Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

95 Challenging Riddles to Boost Your Problem-So...
Ready to challenge your brain? These 95 riddles will make you think, rethink, and maybe even groan a little. 🧩 From tricky wordplay to puzzles that seem impossible at first glance, they’re designed to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Some are short and sweet, like "What has to be broken before you can use it?" (Hint: think breakfast), while others will have you scratching your head for a while. Whether you're solving solo or turning it into a family challenge, these riddles are guaranteed to spark some creative thinking. So, grab a notebook, put on your thinking cap, and see how many you can solve—no peeking at the answers! Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Telegram: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
185 min
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
The solar system is vast and full of mystery, and even the people who have explored it don’t know exactly what’s out there. But the sun has never been disputed. Nevertheless, the center of our universe won’t always be there. The timeline for its demise is a long way off, but could anything be done to make it happen sooner? Could pouring a glass of water on the sun extinguish it? TIMESTAMPS: What the sun is composed of 1:07 What will happen with the sun in 5 billion years 2:39 How we could extend our survival by millions of years 4:00 What the huge glass of water would actually do with the sun 4:33 What would be the result 5:34 What would happen if we don’t pour that huge glass of water onto the sun 6:51 Music: SUMMARY: The sun is a star, and it’s the center of our universe. It’s composed of 74.9% hydrogen and 23.8% helium, with the remaining 1.3% belonging to the heavier metals of oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron. Right now, the sun is about halfway through the main sequence of its evolution. Astronomers think that the sun gets about 1% brighter every 100 million years. As the sun burns brighter and gets bigger, it will eventually turn into a red giant. The sun has enough mass and currently produces enough energy to burn for a total of 10 billion years. But after 6 billion years, hydrogen fuel will run out. On Earth, combustion needs fuel, air, and heat to occur. We use water to put fires out because they can’t burn through the coating of water over their fuel. But there’s no air in space, and water can’t stop the thermonuclear reactions that cause the sun to burn. So really we’ve just gathered all that water and brought it to the sun only for it to be burned as well. Our huge glass of water would actually make the sun get hotter and burn 6 times brighter. Pouring our gigantic glass of water onto the sun won’t extinguish it, but it will actually create a whole new sun! How cool is that? This new sun, with an even greater mass than our current one, will produce exponentially more energy for us to live off. If we don’t bring that huge glass of water into outer space and pour it onto the sun, then it will continue its thermonuclear fusion and stay on its projected path of destruction as planned. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
12 Most Surprising Facts About Queen Elizabeth I
You probably remember learning about Queen Elizabeth I in school. She came to power in 1558 and was one of England’s greatest monarchs. We all know about her accomplishments as a ruler, but what about the stuff they don’t teach you in school? Have you ever heard, for example, that she cussed like a sailor? Yes, she was the Good Queen Bess, and yet she didn’t really care what came out of her mouth!
9 min
What Makes Some People More Attractive Than Others
Do you know that it's not only genetics what dictates how attractive you turn out to be? There are other factors that contribute to whether or not you appear “good-looking” to those around you. In fact, there are general features that make some people more attractive than the rest. And here they are.
9 min
7 Reasons Why You Need to Do Planks Every Day
How to do plank correctly? Planks are one of the most effective exercises you can do at home. They don’t take much time and effort, and you don’t have to wait long for tangible results. Several incredible changes will happen to your body if you do this exercise regularly. For instance, it can help give you a mood boost. Watch the video to find out all the benefits of regular planks. TIMESTAMPS Your core muscles strengthen 0:55 The risk of back and spine injury reduces 1:20 Your metabolism accelerates 1:58 Your posture improves 2:23 Your coordination improves 2:45 You become more flexible 3:12 Your mood lifts up 3:37 SUMMARY Planks involve all the major groups of core muscles including transverse and oblique abdominal muscles and the buttocks. If you want to exercise regularly without discomfort, you first should make your muscles strong. Planks are an exercise that allows you to strengthen muscles without unnecessary strain on the spine. Planks are especially useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. A daily 10-minute workout at home before or after work provides a higher level of metabolism throughout the day, even during sleep. Planks strengthen the abdominal, back, neck, shoulder, and chest muscles. As a result, you’ll no longer want to stoop. Planks strengthen the abdominal, back, neck, shoulder, and chest muscles. As a result, you’ll no longer want to stoop. Perform the side plank regularly, and you’ll learn to keep your balance. Working out in this way, you stretch the muscles around the shoulders, scapula, and collarbones. Biceps and hip muscles also develop, and your feet and toes become flexible. The planking exercise affects your nervous system. It stretches and relaxes muscles which are usually stiffened due to stress, creating tension throughout the body. Planks help to get rid of anxiety and symptoms of depression, but only if you make them part of your daily life. Do you perform the plank exercise every day? How does it work for you? Share your experience in the comments below! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
Do You Really Need to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pul...
Wisdom teeth come out between the ages of 12 to 25, and some doctors recommend having them removed. But is it necessary? Do we really need to get our wisdom teeth pulled? In some cases, there is absolutely no need to remove your wisdom teeth. If they don’t interfere with the normal functioning of neighboring teeth, it means that your mouth is big enough to accommodate all four of your wisdom teeth. The same is true if they’re straight and not at an angle to their neighbors, which can create hard-to-reach places for bacteria to grow. If there isn't enough space in the mouth and all adjacent teeth are already snug as it is, the erupting wisdom tooth brings the risk of damaging the nearby teeth. In this case, it’ll cause pain in your whole mouth and problems with chewing! Poor oral hygiene because of stuck food in wisdom teeth that didn’t’ fully come in can cause a large buildup of bacteria, which can lead to even more problems like oral cavity diseases.
6 min
14 Awesome Phone Secrets Few People Know About
How to charge your phone much faster? How to make your phone's battery last more than a day? Here are 14 useful smartphone features that manufacturers forgot to tell you about.
7 min
10+ Easy Exercises to Relieve Tired Eyes
You’re squinting and rubbing, but your tired eyes continue to torture you. And it’s no wonder they’re sore: how many hours a day do we all stare at a screen? This puts almost constant tension on our eyes. Many vision problems arise precisely from the act of overstraining like dry eyes, redness, and blurred vision.
7 min
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
Why are planes slow? Everything else is speeding up: smartphones, the Internet, the pace of life in general! So when are we going to get a superfast passenger jet that can cross continents in the time it takes to watch just one inflight movie versus several?
10 min
The Most Extreme Sleeping Hours Among Animals
Sloths have a reputation they need to maintain, and rumor has it that they sleep 15 to 19 hours a day! That's true about sloths in captivity. But did you know that wild sloths rarely sleep more than 10 hours a day? Being the slowest mammal in the world, the sloth needs a lot of time to find food and eat it.
8 min
9 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar
We are all guilty of adding some sugar here and there to make things taste better, but what might seem like innocent pleasure can actually cause a lot of serious health issues when we put too much sugar in our body. Luckily, our system gives us crystal-clear signs when we’ve crossed that line and should stop doing that immediately to protect ourselves from health problems.
8 min
What Will Happen If You Eat 20 Almonds Every Day?
How to Improve Your Health and Appearance Naturally Scientists have proved that regular consumption of seeds and nuts, including almonds, is incredibly good for your health and appearance. How much of those is enough to stay young and healthy? What will happen if you actually start eating them every day – will it have more benefits or dangers for your health?
10 min
13 Hygiene Things We Learnt to Do Wrong
It’s your personal sanctuary, your private concert stage, the place where all your most ingenious ideas and random thoughts pop into your head, and other things just pop out. It's the bathroom, also known as the restroom, lavatory, and, for you engineers out there, it’s the cubical digestive elimination venue. But do you know that when it comes to what you’re doing in there, you probably make some common sanitation mistakes? For example, you think you're washing your hands correctly? Well, besides the water temperature, the problem is, the average person doesn’t spend enough time washing their hands. Or maybe you wash your face in the shower? Not the best option, too. By the way, where do you keep your towels? Right there in the bathroom? It's better to store them elsewhere (of course, unless you wanna rub fungus all over your body). Other videos you might like: Why Your Dog Always Follows You Into The Bathroom • Why Your Dog Always Follows You Every... You Won't Use Your Phone Again in a Bathroom After Watching This • Stop Using Your Phone Sitting on the ... Are Public Toilets As Dangerous As We Think? • Are Public Toilets As Safe As You Think? TIMESTAMPS: Are you paying attention to your toothbrush? 0:38 When did you buy that loofah? 1:23 Are you washing your hands correctly? 2:02 Do you go overboard with the exfoliation? 2:48 Does your shower curtain fit the tub? 3:33 Do you wash your face in the shower? 4:13 Do you use a towel after a shower? 4:40 Do you flush the right way? 5:16 Is your toilet brush clean enough? 6:12 Do you wear shower shoes? 7:07 Where do you keep your towels? 7:36 You using a medicine cabinet for medicine? 8:15 Are you making the most of your cleaning? 8:54 #hygiene #badhabits #brightside SUMMARY: Your toothbrush is home to more than 10 million bacteria, including E. coli! This nasty germ can cause diarrhea and vomiting. You can’t really get clean in the shower if you’re rubbing germs all over your body. You should throw away your loofah if it’s older than 3 weeks. No difference in washing up with hot or cold water if you scrub, rinse, and dry them properly. In both cases, you’ll remove pretty much the same number of bacteria. Exfoliating your body in the shower is a great way to remove dead skin cells and dirt. But if you do it way too often, it can dry out your skin. If your shower curtain is too long and wide for your tub, it’ll keep bulging and folding in different places. Those places become damp, humid, and confined after each shower. And that’s a perfect environment for mold to grow. Washing your face with freezing cold water can lead to broken blood vessels, causing little thread veins to appear. The best option here is to use lukewarm water and do it over the sink. It’s better to gently pat your skin with a towel post-shower. And if you’re going to use any moisturizer, put it on right away after you’ve stepped out of the shower. If you flush the toilet while the lid is up, then tiny particles from um…whatever you just left in the toilet -- will spray up in the air over a 15-foot radius. The toilet brush should soak in water mixed with bleach for a bit and then be dried fully. The holder needs to be disinfected too. Many people wrongly believe that the dirtiest place in a bathroom is the toilet seat. But in reality, the floor has much more bacteria, especially if you don’t follow that lid-closing tip! You using a medicine cabinet for medicine? The heat and moisture in your bathroom can mess with its chemistry. Not many are aware of the little secret that can make a cleaning sesh even more effective. Raising the air temperature by 10 degrees will be enough to make the alkaline cleansers you use work their magic better and faster. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Superpowers You Had When You Were a Baby
10 Unique Superpowers Kids Are All Born With. Only babies have the following superpowers, and we are sure you will want to have some of them yourself! If you or your close friends or family have babies, you already know how amazing they are. Everything they do, especially when it’s for the first time, is a reason for admiration and celebration. First word? “Let’s get the camera so we can record it!” It gets even better when they learn to crawl, sit and stand and walk! Some people, however, are a bit skeptical about babies’ talents and abilities. How dare they! We have proof that babies have unique and surprising superpowers. More than that, we are sure you will want to have some of them yourself. Sadly, you can’t. TIMESTAMPS Babies don’t cry. 1:08 They feel great underwater. 2:11 They swallow and breathe at the same time. 3:06 If necessary, babies can sneeze continuously. 3:42 They fall asleep easily. 4:41 They have a natural accent. 5:29 Newborns know how to crawl. 6:23 Babies are very flexible. 7:04 Their hairstyle may change drastically. 7:30 A baby can triple its weight and not get fat. 8:40 SUMMARY In the first year of their life, babies are developing rapidly. During this period, the weight of a baby may triple. However, the child’s constitution is not affected in any way because it grows very quickly. From birth to 6-months age babies normally grow 1/2 to 1 inch and gain 5 to 7 ounces a week. So, they often double their weight by the time they are five months old. In between 6 and 12 months of age, babies might grow 3/8 inch a month and gain 3 to 5 ounces a week. So, they normally triple their weight by their first anniversary. Scientists have found out that babies cry with a national accent. Researchers have recorded cries of 60 babies born in German or French families and found they have the same melody as in their native language by the second day of life! They get it in the womb when hearing their mother’s voice. According to scientists, infants are attracted by the smell of milk, which lures them. Some experts believe birth attendants should give Mom and baby at least an hour to bond and feed before they take care of the baby. This will give him a chance to follow the natural instinct and crawl to his mother’s breast and feed as nature has planned it. The skeleton of a baby has about 300 bones. With age, many of them grow and coalesce into a single whole. So, a grown adult has 206 bones. But before the bones are connected, the body of a newborn is extremely flexible. The skeleton of a baby has about 300 bones. With age, many of them grow and coalesce into a single whole. So, a grown adult has 206 bones. But before the bones are connected, the body of a newborn is extremely flexible. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Parenting Tips to Calm Down Any Child In a M...
Tantrums are very common in kids aged 1 to 4. More than half of kids let their frustration out at least once a week, or more often. Why do they do it?
9 min
Don't Squish This Bug If You See It, Here's Why
The Brazilian treehopper is one strange-looking bug with antenna-like spiky balls on its head—but don’t squish it! Scientists believe those odd spikes might help it scare off predators or even detect its surroundings, making it a fascinating creature to study. There are plenty of other bugs you shouldn’t touch either, like assassin bugs, which can carry diseases, or brightly colored caterpillars, some of which can sting with venomous hairs. Even harmless-looking ladybugs can release a stinky liquid when threatened. Bugs often have unique roles in ecosystems, like pollinating plants or controlling pests, so it’s best to leave them be. Instead of squishing, let these little critters go about their weird and wonderful lives! 🐛🕷️ Credit: Southernms / Reddit ricoimf / Reddit CC BY 3.0 model of a Ball-bearing Treehopper: By Anagoria, Naturkundemuseum Berlin bocydium globulare: By Anagoria, CC BY 2.0 Drosera Tentacles: By incidencematrix -, Drosera Tentacles 2: By incidencematrix -, Velella velella: By Tim Buss -, CC BY-SA 3.0 Bocydium globulare: By Giancarlo Dessì, Crinoid on the reef: By Alexander Vasenin, CC BY-SA 4.0 Museu Nacional: By Takemasa nakamura, Barbed wire siphonophore: By Peter Southwood, Eptatretus hexatrema: By Peter Southwood -, Eptatretus hexatrema 2: By Peter Southwood -, Nyctibius grandis: By Allissondias, CC BY-SA 2.0 Globe-bearing Treehopper: By Pavel Kirillov -, Bocydium globulare: By Pavel Kirillov -, Siphonophore: By Bernard DUPONT -, Sixgill Hagfish: By Bernard DUPONT, CC BY-SA 2.5 Hagfish Slime Predator Deterrence: By Vincent Zintzen, Clive D. Roberts, Marti J. Anderson, Andrew L. Stewart, Carl D. Struthers & Euan S. Harvey, Animation is created by Bright Side. #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
40 Awesome Cat Facts to Understand Them Better
Cats have lived with humans for more than 4,000 years but we still don’t know everything about them because they are really mysterious creatures. Did you know that cats can make up to 100 different sounds? Or that they can't taste sweets? Or that some ginger tabby cats have freckles around their mouth and even on their eyelids? And these aren't the only surprising facts about cats you may have missed!
12 min
Test Your Brain with These Visual Puzzles – Can...
Get ready to put your brain to the test with these fun and tricky visual puzzles! The challenge is simple: spot the differences between two nearly identical pictures. At first glance, they might look the same, but there are sneaky changes hiding in plain sight. Maybe it’s a missing stripe on a shirt or a different color flower in the background—no detail is too small. These puzzles are not just fun; they also help sharpen your observation skills and focus. So, grab a friend, take your time, and see who can find all the differences the fastest! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
If Your Own Number Calls You, Don't Pick Up!
Scammers keep coming up with new and more creative schemes to steal your money or valuable data. If you stay updated on the new phone scam schemes you can protect your money and data from scammers. This new scam has the potential to outsmart all other types of fraud. The Better Business Bureau has already called it the most dangerous phone scam out there! So, if your own number calls you, never ever take the call! Typically, the bad guys calling you from your own number introduce themselves as representatives from your mobile provider. They start by informing you that somebody has hacked your account. Then, they ask you to verify a few things. This sounds so trustworthy and people are already freaked out at the thought of their account being hacked that they willingly give up their personal data. First and foremost, don't answer the phone. There's no way that "you" are calling yourself. Authorities also recommend signing up for the National Do Not Call Registry. And if you get unwanted calls, you can report them to the Federal Trade Commission. Music: TIMESTAMPS What’s in it for these criminals? 1:16 What cover story do scammers use? 1:40 How can you avoid becoming victim of this fraud? 3:12 More phone scam schemes 4:16 What can you do to if you're about to become a scam victim? 5:49 SUMMARY -Scammers can read you like a book and use their silver tongue to talk you into giving them information about your phone account and even your social security and credit card numbers. -Criminals claim to be representatives from your mobile provider. They start by informing you that somebody has hacked your account and ask to provide your personal data to save your account. -The Federal Communications Commission advises people to always verify callers claiming to be representatives of government agencies and other organizations. Also, be extremely cautious about the information you give to anyone calling you. -Scams involving your local area code, repeated calls scam, the "Can you hear me?" scam are all pretty popular as well. -Avoid talking to strangers on the phone if possible. Be attentive if you have picked up: listen for pauses after each time you say something, it's most likely a robocall, so hang up. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
The Only Way to Survive a Sinking Ship
Let's say, you're setting off on a long-awaited cruise; you're on cloud nine, and nothing could be further from your mind than paying attention to the safety precautions. But however unwilling you might be to waste precious vacation time on listening to safety instructions, you should remember that chances are, it could save your life. Yes, the odds of being trapped on a sinking ship nowadays are quite low. But there are things you can do to survive if the near-impossible does happen. Hopefully, it’ll never happen to you, but just in case, it's vitally important to know how to react. SUMMARY: Take part in the first-day safety drill 0:51 What you should do first 1:44 Follow the crew's directions 2:42 How you can help others 3:21 Try to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible 3:58 What if you have to jump off the ship 5:50 🚤 Why ships sink 🚤 7:39 #survivaltips #ships #brightside SUMMARY: Try to remember where the lifeboat closest to your cabin is, and figure out how to get there if it's dark or the weather is stormy. Also, read the instructions for how to put on and use your floatation device. Try to stay calm - you have no time for panic. If you're in your cabin, immediately put on your floatation device and take anything else that may help you later. The next step, which might become a life-altering one, is to get to safety. And to do that, you need to follow the crew's directions. Regrettably, studies claim that only 35% of people manage to stay calm in a critical situation. If you're one of those lucky ones, help other passengers to get their bearings. If you see a person standing still in the middle of the turmoil, yell at them - it's an effective way to bring them back to reality. After that, concentrate on your top-priority task, which is to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible. But let's say you look around and see no available lifeboats whatsoever and start to panic! What then? In that case, try to find some floatation device, like a life preserver ring, and throw it into the water. If there's no time left, and you realize you'll have to jump off the ship, always check where you'll land first. Otherwise, you may be hit by some wreckage, a boat, or other people, and end up underwater. The cold shock may pull you underwater even faster than hypothermia sets in. That's why it's vitally important to collect yourself. Surprisingly, every ship sinks in a different way, depending on its center of gravity and size, the shape of its hull, and, of course, the cause of the accident. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Why Ships Are Red Below the Waterline
When’s the last time you looked at a ship? Picture a cruise ship or container ship in the harbor. Did you happen to notice that the bottom of the hull is always painted red? It’s not like you can see that snazzy paint job under the waterline, so what gives? In early times, ships were mostly made of wood. That's why sailors had to cover their hulls (the part that’s sitting in the water) with copper paint to protect the vessel from wood-eating worms, barnacles, and seaweed. It was the copper that added a red tint to the paint. But what about now? Other videos you might like: Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn't Destroy the Ship • Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Di... 13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding From You • 13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding Fr... Why Airplanes Are White • Why Airplanes Are White TIMESTAMPS: The answer's here 0:21 Other fun facts about ships: How many containers fall off the ships and get lost in the sea 2:27 The largest cargo ship 2:46 No communication with the outside world 3:28 The speed of a ship 3:48 How tall are cruise ships? 4:08 A super-long cruise (Hey, count me in!) 5:23 How massive cruise ship anchors are 5:46 Virtual balconies inside the rooms 7:02 How large cruise ships are 8:02 #ships #cruiseship #brightside SUMMARY: Nowadays, you can add special ship-protecting ingredients to any kind or color of paint. But the hulls are still painted red to honor and maintain the old nautical tradition! You also might’ve noticed numbers painted vertically on the side of the hull, usually toward the bow. The red background helps those stand out more. It doesn't matter how well you protect the hull of your ship with special paint – it’ll never help you completely avoid the harmful growth of barnacles and whatnot. You might not realize it, but almost 95% of all the world's cargo is transported by ship. Right at this moment, at least 20 million containers are moving across the world. Within one year, the average container ship travels the same distance as going three-quarters of the way to the moon and back. The largest cargo ship can carry 18,000 containers with a whopping 745 million bananas inside! Maersk has been the biggest container ship operator in the world since 1996. If you stack up just their containers alone, it would equal 7,530 Eiffel Towers. One-third of all ship crews in the world don't have any kind of communication with the outside world when they're out at open sea. Cruise ships often perform rescue operations. So, don't be surprised if the one you're traveling on stops to save a few fishers in desperate need of help. Cruise ship cabins are built separately from the ship because, otherwise, there wouldn't be enough space for their construction. Cruise ship cabin walls are made of metal, and the main reason is fire safety. During a one-week cruise, a large ship uses 1,800 pounds of coffee, 9,000 pounds of lettuce, 45,000 eggs, and 20,000 ice cream cones! Although there are doctors and nurses on cruise ships, if you have a dental emergency, no-one will be able to help you out. Cruise ships consume a lot of fuel. For example, a large vessel needs about 121,000 gallons of fuel for every day it spends at sea. The largest cruise ships have more than 2,000 crew members. On top of that, such vessels are incredibly expensive to build: they may cost more than $1 billion. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000...
What will happen to humankind in 1 billion years? People have always dreamed of sneaking a peek into the future. Let's have a look at the future! Humankind has always dreamed of sneaking a peek into the future. Sci-fi writers of the past, with their rich imaginations, described technologies that we actually have nowadays! So, could it be that everything you see in futuristic movies today will come true in a few centuries? Most likely! But what if we wonder about a more distant future, say, 1 billion years from now? TIMESTAMPS: The Year 10,000 Problem 1:20 What will happen to languages 20,000? 1:56 Another ice age 2:19 When will a new island arise in the Hawaiian Islands? 3:15 When will the air become unbreathable? 3:26 What threat will people face in 1,000,000 years? 4:28 Will a new ocean appear? 5:45 Why will 99% of the plants on Earth die? 7:56 #future #humanfuture #billionyear Music: The composition "Midnight in the Graveyard" belongs to the performer Twin Musicom License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Artist: SUMMARY: Earth will be struck by a gigantic asteroid 3,280 feet in diameter about 500,000 years from now. The crater from this asteroid will be no smaller than 250 miles across. If anybody’s still living on Earth in 1,000,000 years, they’ll have to face a huge threat around this time. A supervolcano will go off, covering an area of 720 cubic miles with expelled magma. As 2 million years pass, the Grand Canyon has slowly been deteriorating, turning into a valley rather than a huge canyon. Actually, the planet looks completely different on the whole. Mars will collide with Phobos, its own moon, 50 million years from today, and this will cause some pretty serious damage to the red planet. Another million years later, our planet will be hit with a lethal burst of radiation. This will be the result of a distant star about 6,500 light years away from Earth dying and exploding into a supernova. Another problem will be the ever-increasing luminosity and power of the Sun. It’ll cause the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to drop down to such levels that photosynthesis won't be possible anymore. 1 billion years from now, the force of the Sun will increase by 10%. The temperature on the surface of the planet will rise to an average of 117°F. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Earth Has a New Continent, But It's Hiding
Watch more videos in our new App: We all have heard of the lost civilization of Atlantis sinking into the waters off the coast of Ancient Greece. The story is supposed to be a myth, but have scientists finally found the lost city? Not sure about that, but they did find a lost continent! How careless do you have to be to misplace an entire continent? We’ll have to ask our planet about that one. Earth lost what was called Greater Adria between 100 and 120 million years ago. So, how did that happen, and where did it go? The only way to describe the process would be kinda like a snake slipping through rocks or going down into a hole. Most snakes don’t leave trails. And scientists might never have found Adria if it weren’t for the snakeskin. I mean, the mountains… Confused? Let's figure out! #brightside TIMESTAMPS: What happened to Greater Adria 0:27 ... and where it's now 2:49 The world's “Eighth Continent” 3:09 Where did all the continents come from? 4:54 Was Adria Atlantis? 6:48 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
9 Tricky Puzzles That Will Totally Blow Your Brain
Once you show children’s puzzles to adults, most of them immediately get a brain freeze. Try to stretch your brain a little and check if you can cope with questions from children’s books! Riddle #9 0:16 Riddle #8 0:45 Riddle #7 1:24 Riddle #6 1:54 Riddle #5 2:22 Riddle #4 2:50 Riddle #3 3:20 Riddle #2 3:54 Riddle #1 4:26 #riddles #puzzles #brainteasers Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
17 Anti-Aging Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow
How to Get Young and Glowing Skin Naturally. How to help your skin look its best using cheap natural remedies? Your skin reflects what you eat, and that's why topical creams and lotions can only do so much for its appearance. Since aging starts from the inside out, it's only logical to start caring for your skin from the inside out as well. Here’s a list of common foods that are good for your skin.
10 min