GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
21 min
59. Kicking off the season w/ Dove Hunting!
Dove season is the kickoff to hunting season for most! We aren't die hard dove hunters by any means but it does afford us some benefits with our dogs as we inch our way towards the other seasons. From steadiness to retrieving work to even...
61 min
58. NAVHDA Judgin Coord. Mark Whalen
We are joined by the NAVHDA judging coordinator Mark Whalen this week. Mark has a lot of time and experience within NAVHDA and offers a unique insight to testing and training. Give it a listen for some quick training and testing tips, some...
71 min
GDIY PROFILE: Colin Pugsley
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
19 min
57. Planting & Flushing
There are a bunch of different ways to go about planting your training birds and, conversely, flushing your birds. This week we go over how we plant based on the type of training we are wanting to do and also provide some tips on working with...
67 min
56. So you want ANOTHER hunting dog....
We've talked about what to focus on when getting your first bird dog but haven't really touched on when your planning the next dog. While obviously similar, we do get the question a lot if there are other considerations when planning on having...
55 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
31 min
55. Project PUPland
Nick Larson from Project Upland joins us to discuss his new puppy and what he's doing different with this one based on the lessons he learned from his first. We also discuss Grouse hunting in MN, hunting in wolf country, good grouse cover, and a...
79 min
54. First Impressions on Gun Dogs & Training Days
This week we have Andrew & Jacob from The Southern Outdoorsman talking about their very first impressions of a NAVHDA training day and the numerous different dogs they got to watch. They are just starting the journey of getting their first...
61 min
Jess McGuire and Noah Smith of Quail Forever joins us this month to talk about some of the programs and initiatives within the organization to try and develop good Quail habitat! You'll hear a quick overview of how their programs help both...
21 min
53. DIY Pigeons
Have you ever thought about raising your own pigeons for training? We are joined by "Pigeon Nick" this week who explains that anyone can raise their own pigeons. You dont have to have a ton of land or space to make it happen and they...
65 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
25 min
52. The Duck Search
Just like everything in dog training, there are many different methods to train a specific task. This episode we discuss and break down numerous methods to train the NAVHDA Duck Search. We cover what a duck search is, when and where to...
78 min
51. Retrievers with Bill Mattes
This week we cover everything retrievers with Bill Mattes of River Ridge Kennels. We discuss a number of topics including the importance of simulating realistic hunting scenarios in your training as well as why hunt testing your dogs is...
59 min
GDIY SPOTLIGHT: The National Bird Dog Museum
The National Bird Dog Museum is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of bird dog, field trial, and hunting traditions. Located in Grand Junction, Tennessee, the museum houses a repository of art, photography, and memorabilia about field...
28 min
50. Versatile Small Munsterlanders w/ Carrah W...
Small Munsterlanders are definitely growing in popularity. Carrah has been raising and hunting SMs for a while now while also being very involved within the SMCNA. She tries to use her personal dogs in many different venues including...
63 min
49. Planning Your Hunting Trip
This week we have a wide ranging conversation that covers how we approach planning or big hunting trips and provides some insight into how we decide the what, when, where, and how. As we don't claim to be experts on dog training, we also aren't...
65 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
24 min
48. Drinking From A Fire Hose
We discuss the challenges of facing TOO MUCH information when it comes to figuring out how to train your dog. Its a testament to the the dog training community that so many are willing to help others but it can be a challenge, especially for a...
55 min
NC Grouse PSA
The deadline for public commenting on the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan is 6/29. Mike Nieduski comes on to give a really quick talk on when, where, why, & how to leave your comment. This plan will directly impact the habitat for all...
11 min
47. Rusty Gun Dog Talk
Scott Caldwell of Rusty Gun Kennels joins us for a wide ranging conversation. Long term goals for your pup. Why test? Can't train dogs with emotion. Pups can do no wrong. Force Fetch leads into Duck Search. Force...
88 min
GDIY PROFILE: Michael Gill
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter. All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way. Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
36 min
46. An Experienced Beginner
Emily Shirey of Shorthairs & Shotguns is no stranger to being a "beginner." This conversation spans her journey from working with horses, to branching off into training obedience, to now training bird dogs. Emily gives a unique...
64 min
45. E-Collar Basics
One of the most commonly discussed topics in dog training is E-Collars. This week we discuss the basics as at it pertains to what types of collars and how to use them. E-Collars can be a magical tool to have in your tool box IF used...
63 min
June's Spotlight company is Kamo, Inc. They focus on rescue services for sport dogs and introducing/mentoring new people to the hunting world. This company is still fairly new but doing great things with being able to grow the hunting...