The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, ...

In this episode of the "Secret to Success" podcast, CJ hosts an engaging conversation featuring co-host Karl Wesley Phillips, Dr. King, ET and special guest Gersh King. The episode kicks off with the hosts catching up, sharing a light-hearted and humorous dialogue that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion.

Gersh King, a physical therapist known for his exceptional skills and dedication, shares his journey of personal and professional growth. He discusses his experiences with challenges such as homelessness, ADHD, and anxiety, and how he overcame them through intense dedication to his craft and personal development. Gersh emphasizes the importance of impact over monetary gain, explaining how he discovered fulfillment through service and honing his skills. He also delves into his rigorous routine, including his practice of lunges and a disciplined workout regimen inspired by figures like Bruce Lee.

The hosts touch on topics like the power of breathing techniques to manage anxiety and enhance focus. Gersh leads a brief breathing exercise to demonstrate how proper breathing can ground you and activate the parasympathetic system for relaxation. The conversation further explores philosophies from Bruce Lee, the significance of being authentic, and how to harness one's energy and skills to become a master in their field.

This episode is a deep dive into the mindset and practices required to achieve personal and professional mastery, offering listeners practical tips and inspiration to pursue their own paths to success.

Health & Fitness
235 - Two Kittens
Have you ever hired a coach or taken advice from someone you trusted and didn't get the results you wanted? You did everything they told you to do; you took the course, read the book, yet you're still in the same place. On today's podcast, the guys...
82 min
234 - Living Legacy
80 min
233 - 10 Miles
One of ET's favorite quotes and one he lives by is, "Where your focus goes, your energy flows." On today's podcast, CJ plays a clip of a viral ET moment where E calls out multiple excuses given for why he can't be successful. These excuses...
110 min
232 - Lunch and Learn
Last week's podcast was heavy, with the guys being painfully transparent about their experiences with racism. This week the conversation focuses on solutions with honorary 5th member of the podcast squad, Josh Hatch, joining the discussion.  What...
90 min
231 - Pick A Side
Today's Podcast is being released during one of the most tumultuous and tragic periods in our country's recent history. The past several weeks have seen the murders of innocent Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement-Breonna Taylor and George...
104 min
230 - You've Got Mail
The topic of money is one that most people shy away from. Like, politics,  religion, and sex,  money is a subject so taboo it's never to be discussed casually, among strangers or, at Holiday, family functions. At least that's what we've...
79 min
229 - Autocorrect
Problem-solving is the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. In today's podcast, the guys talk about two types of individuals—there's the one who wants to solve the problem when it arises, and then there's the one who avoids...
95 min
228 - Good Game
As the Michael Jordan Documentary, The Last Dance, continues, the guys continue digging deeper into the Winner's Mentality of Michael Jordan. This week the guys each focus on a moment in the documentary that blew them away. Karl speaks on Mike's...
75 min
227 - Load Management
You're not winning because you're not carrying your load correctly! Effective load management is the difference maker between success and failure in both business and private life. These statements set the tone for today's podcast. Many of you want to...
85 min
226 - Training Wheel Party
93 min
225 - One Pack, One Goal
Last week the guys took a moment to watch the first installment of "The Last Dance," A documentary focusing on not just the final season but the length and breadth of Michael Jordan's professional basketball career. The guys agreed that although...
101 min
224 - The Jackson 4
Who's your Mattie Moss Clark? Dr. Mattie Moss Clark was the mother and motivation behind the birth and success of the iconic Gospel Group, The Clark Sisters. ET had a chance to watch the biopic and was inspired by Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, who pushed her...
90 min
223 - Survive & Advance
Two people can live in the same environment and live two totally different experiences. A powerful statement made on today’s podcast by ET. During this pandemic the guys talk about how COVID-19 has affected the African American community at a higher...
87 min
222 - April First
Cause and effect. When you do something it has an effect on something else. The other side is when you don’t do something it still affects something. Last week CJ talked about the difficulties of not having the same routine that he’s had over the...
93 min
221 - Alarm Clock Needed
It’s week 2 of being quarantined and the guys are still recording from home. CJ opens up the discussion with the real frustration that some people are experiencing during this pandemic. Frustrated because of misinformation, lack of information, and...
110 min
220 - The Quaranteam
The guys are back this week looking to offer some reassurance and calm amid the chaos that the world is currently experiencing. The Coronavirus has everyone on edge, and this week, Karl, CJ, ET and Jemal chop it up on surviving and thriving during the...
85 min
219 - Odor Fatigue
120 min
218 - Quadruple Sink
Everyone wants to be great and be successful, but how many of you show up every day? On today’s podcast, ET talks about the importance of NOT checking out while on your journey to success. Life happens to everyone, but people who become GREAT keep...
99 min
217 - What Happened To Your Hearts
"Of all the things you can be, why be a taker?  I've never understood that mindset. I mean, how do you decide to take something and give nothing in return? " -ET. Today's podcast is a hot one and the issue of "Takers Vs. Givers" is just one of...
120 min
216 - Compound Problems
Everyone has challenges but there are some people who allow these challenges to hold them back. On today’s podcast ET talks about the difference between people who fight the challenges and the ones who let the challenges defeat them. CJ chimes in on...
73 min
215 - Turn Signal
64 min
214 - Mamba In
67 min
213 - The Sailor Man
It’s better to give than receive. One of the golden rules in life that so many forget about. Today on the podcast ET brings up the topic of having a giving versus receiving mentality. How it actually blesses you to put the needs of others before...
57 min
212 - Human Nature
Exposure;the state of being exposed to contact with something. Seeing something or experiencing something outside of what you normally see. On today’s podcast the guys talk about things that they were exposed to that literally changed the trajectory...
68 min
211 - Middle Class Millionaires
This week on the podcast Tiphani Montgomery joins the podcast as the guys wrap up the 1st stop on the 2020 1% Tour. ET kicks off the conversation as he’s been frustrated with his success just a little bit. When you obtain a level success but many of...
81 min