Gun Dog It Yourself

DIY gundog trainers and enthusiasts discussing all topics pertaining to hunting and living with dogs.

Pets & Animals
95. Hog Dogs w/ Travis Murray
This week we take a short break from the bird dog world to jump into the fascinating world of hog dogs.  Travis Murray joins us to walk us through his ample experience in hog dogs and more specifically American Pit Bulls.  Find out the...
104 min
94. Chains, Chords, and Pressure, Oh My!
Mark and Martha of joins us again this week to break down the benefits of utilizing chain gangs/stakeouts as well as the seemingly misconceived methods of the check chord in the field.  Perhaps you should hold off on cutting up the check...
80 min
GDIYves: Gretchen Stephenson
GDIYves is a monthly bonus episode hosted by Kyley Caldwell that brings relatable stories from the women that train and hunt dogs themselves.  These aren't women that just do it because their boyfriends or husbands do it.  They do it because...
56 min
93. Is A NAVHDA UPT Prized Dog Right For You?
Just because you get involved in NAVHDA doesnt mean you have to aim for the Invitational test.  Perhaps a dog that prizes in the Utility Preparatory Test is the right level dog for you and your goals.  Pete Aplikowski joins us again to...
63 min
92. Hunting Cover vs Training Cover
TWRA habitat biologist Michael McCord joins us to discuss the pros/cons of managing for hunting cover or training cover.  We cover a lot of ground on this & discuss native grasses vs annuals, are pen raised birds a positive or negative on the...
71 min
91. Backing & Honoring
One of the coolest things in the upland world is a reliable pointing dog that backs other dogs!  One of the most asked questions is "How do I train my dog to back?"  Darryl Pernat joins us this week to break it all down for us including the...
79 min
90. GDIY Camp Counselors
The GDIY training camp finally took place and I took the opportunity to sit down with all of the trainers for the event at one time.  This conversation really covered a little bit of everything when it comes to training your dog.  The...
94 min
89. Q & A with Scott Caldwell
Scott joins us again this week to go through some listener questions.  We had a nice variety of questions coming from how to build drive in a dog, back to the basics of recall, and even unsteadying your dog.  Theres something for everyone in...
74 min
88. The COST of Owning a Dog
A listener asked us a few weeks ago what the real cost of owning a bird dog was.  I obviously didnt have a number for him but it go me thinking.  Joe and I got together to TRY and put a number down for the average bird dog...
59 min
GDIYves: Stephanie Harrison
GDIYves is a monthly bonus episode hosted by Kyley Caldwell that brings relatable stories from the women that train and hunt dogs themselves.  These aren't women that just do it because their boyfriends or husbands do it.  They do it because...
41 min
87. Trialing AND Hunting
This week Steve Short and Arwen Dabb joins us to discuss field trialing!  There are a number of misconceptions in the trial world as it comes to hunting dogs while Steve and Arwen disprove them.  They are competitive in trials while also...
72 min
86. Making The Most Of Your Training Day
Bridget Nielson of Wall Canyon Kennels joins us this week to talk about how we can all make the most out of NAVHDA training days.  The chapters can plan everything down to the last detail but if you don't do your homework and have a plan then its...
66 min
85. The Dog Nose Best
How does a dog's nose work?  What impacts the dog's capability to use it's nose?  What does this mean in terms of how we hunt and train with the dog?  Tom Brownlee has been studying and teaching the subject of canine olfactory senses...
57 min
84. Search and Rescue with a GSP
This week we talk with experienced Maine Search and Rescue handler Spencer Fuller.  Spencer has been utilizing GSPs for years to accomplish Search and Rescue tasks including tracking people lost in the woods to recovering bodies out of the...
75 min
GDIYves: Terry Ann Fernando
GDIYves is a monthly bonus episode hosted by Kyley Caldwell that brings relatable stories from the women that train and hunt dogs themselves.  These aren't women that just do it because their boyfriends or husbands do it.  They do it because...
63 min
83. Dueling Trainers
This week we do something a little different.  Angie Barron threw out a challenge to Scott Caldwell to do a joint episode where they discuss a few different topics to see where they agree and possibly disagree.  Scott, not one to shy away...
82 min
82. PUPPY FAQ and Troubleshooting
What's left to talk about when planning your next pup and getting ready?  This episode focuses on some of the other side topics/questions that haven't been covered the past number of weeks.  What's better?  Big or small dog?  Short...
98 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
26 min
81. Picking a Male or Female?
There are a few staples in the dog world that you can 100% count on eliciting some sort of debate or argument.  Selecting a male or female dog will bring out a lot of opinions, facts, myths, and just outright lies while discussing.  David...
63 min
80. Starting Your Pup Off On The Right Path
Angie Barron of Elite Gun Dogs returns to discuss the importance of starting out correctly with your puppy.  This conversation covers a lot of ground from house prep, which toys to use and not use, the importance of crate training, NOT GOING TOO...
83 min
GDIYves: Wight Greger
GDIYves is a monthly bonus episode hosted by Kyley Caldwell that brings relatable stories from the women that train and hunt dogs themselves.  These aren't women that just do it because their boyfriends or husbands do it.  They do it because...
46 min
79. The RIGHT Pup for the RIGHT Buyer- The Car...
Blaine, Jason, and Pattie come back this week to really dive deep in pairing the right pup with the right buyer.  What are the considerations and what are some of the "tricks" people try to pick their pup?  What age do they feel is best to...
68 min
GDIY PROFILE: Nolden Soerensen
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
28 min
78. The Marriage Between Breeder & Buyer- The ...
WHY do breeders breed the dogs they do?  How do they decide which qualities to pass on and which to avoid?  There's a lot of work and time that goes into breeding and do you think that you as a buyer have a RIGHT to one of the pups? ...
72 min
77. Picking the Right Breed w/ Craig Koshyk
When first starting your journey into getting a new dog, one of the first decisions you will need to make is which breed or type of dog is right for you?  There's a lot more to it than just if the breeder is close by or has the lowest...
77 min