Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

12 Facts About Famous Logos You Didn’t Know
Around the world, there are some surprisingly peculiar bans that make you scratch your head. In Basel, Switzerland, a ban on a specific type of chair stems from a desire to maintain peace and quiet. The infamous "noisy chair," known for producing disruptive creaking sounds, faced the ire of the city authorities. Singapore has a ban on chewing gum to maintain cleanliness. Bhutan prohibits the sale of tobacco, and Iran bans certain hairstyles, including mullets, to preserve traditional values. It's a quirky world out there with an assortment of unexpected prohibitions.
7 min
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. ☃️ It’s the coldest location ever discovered, with an average temperature of -58ºF and an occasional drop to as low as -128.5ºF. ❄️ In addition, this continent remains the least explored. Antarctica has no time zones, no countries, and only 2 ATMs. We're gonna tell you about 10 mysterious and bizarre findings that have been discovered in the ice of Antarctica.
10 min
Check Out These 10 Funky Body Facts!
Have you ever tried pinching your own elbow? No matter how hard you do it, you won't feel any pain. This has to do with the fact that different areas of your skin have different nerve endings, and thick skin, like that on elbows, has fewer pain detectors. And did you know that when you blush, your stomach lining also turns red? Or that you have at least one superpower: you can glow in the dark!
8 min
A Tiny Tree Was Growing In His Body!
Sometimes reality is so weird it's hard to believe it can actually be true. A 28-year-old patient showed up at the hospital with distressing symptoms. The patient just had a mass in his lungs that they needed to remove as soon as possible. Not only was the whole operation more difficult than they’d initially expected, but the mass they removed from the patient had an unusual shape. When the probe was sent for further investigation, the doctors were puzzled: it was a small fir tree!
8 min
Explore Your Personality With This Optical Illu...
The brain’s 2 hemispheres — left and right — function differently, and the way you think depends on which of the sides is dominant. And there are numerous tests that can determine your thought process and personality traits. For example, tests based on misleading optical illusions are extremely popular nowadays. It's very important to pay attention to the first image you saw because you'll definitely see other images after a while.
9 min
What if the Pompeii Volcano Erupted Today?
Do you remember the story of Vesuvius, the super volcano that erased the city of Pompeii? Don't start packing your bags just yet, but it may wake up again and destroy many other towns built near the mountain. To understand what consequences humanity would face if it awakens this time, let's find out what the eruption did two thousand years ago with the ancient city. Let's learn some simple life-saving tips you need to know to survive when it happens again.
9 min
Earth Has More than One Moon - But Not for Long!
While it may sound like science fiction, Earth indeed has more than one moon, although temporary ones. These mini-moons are usually small asteroids or space debris caught by Earth's gravitational pull. Their stay is brief as they eventually escape back into space or collide with our planet. Astronomers are working on techniques to detect and study these temporary companions to learn more about our celestial dance with passing objects. And that's just one cool fact about the Earth's natural satellite.
19 min
Your True Identity is Hidden in Your Day of Bir...
Embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery with our latest online personality quiz! Share your birth date, and let's uncover the hidden traits that make you unique. This quiz analyzes your birth date, month, and time to reveal fascinating insights into your personality. Explore the distinct traits associated with each day of the month and find out what makes you, YOU! Join us in this revealing exploration of your inner self today. #personalitytest #brightside
19 min
Something Strange Is Happening on Saturn, Scien...
Saturn is throwing a cosmic curveball, and scientists are scratching their heads in bewilderment. Scientists have detected unusual atmospheric phenomena and peculiar shifts in the planet's iconic rings, leaving them with more questions than answers. It's like Saturn decided to host its very own cosmic magic show, dazzling us with perplexing illusions. The Cassini spacecraft has been our eyes and ears, capturing strange and unexpected behaviors that have scientists huddled in cosmic contemplation. So, if you're into interplanetary enigmas, Saturn is currently the hottest ticket in the solar system!
9 min
34 Mind-blowing Facts About the World
If you want to become one of those people who always have some amazing random fact to share and impress everyone else, this collection of facts about the world is for you. Just 20% of laughter is caused by jokes and funny situations. Humans are just one of the world's 8.7 million estimated species. An apple is almost 20% air: that's why it floats when placed in the water. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and lost its planetary status in 2006. How many of these facts did you know?
9 min
This City is Colder Than Mars and Antarctica
Our planet sure is full of mysterious, unbelievable places, and some of them look like they came straight out of a sci-fi movie. The coldest place on Earth where people live in is Winnipeg in Canada, which once got as cold as the uninhabited planet of Mars. That meant that exposed skin could freeze in less than five minutes. In Senegal, Africa, lies a unique Lake Retba, or Lac Rose, as known by locals, which has become internationally famous for shining in its vivid pink color. Let's look at these and other unique places around the world.
9 min
Why Sailors Starved Rather Than Eat Fish
No matter how hungry they got during their long voyages, sailors would never eat fish. During the exploration era, Antonio Pigafetta mentioned in his logbook that his ship's crew caught an unbelievable amount of fish, but they didn't eat any of them. Of course, sailors thought that only poisonous fish were dangerous. But even a well-cooked tuna could be poisonous, and they had to learn it the hard way. What other interesting rules did the sailors of the past have?
8 min
40+ Cooking Tricks to Become a Really Good Cook
From time to time, we all face different insignificant issues while cooking. Overcooked chicken, lumpy sauce, or a piece of beef that you forgot to take out of the freezer to defrost for dinner can easily spoil your mood. And if the question "What’s for dinner tonight?" makes you feel a little uneasy -- because you don't consider yourself the best cook in the world, turn off those competitive cooking shows – and tune in here! You're about to find out how to make crispy fries even crispier, peel tomatoes effortlessly, whip cream with no blender, and many other useful tricks! Here are some really cool cooking tricks. Having them under your sleeve will make cooking easy-peasy for you, help you to save time and avoid many problems while cooking!
10 min
What Can $1 Buy You In Different Countries?
Tired of only being able to spend your buck on the dollar menu? Then head to other countries to stretch that dollar at little more! You'll be surprised what one dollar can buy you in different countries around the world! A carton of eggs in Malaysia, a relaxing spa experience in the Philippines, and even an entire house in Italy!
8 min
Tell Me Your Favorite Coffee Drink, I'll Know Y...
If you're a coffee fan, you probably can't imagine your life without your favorite drink. But it's more than just an energizing start of the day as your favorite coffee can tell a lot about your personality. If you’re into the classy cappuccino foam, you’re probably a very creative, open, and motivated person. If you prefer your coffee black with no sugar, you’re probably a very patient, straightforward, and conservative person. Ristretto lovers tend to have unique and self-aware personalities.
10 min
25 Money Saving Tricks Nobody Tells You When Yo...
There are plenty of outdated money saving tricks, and it's high time you heard what techniques and habits really work for rich people!
8 min
Ultimate survival hacks that could save your da...
Discover the ultimate survival hacks that could save the day in extreme situations!
19 min
What if the Earth stopped spinning?
But what if the Earth stopped spinning? Imagine that our planet's rotation stops one day and tomorrow never comes.
7 min
How to fall asleep faster and sleep better
As the winter chill sets in, here are some cozy tips for a sound sleep. First up, embrace the warmth with comfy, layered bedding – think flannel sheets and a cozy duvet. Keep your room cool but not freezing, and consider a warm, soothing cup of caffeine-free tea before bedtime. Banish electronic devices from the bedroom to create a serene environment, and opt for dim, relaxing lighting instead. Finally, stick to a consistent sleep schedule to help your body adjust to those longer winter nights. Sweet dreams!
18 min
Sneaky Ways You're Being Tricked Into Buying Fa...
The next time you open the fridge, watch out for some common fakes. They often fake Parmesan cheese by blending cheaper cheeses with additives, diluting the authentic flavor. In the vanilla world, synthetic vanillin is often passed off as pure vanilla extract, lacking the complex notes of the real deal. Maple syrup fraud involves substituting corn syrup or flavored water for the genuine, rich sap extract. Cinnamon scams often involve cheaper varieties like Cassia being labeled as true Ceylon cinnamon, which has a milder, more delicate taste. So, it's crucial to be a savvy shopper to ensure you're getting the real deal with these commonly counterfeited foods!
9 min
Mind-blowing facts about our planet
Prepare to have your mind blown by 15 unbelievable facts about Earth! From mysterious underground rivers to floating islands, our planet never ceases to amaze. Dive into these mind-boggling revelations today!
9 min
50 incredible facts about the world
Discover fascinating tidbits about our incredible world with my article on 50+ facts that I personally verified for accuracy. From natural wonders to historical events, you won't want to miss out on this educational opportunity!
21 min
The greatest scientific discoveries of the year!
Curious about the groundbreaking scientific discoveries that shaped 2021? From the discovery of a new planet to revolutionary advancements in renewable energy, this year has been nothing short of extraordinary.
21 min
Flying is one of the safest modes of transporta...
Did you know that modern airplane design and technology make them incredibly stable even during rough weather conditions? Gain more knowledge about plane facts to boost your confidence in the skies!
16 min
Ancient civilizations found innovative ways to ...
Imagine braving the scorching desert and still enjoying a refreshing ice-cold beverage. Ancient people were no strangers to this luxury! Uncover the secrets behind the ingenious methods they employed to make ice a reality in the most unexpected places.
9 min