The Western Hunting Hub Podcast

Bugling bull elk coming into your calls, rutting mule deer chasing does and belly crawling through cactus to put the sneak on a pronghorn is what western hunting is all about. The work and preparation that goes into a successful western hunt can be endless. Gathering and maintaining hunting gear, learning how to use a elk call or keeping up with hunting hot topics can keep anyone hunter busy throughout the year. My show The Western Hunting Hub Podcast is the hub for hunters that aspire to hunt in the west or hunt a western state every year. Here I dive into gear, hunting tactics and listen to those that are knowledgeable about hunting strategies and have great stories to tell. To continue your pathway to be the best hunter you can be, tune into The Western Hunting Hub Podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Also follow me on Facebook @thewesternhuntinghub and on Instagram @westernhuntinghub

Episode 36 - OnX Hunt App walkthrough
Dylan from OnX gives us a complete walkthrough of the OnX app.  Even after using the app for 7 years, I learned a bunch of new things. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt giveway -
63 min
Episode 35 - Colorado Bear Hunting
BAR HUNTING!!!!! OnX Hunt giveway -   Instagram @co_hunting_hub Facebook @Colorado Hunting Hub Facebook @I Hunt Colorado Email:
60 min
Episode 34 - Year Round Hunter
This is the last episode of a 4 episode series on some fall archery elk preparation. Sorry, no giveaways going on right now. Contact Info: Instagram @co_hunting_hub Facebook @Colorado Hunting Hub Facebook @I Hunt Colorado Email: clint.a.whitley@gmail....
27 min
Episode 33 - Gear for a Colorado Archery Hunt
Gear List - Here's my gear list for almost all of my hunts Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt -
65 min
Episode 32 - Archery Season Shooting Preparation
Episode 2 of the fall preparation series.  This one is all about how to prepare your weaponry skills for the hunt.  You can overnight gear to your house but you cannot overnight the skills to you get from shooting. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook ...
29 min
Episode 31 - Physical Fitness Season Preparation
This is the 1st of 4 episodes going through some fall season preparation.  This is relevant whether you are hunting deer, elk, moose or something else. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt -
20 min
Episode 30 - Fly Fishing the Colorado
I floated the Colorado and had a blast!  Here's all the things I learned. Ivan Perrin 970-948-1443 Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Gi...
23 min
Episode 29 - Colorado's NE Region with CPW
This is episode 4 with CPW focusing on the NE region Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Giveaway
52 min
Episode 28 - Colorado's SE Region with CPW
This is episode 3 with CPW focusing on the SE region Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Giveaway
55 min
Episode 27 - Colorado's SW Region with CPW
This is episode 2 with CPW focusing on the SW region Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Giveaway
53 min
Episode 26 - Colorado's NW Region with CPW
This is the first of 4 episodes with a Colorado Parks and Wildlife regional representative.   Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Giveaway    https://king...
76 min
Episode 25 - 3D Archery Shoots
On this listener requested episode, we discuss what you all need to prepare for a 3D shoot. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - Vortex Giveaway    https://kingsu...
31 min
Episode 24 - Playing the Point Game? Don't Wast...
More like, be prepared to enter the draw so that you don't waste your time or money.  Here is the spreadsheet of statistics that I compiled. Supported by...
20 min
Episode 24 - Colorado Mountain Goat
I've been talking about my goat hunt last year but only told pieces.  Here is the entire story.  Enjoy. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt - OnX giveaway Vortex Giveaway
35 min
Episode 22 - Arrow Choice with Victory Archery
We chat with Devin from Victory Archery and chat about arrow choice.   Supported by: OnX Hunt - OnX giveaway Vortex Giveaway EXO mountain gear -
46 min
Episode 21 - Tags are drawn = time to prep with...
In the first moments of finding out draw success we think about bow and rifle upgrades.  What about our health and preparing physically.  In this episode we chat with Kevin form Wilderness Athlete to learn about what we can do to go further in the back c...
63 min
Episode 20 - A backpack for any type of hunting...
We chat with Mark from EXO Mountain Gear about pack selection.  This small american made pack company truly cares about its customers and will help you determine the best fit for you.   Thanks to EXO, you could get your hands on one of these packs for FR...
61 min
Episode 19 - Where Traditions Start
We speak with Pat from South Dakota Game Fish and Parks and talk a little bit about how we pass on our hunting heritage. Supported by: Rocky mountain realtors, TJ Guccini 970-618-8781 OnX Hunt - OnX giveaway My Antler Selling EXO mountain gear I Hunt Col...
74 min
Episode 18 - Great American Outdoors Act
Great American Outdoors Act Supported by: Rocky mountain realtors, TJ Guccini 970-618-8781 OnX Hunt - OnX giveaway My Antler Selling EXO mountain gear I Hunt Colorado Contact Info: Instagram @co_hunting_hub Facebook @Colorado Hunting Hub Facebook @I Hunt...
11 min
Episode 17 - Midwest Boy Hunts CO
This interview with my buddy Derek is the real story of how most hunts go.  According to the harvest success rates not many come home with animal but enjoying the outdoors success rates are much higher.  OnX giveaway -
53 min
Episode 16 - North American Model of Wildlife C...
In this episode we define the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.  This is a much needed topic to understand as hunters in this country.   OnX giveaway Instagram @co_hunt...
13 min
Episode 15 - Secondary Draw and a great convers...
We have a great conversation with Travis Duncan from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.  We learn about the new process for leftover tags and the secondary draw.  We talk a little bit about getting kids outdoors and youth hunting as well.  Enjoy. OnX giveaway ...
45 min
Episode 14 - Listeners Update
This quick episode is a short update on what's all happening happening. OnX giveaway Instagram @co_hunting_hub Facebook @Colorado Hunting Hub Facebook @I Hunt Colorado Email: clint....
16 min
Episode 13 - Fly fishing and Turkey Hunting Sto...
Ivan, a professional fly fishing guide comes on the show to give us a few tips on fly fishing and shares his first turkey hunting story.  He also is working on a new fly fishing product line.  Check out this link to see those products.  www.smartflyfish....
35 min
Episode 12 - Shed Hunting with CPW
We interview Lyle from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.  He is the area wildlife manager in Hot Sulphur Springs, CO.  He was apart of the original team that established the shed hunting in Colorado.  He shares the what, why and how of shed hunting and is wha...
50 min