A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. In each week’s episode, Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit JenniferHadley.com. Our holiness blesses the world!

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Making the Shift to Peace
In this episode, Jennifer shares the mental practices and tools that have worked for her in the practical application of ACIM as shared in the
51 min
Resolutions Fail
Resolutions come from ego resolve and are doomed to fail. We've had enough failure, let's find the better way. This will be a year of miraculous healing if we choose it....
51 min
A Year of A Course in Miracles
People can easily get ego distracted with ACIM and trying to do it perfectly without really experiencing the mind training. Without the mind training there's no way to...
51 min
Family Conflict Elimination
There’s an illusion that holidays are a time of family Joy, Love and happiness, but that can be a fantasy. Holidays are some of the most difficult times that families have. ...
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Grief and Death
Grief for any reason, but especially the loss of beloved one can feel like it's own version of hell on earth. We can change our thinking and see death and grief both in...
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Attraction of Guilt - Part 1
We are attracted to guilt because we believe in separation. We look for reasons to feel guilty, and we invent new ones, and we can break...
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The Obstacles to Peace - Part 2
The Peace of God is ours forever and when we release the obstacles to Peace we remember this is so. Let's claim our inheritance!. In this episode...
51 min
The Obstacles to Peace - Part 1
It's so crazy to think that we don't experience the Peace of God because we're more interested in the blocks to Peace than in having it. That's the ego insanity...
51 min
The Greatest Accomplishment
The greatest accomplishment requires only our willingness. What a comfort it is to know that we don't have to figure anything out. All will be provided...
55 min
Success Is Guaranteed
When we're willing, we can accelerate the end of confusion and pain and draw to our awareness the perfect Peace of God. We don't have to wait, we don't have to...
54 min
The Best Defense
Any time we're defending ourselves we're actually attacking and we've forgotten to be loving. It's tricky, but we can learn to value the truth instead of needing to...
55 min
We Are Eternal
It's easy to get caught up in the world without realizing that the world we see is an effect of our choices and thoughts. We worry about time and feel trapped in...
51 min
Making Way for Miracles
We can't be both focused on pain and problems while simultaneously available for miracles, inspiration and the Glory of God to be revealed in our awareness. We can't ride two horses going in opposite directions. Sometimes it feels like...
55 min
Trading Pain for Happiness
In this world, we're taught to believe that our circumstances and situations cause us pain. ACIM teaches us that it's our thoughts about things that cause our suffering. A question is, do we love ourselves enough to take back our spiritual authority?...
58 min
Fear & Weakness Transformed
Feeling frightened, weak and afraid is an awful feeling. Many people don't even realize that they've fallen into managing and coping with painful thoughts and feelings. They struggle to
55 min
I Do Not Know What Anything Is For
Workbook Lesson #25 is a pillar in the teachings of ACIM. Learn it for your...
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Walk In Peace
How can we be at Peace when we're focused on playing small and living in lack and limitation? We're designed to express our magnificence and to see the perfect Love in ...
55 min
The War Against Yourself
Since all is one, is it possible for us to actually have an enemy? Or are enemies simply our own self-hatred projected outwards? Does this...
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God's Plan for Salvation
There's a plan for salvation that we can easily follow and it will not fail. All we need is some willingness and then...
55 min
The Reward of Teaching
Did you know that all of heaven is for us and because of this we cannot fail to remember the truth that sets us free. We're being called to...
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Are You A Teacher of God?
The ACIM Manual for Teachers is dedicated to understanding what it is to be a Teacher of God. Are you one? Would you like to be?...
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Perception And Our Reality
A fundamental teaching of the course is that our perception is projection. Just how do we know when...
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Beyond the Body
One of the most fundamental teachings of ACIM is "I am not a body." We can get that intellectually, and still it takes great willingness to recognize this...
54 min
Sickness & Self-Love
There's a correlation between sickness and Self-Love that many of us don't wish to know about. Is it possible to ...
58 min
The Guiltless Mind Cannot Suffer
There's a way of undoing the guilt that causes the suffering. It seems difficult only because...
57 min