The Western Hunting Hub Podcast

Bugling bull elk coming into your calls, rutting mule deer chasing does and belly crawling through cactus to put the sneak on a pronghorn is what western hunting is all about. The work and preparation that goes into a successful western hunt can be endless. Gathering and maintaining hunting gear, learning how to use a elk call or keeping up with hunting hot topics can keep anyone hunter busy throughout the year. My show The Western Hunting Hub Podcast is the hub for hunters that aspire to hunt in the west or hunt a western state every year. Here I dive into gear, hunting tactics and listen to those that are knowledgeable about hunting strategies and have great stories to tell. To continue your pathway to be the best hunter you can be, tune into The Western Hunting Hub Podcast wherever you get your podcasts. Also follow me on Facebook @thewesternhuntinghub and on Instagram @westernhuntinghub

Episode 61 - A Hunt of a Lifetime
Join Draya as she talks with Dylan Berning about his first solo archery hunt in the high country of Colorado.  Tune in to hear a story of motivation, suffering and persistence as Dylan nearly escapes death high in the mountains. Intro Gear list   Support...
59 min
Episode 60 - Arizona Over the Counter
Join Clint as he chats with Ryan Smith from Arizona.  Ryan was one of the first listeners to the podcasts.  Podcasting is a lot of work but one of the best things about it is connecting with dudes like Ryan.  We chat about the opportunities for OTC in Ar...
50 min
The Western Hunting Hub Podcast
A name change, a new luck and an all new and improved information.  Ride along with Draya and Clint as we cover western hunting.  I hope you enjoy the changes and big interviews to come. Email: Insta: @what’s_your_wild Blog: agp...
41 min
Episode 58 - Hunting Mountain Whitetail
Follow along with what I learned during my South Dakota Black Hills Archery hunt. Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado Branded bills coupon code “huntinghub20” Wilderness Athlete 25% off coupon code “huntinghub”  Big Agn...
20 min
Episode 57 - Hunting Deer on the Prairie
I speak with Bruce Hutcheon from the former Whitetail Rendezvous podcast.  Bruce gives us some tips to approaching those prairie deer in Eastern Colorado. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
42 min
Episode 56 - Displaying your harvest
We chat with Marissa Taccia about how we can display our harvest in a unique way when we aren't doing a full taxidermy mount. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
35 min
Episode 55 - Nasty Packouts with Jason Arthur
I interview my dear friend Jason Arthur.  Train to Hunt Colorado Regional Champion, man of God, Hunter, Father and a great friend.  Enjoy Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
62 min
Episode 54 - Colorado Fires a HOT Topic
Fires in Colorado have just fueled the happenings of 2020.  We breakdown those issues with Colorado Parks and Wildlife representative Randy Hampton. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
42 min
Episode 53 - Representative Perry Will from Dis...
It's voting season and I can't think of anyone in NW Colorado who has made a bigger impact on the wildlife in this area then Perry Will.  Here is an excellent interview with him. Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - https://kingsumo...
45 min
Episode 52 - Elk Tactics with Andraya
In this episode, I am introducing my new podcasting partner.  Andraya Grangroth.  She is a Guide, photographer and blogger that will strengthen what Colorado Hunting Hub has to offer.  Welcome to the team. Gear list Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorad...
58 min
Episode 51-The Aches and Pains of Hunting
In this first in-person episode, I interview Sara Slifko of about a strengthening program that may not be thought of a hunter type of workout but could get us to that 80 year old hunter mark. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I ...
41 min
Episode 50 - Wolves in Colorado
I interview Paul Navarre with to enlighten us on the dreaded wolf topic.  Enjoy! Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills  ht...
71 min
Episode 49 - Colorado Antelope Part 2
2020 Antelope Season is in the books.  Here is a few tactics I used to be successful. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills  https://www.b...
31 min
Episode 48 - Colorado Antelope
This episode is all about my preparation and tactics I plan to ensue on my impromptu antelope hunt in eastern Colorado. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
20 min
Episode 47 - Elk Season 2020
Elk season 2020, lessons learned and some stories. Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills coupon code “hunti...
39 min
Episode 46 - Fine Tuning
  Gear list   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills coupon code “huntinghub20” Wilderness Athlete 25% off coupon code “...
31 min
Episode 45 - Not Cool Man
Hunter etiquette is the topic of the day, just in time for us all to hit the field.  Remember to be kind to each other and show respect to each hunter you run into.   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
33 min
Episode 44 - Hunting Other States
Non-Residents ruin everything....Just Kidding.  Give it a listen Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills coupon code “hun...
38 min
Episode 43 - Preseason Chat with Officer Scott ...
Archery season is just around the corner and there's still a lot to do and know.  We cover just a couple of those items with Officer Scott Hoyer, a Division Wildlife Manager from CPW.   Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - https://k...
44 min
Episode 42 - Shooting Straight
I interview Rick B from CPW about how not being prepared with your rifle or bow can contribute to the ever staggering wounding loss numbers. Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway -
62 min
Episode 41 - Taxidermist Animal Preparation
This episode is with the winner of the EXO Mountain Gear pack and he just so happens to be a taxidermist.  He gives us the do's and don'ts of preparing our animal in the field for a taxidermist. Supported by: Facebook @I Hun...
63 min
Episode 40 - Sharing The Outdoors
I share my ideas on getting folks in the outdoors and what it takes to do that. Supported by: Facebook @I Hunt Colorado OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills
37 min
Episode 39 - July 2020 CPW Update
In this episode we get an update with Randy from CPW on their Covid response and the upcoming season OnX Hunt giveway - Branded bills coupon code “hun...
56 min
Episode 38 - Camping Gear for the Hunter with B...
I chat with Bill from Big Agnes to learn about camping gear systems that will work for multiple hunting seasons   Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt giveway - Bran...
50 min
Episode 37 - Setting Trail Cameras
Follow along with me in the field setting trail cameras.  I share a few of the tips, i've picked up to help be more successful. Supported by: I Hunt Colorado Facebook Page OnX Hunt giveway -
23 min