Gun Dog It Yourself

DIY gundog trainers and enthusiasts discussing all topics pertaining to hunting and living with dogs.

Pets & Animals
132: Handling 101 (Force Fetch 5)
100 min
Ruffed Grouse Society SERIES: Introduction
23 min
131. The Process and Steps (Force Fetch 4)
100 min
130. All About Pressure (Force Fetch 3)
74 min
GDIY PROFILE: Donald Tyndall
44 min
129. The Importance of "Hold" (Force Fetch 2)
92 min
128. What is Force Fetch and Why Do It? (Force...
90 min
GDIYves: ChristiAnderson
33 min
127. Shed Dogs
Have you ever wanted a new activity where you and your dog get to spend more time out in the woods during spring time?
106 min
27 min
126. Dog Breeders and Bird Breeders
Have you ever thought of becoming a dog or bird breeder? What are the pros and cons of each?
104 min
125. Savannahs and Grasslands
76 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
35 min
124. Backing Dummies
Sometimes when you don't have the right equipment or not happy with the options to buy then you just have to get creative and make your own.  Joe Finney of decided to take pointer backing dummies to the next level.  Joe was fedup with...
64 min
123. First Time Alabama Woodcock Hunters
I linked up with my buddies Jacob and Andrew of the this past weekend to try and get first Woodcock contacts for them and their pups   They discuss some of the hurdles and learning curves theyve had with their pups thusfar and how its been...
101 min
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
28 min
122. Western Quail w/ Dominic Bachman
This week we cover all of the different species of western Quail!  Dominic Bachman of Bachman Bay Kennels takes the time to really educate us on each individual species:  California, Mountain, Gambels, Mearns, and Scale.  Where their...
98 min
121. Chukar Hunting w/ Mel
Mel Leuck joins us to talk all about Chukar hunting with her Pointers.  She really breaks down all the details anyone might be curious about when first starting to chase Chukar.  A lot of ground covered in this one from getting you and your...
83 min
GDIY PROFILE: Darron Monroe
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
47 min
120. Snipe and Rail w/ Jim Burris
Jim Burris joins us this week to discuss probably the most under appreciated upland species to hunt.  What exactly are Snipe and Rail?  Where can they be found?  Are they enjoyable to hunt and work with your dog?  How do they...
67 min
119. The Return of Old Timer Bill!
An old friend (in more ways than one) joins Harold and I to discuss a bunch of different topics at the tailgate after an enjoyable TN Grouse hunt.  We discuss the everchanging landscape in terms of habitat and grouse/quail numbers throughout his...
87 min
118. The MN Grouse Slam
Hunter Kamm decided this year he wanted to shoot for the Minnesota Grouse Slam in one season with his Small Munsterlander.  You can find 4 different species of Grouse in MN:  Ruffed, Prairie Chicken, Sharptail, and Spruce.  Hunter...
74 min
GDIY PROFILE: Chris DiMenichi
GDIY Profiles are bonus episodes that feature your average DIY dog trainer and hunter.  All dog owners have a story of what got them involved and the main lessons learned along the way.  Hearing numerous people’s stories along with their...
35 min
117. Bear Dogs!
Kirk Price of the Untamed joins us to discuss everything bear dogs!  What its like first starting out, what kind of dogs and how many, the process from start to finish on a hunt, and everything in between.  One thing is for sure, you will be...
80 min
116. First Scent Pointers vs Tracking Pointers...
What is the difference between a "true" or "first scent" style dog as opposed to a "tracking" style dog?  How does this detail impact not only how you hunt your dog but even how you train or test your dog?  Kyle Warren of Paint River...
95 min