A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. In each week’s episode, Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit JenniferHadley.com. Our holiness blesses the world!

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Strengthen or Weaken?
One of the most insidious habits of self-sabotage is the choice to be defensive. Many times spiritual students find them...
52 min
Finding Freedom Within
Many spiritual students are looking to find freedom through doing something or getting something. This is the path that ...
51 min
Are You Mad at God?
Believe it or not, it’s pretty common for people to be angry at God. Rhonda Britten, Science of Mind practiti...
52 min
Intuition and Prayer With Gary Renard
Two of the most common questions spiritual students have are “How do we pray?” and “How do we know the...
54 min
How to Have a Spiritual Breakthrough!
A Course in Miracles guides us through a spiritual awakening to remember our true identity as the perfect givers and rec...
51 min
Father’s Day Makeover!
Many of us have unresolved issues with our parents, and in particular, our dads. A Course in Miracles supports us in get...
49 min
When Temptation Calls, Choose Again!
We’re all challenged by temptations. There are so many kinds of temptations, and every single one of them serves t...
51 min
Hearing the Holy Spirit
One of the most commonly asked questions is, “How do I know if it’s Spirit or ego?” We are interested ...
51 min
Listening to the Holy Spirit
Regina Dawn Akers started studying A Course in Miracles and began to tune in to the voice of the Holy Spirit. She has wa...
51 min
The Body as a Means of Communication
A Course in Miracles is a curriculum to help us remember that we are pure Spirit—holy and free, and that we are no...
49 min
Mother’s Day Makeover!
Have you had challenges with your mother that are still unresolved? Or perhaps you have challenges AS a mother yourse...
51 min
Love Holds No Grievances!
Lesson 68, “Love holds no grievances,” is a favorite for many. Even the name of the lesson seems crystal cle...
50 min
Miraculous, Magical and Mystical: What's the Di...
There’s a substantial difference between the miraculous and the magical according to A Course in Miracles, and it&...
50 min
Ask and It Is Given: Prayer Works!
Have you been “asking” and NOT receiving? Have you been praying and feeling that nothing is shifting? Are yo...
51 min
Dream Support!
A Course in Miracles, like many ancient spiritual teachings, reminds us that we are the dreamer of the dream. Our experi...
52 min
It’s Always About Surrender!
In the Manual for Teachers, there is a list of the “Characteristics of God’s Teachers,” and it te...
50 min
You’re Never Upset for the Reason You Think!
Lesson 5 in the workbook is “I am never upset for the reason I think.” This is both super helpful and deeply...
53 min
If It's an Illusion, Why Bother?
One of the most challenging things for ACIM students is the illusory nature of our experience in this 3-D reality versus...
49 min
Your Plans vs. The Divine Plan
Lesson 135 tells us “A healed mind does not plan.” What??? Can you really live without plans? What would tha...
51 min
Feel-Full-Ment v. Fulfillment
Do you find that there’s no end to the wanting and craving? Do you feel that time and again you’re expe...
52 min
Stop the Suffering—Live the Loving!
Relationships are the greatest gift. Each and every relationship we have is a relationship we’re having with Go...
51 min
Relationship Transformation—Living the Love
Do you judge your loved ones and invest your precious life-energy into trying to manage, control and manipulate them ...
51 min
Holy Relationship—Divine Valentine
It’s Valentine’s Day, that time of year when the “special” relationship competition is ON! No...
51 min
You're Already Complete!
As illustrated in the movie Jerry Maguire, there’s a romantic notion that our "soul mate" will complete ...
50 min
Love Your Loved Ones—Give Up the Battle!
Do you find that you’ve given yourself permission to think thoughts of lack and attack about your loved ones? D...
53 min