The Western Hunting Hub Podcast

Bugling bull elk coming into your calls, rutting mule deer chasing does and belly crawling through cactus to put the sneak on a pronghorn is what western hunting is all about. The work and preparation that goes into a successful western hunt can be endless. Gathering and maintaining hunting gear, learning how to use a elk call or keeping up with hunting hot topics can keep anyone hunter busy throughout the year. My show The Western Hunting Hub Podcast is the hub for hunters that aspire to hunt in the west or hunt a western state every year. Here I dive into gear, hunting tactics and listen to those that are knowledgeable about hunting strategies and have great stories to tell. To continue your pathway to be the best hunter you can be, tune into The Western Hunting Hub Podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Also follow me on Facebook @thewesternhuntinghub and on Instagram @westernhuntinghub

Episode 11 - OnX
In this episode, I announce to merger between CO Hunting Hub and I Hunt Colorado.  This comes with a great interview with Dylan from OnX and the start to a monthly giveaway. OnX giveaway
43 min
Episode 10 - Shed Hunting Live...ish
In this episode you will follow me around the woods of Unit......a trophy unit with big bulls everywhere and we are looking for sheds.  We recorded this in the field and shows the rollercoaster of emotions that a hunter goes through in just about any hun...
25 min
Episode 9 - Shed Hunting Preparation in Colorado
Clint shares his preparation and excitement for CO shed hunting season.  We talk about why to shed hunt, what to do with them, gear to bring along and some shed hunting strategies. OnX giveaway
36 min
Episode 8 - Colorado Trapping Ban
No Colorado isn't banning all trapping....yet but there are 2 citizens petitions out there to do just that.  Even if you are not a Colorado trapper, this will impact you.  It is a sportsmans issue, not just a trapping issue! North American Model of Wildl...
36 min
Episode 7 - The one and only Coronavirus episode
The one and only Coronavirus episode and The Great American Outdoors Act. OnX giveaway Instagram @co_hunting_hub Facebook @Colorado Hunting Hub Facebook @I Hunt Colorado Email: clin...
12 min
Episode 6 - Fall preparation in the Spring
In this episode we talk about what we are doing now to better our success in the fall.  Shed hunting, Turkey hunting and gear organization. OnX giveaway Instagram @co_hunting_hub Fa...
31 min
Episode 5 - Hunting from the non-hunter point o...
Our first guest!  We brought in Meredith to share her story on hunting.  She is a non-hunter, part-time vegetarian and has something we all can learn from.  As hunters we get stuck in our echo chambers and from time to time, it's good to hear feedback fr...
44 min
Episode 4 - Hunt Planner Series - Colorado Tag ...
In this episode we wrap up the hunt planner series with how to do some basic tag research.  The tools, the worksheet and other resources that guide you through what I do.   OnX giveaway
24 min
Episode 3 - Hunt Planner Series - Rules, Rules,...
In this episode we continue our Colorado Hunt plan series with a not so exciting topic of regulations.  We do a complete big game brochure run down.  Don't worry, just keep listening and following along.  We have some good stuff coming your way. Disclaim...
47 min
Episode 2 - Hunt Planner Series - Set your goals
In this episode I share my hunt planner resource.  We cover what you first need to get started.  Here is the link to the document to get you started on planning your hunt. Enjoy Hunt Planner -
22 min
Episode 1 - Colorado Hunting Hubs new podcast
This episode introduces my new podcast and what will be included in the coming season.  We start with who I am, what are some ways to get tags in Colorado this year post primary draw and what my season will look like this year.  Stay tuned for a complete...
24 min