A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. In each week’s episode, Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit JenniferHadley.com. Our holiness blesses the world!

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Bustin' Loose From Fear!
Fear is not what most people think it is. How can you eliminate fear if you don’t understand it? You can find comp...
51 min
Healing Negative Patterns
Patterns of false belief can become so strong that it seems as if they are true. A thought such as “I’m not ...
52 min
True Liberation!
This week in the United States we’re celebrating Independence Day. As spiritual students, we know indepe...
47 min
Faith Activation
Worry is the negative use of faith. It is a faith in a power that is opposed to Love. Doubt is a belief in an alternate ...
49 min
How to BE Happy
Becoming the “happy learner” is what A Course in Miracles teaches us. When we decide to really GO FOR IT, it...
49 min
Healing Fast Track
“All healing is at the level of the mind.” This is the teaching of A Course in Miracles, and yet how many of...
51 min
ACIM in the Workplace
You can transform your career, your finances, and your experience in the workplace through truly living A Course in Mira...
49 min
Heart Healing
Have you ever felt so hurt and suffered so much you felt damaged permanently? Have you ever been so disappointed and hea...
51 min
Divine Guidance
Inspiration is always available when we’re receptive. Being available to receive Divine Guidance—to hear the...
51 min
Enlightened Relationships
The biggest challenge most of us have in life is our relationships. They offer the greatest rewards and the biggest oppo...
50 min
Turbocharge Your Breakthrough!
There are some clear steps you can take to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your spiritual practice. A Course ...
49 min
Healing Is in the Mind
Through our study of New Thought and A Course in Miracles, spiritual students realize that working in the invisible real...
51 min
Moving Out of Misery
Do you allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself? Do you give yourself permission to throw a pity party? Do you immerse ...
51 min
Healing the Terrorist
Do you have an inner terrorist?  Do you feel terrorized and know that it’s you who have invited this terroris...
51 min
ACIM Global Community
Join us and guest Rev. Tony Ponticello from the Community Miracles Center, host of the 2013 ACIM Conference in Chicago. ...
50 min
The Cost of Complaining
Are you working so hard to get ahead, to stay ahead, to have a breakthrough? If it feels like your swimming against the ...
50 min
Spiritual Success Made Simple
There are some critical pieces that many spiritual students miss along the way. They focus on reading books, listening t...
50 min
Fast Path of Freedom
In this episode of A Course in Miracles, Jennifer Hadley shares exactly how you can find freedom in your mind. You can e...
52 min
Save Time, Avoid Suffering
This teaching, when applied, will save you much time and much suffering. And yet, how many of us have studied and studie...
53 min
Love Without Conflict
Are you willing to do what it takes to have Love without conflict? It’s a great question to ask yourself. Would yo...
52 min
Real Purpose of This World Is?
Have you ever wondered what the real purpose of this world of illusion is? If you've been studying A Course in Mirac...
51 min
Stop Playing Small
Are you feeling it? Are you feeling the challenge of old EGO PATTERNS coming up to be healed? It can feel very intense. ...
51 min
Give Yourself the Gift of Willingness!
Willingness is the key to our awakening. It’s the key to all that is good unfolding in your life. This year for Va...
54 min
Getting Off the Hamster Wheel of Specialness
Very often people fall unwittingly into behaviors and patterns that condemn them to an endless loop of suffering. Someti...
51 min
Living in the Answered Prayer
One of the most common MIS-takes that  spiritual seekers make is they actually reject the answered prayer.  Th...
50 min