be amazing if every city embraced these clever ideas to enhance our everyday experiences? Credit: Mayo Clinic / YouTube Great Big Story / YouTube On Demand News / YouTube UNDPSerbia / YouTube Walt Disney Animation Studios / YouTube Japan Go! / YouTube 日本財団活動紹介 / YouTube Bike Dreamers / YouTube FRANCE 24 English / YouTube VIRTUAL JAPAN / YouTube Atlas Obscura / YouTube Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts / YouTube Ryan McManus / YouTube Cereal Marshmallows / YouTube Oddity Odysseys / YouTube mohiemen / Reddit Pueblo Pluto / Walt Disney Productions and co-producers Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
7 min
88 Everyday Items With Secret Functions
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
129 min
50 Unusual Tips That Will Save Your Day Every Time
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
183 min
Ancient Mammals Made Dinos Look Like Puppies
Yes, the Age of the Dinosaurs was a time of giant hungry lizards like T-Rex...but everything else was mega sized and just as scary! These massive mammals easily stood up against the dinos! Like the humungous whale Livyatan with teeth the size of your hand! Even the biggest shark ever Megalodon swam away in fear of this thing! Ginormous ancient pigs, rhinos, and even badgers - get ready to go back in time and meet the scariest prehistoric mammals that ever lived! 🦖 #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
9 min
20+ Titanic Facts That Will Separate Fact from ...
If you're fascinated by the Titanic, we've got an amazing video for you. Dive into "20+ Titanic Facts That Will Separate Fact from Fiction" and discover the real stories behind the legendary ship. You'll be surprised by some of the truths we uncover! So grab some popcorn, get comfy, and click play to learn something new about this iconic piece of history. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
181 min
6 Biggest Megalodon Enemies Ever Existed
Megalodon was the biggest shark of the ocean 23 million years ago. It could grow up to 60 ft, and its jaw bite was stronger than a T. Rex’s. So you might think there was nothing that could stop it. But even this massive shark had enemies, and their fights could be lethal. TIMESTAMPS: Cetotherium 1:36 Zygophyseter Varolai 3:08 Aulophyseter 4:31 Brygmophyseter Shigensis 5:27 Rhamphosuchus 6:36 Livyatan Melvillei 8:03 Music: SUMMARY: - Cetotherium was a baleen whale from the Cetotheriidae family. It lived from the mid-Miocene period to the Early Pliocene period and grew up to 15 ft. Fossil records have revealed that Cetotherium would be Megalodon’s top target. - Zygophyseter lived in the late Miocene period, some 11 to 7 million years ago, and it cruised the Mediterranean region. From fossil records, paleontologists have gathered that Zygophyseter grew to be 20 ft long. It had an asymmetrical cranium, which is commonly associated with high-frequency sound production and echolocation. - Aulophyseter was a huge whale, very similar to modern-day sperm whales. Sperm whales are the largest creatures and the largest toothed whales today. Aulophyseter lived in the Miocene period. - Brygmophyseter was a highly dangerous sperm whale. The only known fossil is a nearly complete skeleton that is dated at 14 to 15 million years old. From it, paleontologists gathered that Brygmophyseter was 23 ft long. Theories suggest that it swam in pods as other whales do. - Rhamphosuchus is one of the largest known crocodiles ever to roam Earth. The world wouldn’t even be aware of the existence of Rhamphosuchus if it wasn’t for the discovery of incomplete sets of fossils that are mostly teeth and skulls. Rhamphosuchus is estimated to have been 26 to 36 ft long. - Livyatan and Megalodon were 2 of the most terrifying creatures to roam the oceans, and both lived during the Miocene period. Livyatan was a whale that was 60 ft long and weighed up to 50 tons. Its largest teeth were up to 14” long. #megalodon #livyatan #biggestsharks Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
What If Yellowstone Erupts + Other Unthinkable ...
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
123 min
80+ Sneaky Tricks from Travel Pros
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
127 min
This Lake Looks Calm But Holds Dark Secrets
A limnic eruption, or lake overturn, is a super rare natural disaster where a lake suddenly releases a huge bubble of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) from its depths. This gas cloud can suffocate wildlife, livestock, and even people nearby. It happens when volcanic activity or a landslide disturbs the deep, CO2-rich water, causing it to rapidly rise and release the gas. Recognizing an impending limnic eruption can be tricky, but signs might include unusual lake bubbling, dead fish, or a sudden change in the lake's color. And if you see it, you'd better stay away from it. Preview photo credit: Dan Keck / Flickr Animation is created by Bright Side. Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Edmund Fitzgerald: by Greenmars, Rakshas Tal: by Axel Ebert/, CC BY-SA 4.0 Monoun: by Prosper Mekem, LS-MetOp-B: by Sasha1250, RetbaLakeShore: by Jjm2311, Animation is created by Bright Side. #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
These Inventions Can Save Your Life One Day
Hey, have you heard about some unique inventions that could save your life one day? There's a bed with tremor sensors that detects earthquakes and automatically protects you. Then there's the Life Drone, which can quickly deliver emergency supplies to hard-to-reach places. The SkySaver Backpack lets you rappel down buildings during a fire or other emergencies. And for those who love the ocean, the SharkBanz bracelet repels sharks with magnetic technology, while the Helite Turtle Two Air Vest inflates to protect motorcyclists during accidents. These gadgets are pretty amazing and could make a huge difference in critical situations! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
9 min
Black Holes on a Crash Course - Will Earth Feel...
Have you heard about the upcoming cosmic clash of black holes? It sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but it's actually happening! Two black holes are on a collision course, and when they finally merge, it'll create a massive cosmic event, releasing incredible amounts of energy. You might wonder if Earth will feel any effects from this colossal event, but don't worry—we're completely safe. These black holes are so far away that their collision won't have any impact on us other than giving astronomers something really exciting to study. Credit: Waite Institute: Michael Coghlan -, CC BY-SA 2.0, Alcubierre: AllenMcC, CC BY-SA 3.0, nonokoi / Reddit Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
These Tips Can Save Your Life When You're All A...
#brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
125 min
Stonehenge Is a Kid Compared to These Ancient B...
Did you know Stonehenge is actually a youngster compared to some ancient buildings? For example, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is over 4,500 years old, making it much older than Stonehenge. There's also the Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which dates back around 11,000 years and is considered the world's oldest known temple. Even older is the Cairn of Barnenez in France, a massive stone structure that's about 7,000 years old. It's pretty mind-blowing to think that these ancient structures have been around for so long, standing the test of time even more impressively than Stonehenge! Credit: axnu / Reddit Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Antarctica's Volcanoes Can Make the Earth Uninh...
Have you heard about the volcanoes in Antarctica? Turns out, they could potentially make the Earth uninhabitable! Scientists are discovering that if these volcanoes erupted, they could release massive amounts of ash and gases into the atmosphere. The ice covering them actually makes the eruptions even more explosive. It's pretty wild to think that the frozen continent could hold such dangerous power, right? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
8 min
What If The Moon Hit The Earth And Other Crazy ...
Imagine if the Moon suddenly decided to crash into the Earth—that would be a wild ride! In just 20 minutes, we’d see the Moon getting bigger and bigger in the sky, causing massive tides and chaos before the big impact. Scientists love to explore these "what if" scenarios to understand the extreme forces of nature and the potential outcomes. Alongside that, there are other crazy ideas like what if Earth stopped spinning or what if we lived on Mars instead. These thought experiments help us appreciate the delicate balance of our planet and spark our imagination about the universe's possibilities. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
20 min
10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Existed on E...
Whatever lives in the sea nowadays can't be compared with the huge monsters that dominated the depths millions of years ago. And by “monsters” we mean long-extinct marine reptiles and dinosaurs. Since many people are better acquainted with the land-roaming giants of the past, this video will open your eyes to those that ruled the waters! Did you know, for example, that pliosauruses were real giants, with the largest species weighing more than 30 tons and growing up to 40 feet long? Also, this animal had an incredibly strong bite. In fact, it was four times more powerful than that of the mighty T-rex! TIMESTAMPS: Pliosaurus 1:14 Kronosaurus 2:15 Nothosaurus 3:07 Styxosaurus 4:10 Albertonectes 5:15 Thalassomedon 6:16 Tylosaurus 7:23 Shonisaurus 8:07 Mosasaurus 9:00 Shastasaurus 9:53 #dinosaurs #prehistoricanimals #seacreatures Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - The largest Kronosaurus ever found was 34 feet long from snout to tail and likely weighed about 12 tons. This marine reptile’s teeth weren't really deadly; they were only a few inches long and not all that sharp. - . Some experts state that Nothosauruses could snap their long heads sideways to catch a passing fish, kinda like how a crocodile does. Surprisingly, researchers say that these reptiles shared a lot of similar features with the modern sea lion. - The Styxosaurus belonged to the Plesiosaur family and lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, around 85 to 70 million years ago. Styxosauruses were about 35 feet in length, but over 16 feet of that consisted just of their long snake-like neck! They had a comparatively small body and weighed approximately 4 tons. - The Albertonectes was another representative of the Plesiosaur family, meaning that this marine reptile had a small head on an incredibly long neck and large flipper-like limbs that helped it move through the water. These creatures occupied the seas around North America 76 to 70 million years ago. - Thalassomedon means “sea lord” in ancient Greek, and there's a pretty good reason behind this name. These representatives of the Plesiosaur family were huge creatures that could reach 40 feet in length. That’s about as big as 4-story building! - The Tylosaurus belonged to the Mosasaur family. It dominated the shallow seas of North America about 85 to 80 million years ago. This was an enormous creature, with the biggest representatives reaching 45 feet in length. - The Shonisaurus lived on our planet during the Late Triassic Period, approximately 215 million years ago. The remains of this creature were first discovered in Nevada in 1920, not far from the Shoshone Mountains. This prehistoric reptile resembled a huge chubby dolphin. - The Mosasaurus is a truly gigantic creature that dominated the seas all over the world about 66 million years ago. According to fossil evidence, some specimens could be more than 50 feet in length. This fact makes the Mosasaurus the biggest marine carnivore of its time. - The Shastasaurus is the biggest marine reptile that has ever existed. These creatures lived during the Late Triassic Period about 210 million years ago. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
What Happens When a Black Hole Meets the Sun
Imagine what would happen if a black hole met the Sun! If a black hole got too close to our Sun, it would start pulling material away from it due to its intense gravity. The Sun would stretch and warp, with its gas spiraling into the black hole, creating an incredibly bright and hot accretion disk around it. Over time, the Sun would lose more and more of its mass, eventually being completely consumed. This cosmic encounter would spell the end for our solar system as we know it, but don't worry—it’s not something we need to worry about happening anytime soon! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
If You're a What-If Curious Mind, Click and Div...
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
100 min
Your Body Is Doing Crazy Things Since You Were ...
You won't believe the wild stuff your body has been doing since you were born! For starters, did you know your heart has already beaten over a billion times by the time you hit 30? Your brain is also super busy, generating enough electricity to power a lightbulb and processing more information than all the world’s computers combined. Plus, your bones are constantly renewing themselves, with a new skeleton every 10 years. Our bodies are like a nonstop science experiment! Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
187 min
Astonishing Body Facts That Could Stump a Biolo...
Prepare to be amazed! Discover over 99 astonishing body facts you won't believe are real. These mind-blowing secrets will leave you speechless! Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
182 min
The Biggest Oopsie Ever: These Mistakes Cost MI...
Sure thing! Let me tell you about some seriously costly blunders. Boeing once had a mishap where they accidentally dropped planes into the water during transport, leading to a huge financial loss. Volkswagen faced a disaster when a batch of their cars was left to rot because they weren’t stored properly, costing them millions. Then there’s the story of Google—once upon a time, its founders offered to sell it for a mere $1 million, but the buyer turned it down, missing out on what became one of the biggest companies in the world. These mistakes are a stark reminder of how one wrong move can lead to massive losses. Credit: Revolutionary Road / Dreamworks Pictures and co-producers Accident Man / LINK Entertainment and co-producers Clueless / Paramount Pictures and co-producers Sully / Flashlight Films and co-producers Interstellar / Paramount Pictures and co-producers Mars Climate Orbiter: By NASA/JPL-Caltech, Vacuum Archive / YouTube Jon Loves Cars / YouTube JPDLD / Reddit Fluctus / YouTube Traveling Tom / YouTube Mangoo Green Screen / YouTube BBC News / YouTube What Next? / YouTube CC BY-SA 4.0 Hoover Building: By Ethan Doyle White, Front of the Hoover Building: By Ethan Doyle White, Animation is created by Bright Side. #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
9 min
Odd Natural Phenomena Science Has Finally Expla...
Have you heard about those odd natural phenomena like spinning ice disks and spinning fire whirls? Scientists have finally explained how they happen, and it's fascinating! Spinning ice disks form in slow-moving rivers when a chunk of ice breaks off and starts rotating, creating a perfect circle as it grinds against other ice. Spinning fire whirls pop out during intense wildfires when heat and wind create a vortex, making a swirling column of flames. It's all thanks to a mix of temperature, density differences, and a bit of complex physics—nature's pretty amazing, right? And it has more surprises for you. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Hidden Cartoon Secrets We Were Too Naive to See
When we were kids, we totally missed a bunch of hidden secrets in our favorite cartoons. Creators often sneaked in clever jokes, pop culture references, and sometimes even adult humor that flew right over our heads. Shows like "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Animaniacs" are packed with these hidden gems. Looking back now, it's fun to spot these Easter eggs and realize how much the animators were winking at the adults watching with us. It adds a whole new layer of appreciation for those classic shows we loved! #brightside Preview photo credit: SpongeBob SquarePants / Nickelodeon Animation Studios and co-producers Animation is created by Bright Side. Credit: StashMagazine / YouTube FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras / YouTube The Ren & Stimpy Show / Spümcø and co-producers SpongeBob SquarePants / Nickelodeon Animation Studios and co-producers CatDog / Nickelodeon Animation Studios and co-producers The Simpsons / Gracie Films and co-producers Scooby-Doo / Warner Bros. and co-producers Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island / Hanna-Barbera Productions and co-producers Finding Nemo / Pixar Animation Studios and co-producers Hey Arnold! / Snee-Oosh Productions and co-producers The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run / Paramount Animation and co-producers Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
8 min
The Viking New York You Never Knew Existed
You know how Vikings are often associated with Scandinavia and their epic journeys across the seas? Well, turns out, there's a lesser-known Viking connection right in New York City! Back in the 9th century, Norse explorers are believed to have landed in the area we now call New York, long before Columbus or any other Europeans. Archaeological finds like a Norse coin and a runic stone in the Hudson Valley provide tantalizing clues. So, while we typically think of skyscrapers and subways when we think of New York, it's pretty cool to imagine Vikings roaming those same streets over a thousand years ago! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
Natural Phenomena Only a Chosen Few Witness
Prepare to be amazed and terrified! In this video, we explore natural phenomena that will both scare and mesmerize you. Don't miss out on these incredible wonders of nature! 🌪️🌋 Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
180 min