Satellite Sisters

Women's Humor, Health and Happiness. Award-winning pep talk for modern women. Hosted by Lian Dolan, Liz Dolan and Julie Dolan, real sisters with very different lives, Satellite Sisters informs listeners daily lives with entertaining conversation, smart advice and positive support. With laughter and friendship, Satellite Sisters tackles life transitions and decisions, current events + trends, family/friends + pets, health + wellness, culture + entertainment, TV and film, work + careers.

Society & Culture
Health & Fitness
Satellite Sisters October 29, 2013: Lian and L...
Julie was in surgery today for her broken wrist so Liz fills in with Lian. And we provide the medical update. Topics include: How to help us win the Podcast Awards at  Vote every day for two weeks from Nov. 1 through November 15.  We are nomiated in two categories:  People's Choice and General. And please support our Satellite Sister Beckett for her nomination in the Education category for her podcast The History Chicks. Dog stories to celebrate National Cat Day.  Liz needs advice. Business terms Lian does not understand. And so much more. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
40 min
Satellite Sister 10272013: Breaking News, Shout...
Julie, Liz, Sheila and Lian connect and cover: Julie's Breaking News and who is Dr. Commando RIP Lou Reed and Marcia Wallace International News Round Up: Women of the World The Fisher cat update See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
54 min
SS10222013: Tuesday Trends; Picks & Pans; Scary...
Lian and Julie on the show today: Update of the 5 Things Successful People do before 8 am Tuesday trends: Men in Grocery Stores; Halloween Costumes and the Running of the Bulls Picks & Pans: Sisterland and The Fifth Estate Scary Symptoms and Wild Animals See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
50 min
Satellite Sisters October 20, 2013: Sheila, Mon...
On today's Satellite Sisters: Lian provides Liz a quick round-up of news she might have missed this week because she was away.  Of course, Martha Stewart and Kate Middleton make the cut. Monica was also travelling.  She's got a complete report on her trip to Nashville, including the Blue Bird Cafe.  She's loves the TV show and now she loves the city! Sheila's been through the Parent-Teacher Gauntlet for the past 7 days.  Phew.  She's almost done.  Plus we get a report on her birthday date. Liz has a study from the LA Times about men, women and texting while driving.  Guess who thinks they can get away with it? Plus a report from the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group on what you are thinking. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
48 min
Satellite Sisters 10151013: Gap Year Update, Ma...
Lian and Julie: News round up: Designated Driver Teen, Maddie McCann and Rihanna in Puket Family Traudtions Upheld 5 Things Super Successful People do before 8 am Gap Year Update Picks & Pans: See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
47 min
Satellite Sisters 10122013: Nobel Peace Prize B...
Julie, Liz and Lian on the air covering: Our Objections to the Nobel Peace Prize winner & more The Pasadena Innovation Summit: Four Points for the Future From O, The Oprah Magazine: Take the Quiz on What's Your Wory Threshold Pick & Pans Social Medai Round-up See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
55 min
Satellite Sisters Podcast 10092013: Internation...
Julie and Lian connect on Tuesday to talk about: New Orleans + Baton Rouge Junior League visits International News Round-up: Ski Reort in North Korea; Olympic Fauz-Pas; Inside Ikea and Quiz I am Malala: Lian uses the bravestr girl int he world as a guilt-trip for her teenagers Lian's New Magazine Column  VERY PASADENA from Pasadena Magazine Nominate the Satellite Sisters for the Podcast Awards! Click the link here and nominate The Satellite Sisters for Poipele's Choice. Use the URL: See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
52 min
Satellite Sisters October 5: Julie, Monica and...
Listen to this weekend's show.  Julie's in Dallas, Monica's in Portand and Liz is live via Skype from France! Headlines include: Julie is sick of The American People.  Or really, she's sick of people who talk about The American People. Plus she's got Picks + Pans and news about some bogus health plan she and her husband are implementing.  Let's just say the word: Kale. Monica's on the science front with an eyeglass technology report, mainly so she can stop wearing two pairs of reading glasses at the same time. And finally, Liz gives the complete behind-the-scenes on The Revenge of the Dirndls.  Yes, she's even sharing a photo. BUT, to see the pic you have to follow us on Twitter.  It's easy.  Just sign up for Twitter and follow  @SatSisters.  The photo will be there exclusively for the next 48 hours or until Lian and Julie's midweek show gets posted online. Enjoy.  See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
55 min
Satellite Sisters 09302013: Top Ten Brands; Mar...
Julie and Lian together in Dallas. One the show thsi week: Party for Elizabeth the First Wife Julie's High School Reunion Top Ten Brands around the worls plus some surprises Martha Stewart in TwitterWar with Apple Fashion trends Workplace Wellness Kale See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
42 min
Satellite Sisters 09282013: Advice on Dating a ...
Liz, Sheila and Lian connect on thsi week's call: Sheila has Advice for Dating Younger Men Liz reveals her instructions for the worst meeting idea ever Lian gets emails from a Literary Dental Hygeniest and the Ocean Spray Cranberry Club Plus, Details on the Satellite Sisters Dalllas Meet-up See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
44 min
Satellite Sisters 092413: Ladies Night Out Madn...
Julie and Lian Take on the Tuesday show: Lian's stint as celebrity auctioneer turns racy Julie's Picks and Pans.  Don't go see Prisoners but do read The Spy Who Loved by Claire Mulley Lian has advice for Katie Couric and The Barkiest Dogs Plus, we announce a Dallas Meet-up for September 30 See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
43 min
Satellite Sisters 09/22/13: Sheila, Monica, Ju...
Thanks to all the Satellite Sisters who gave us the Thumbs Up on Stitcher.  Keep it up!  It landed us on the list of What's Hot At Stitcher this week.  Woo hoo! Monica finally got around to getting her colonoscopy.  She's wants to share some actual Tips + Tricks. She had put it off for two reasons:  Fear + Laziness.  (We've all been there, right?) Sheila shares her three-pronged plan for her upcoming birthday. Spa services are definitely involved. Julie has made the shocking decision to attend a high school reunion this week.  It's her first after many decades.  Liz has a full report on her visit to Google Zeitgeist, complete with her test drive of the Google Driverless Car and a demo Google Glass.  See Satellite Sisters Facebook Group for photos! Plus, what's up with kale everywhere?  And why would someone decide to be "the Joan of Arc of Kale"?  Really?  Don't forget:  Lian and Julie are now doing a second Satellite Sisters show each Tuesday.  Subscribe.  Share with your sisters! See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
55 min
Satellite Sisters 091413: Sleepy Hollow; Worst ...
Julie and Lian take on mid-week with a new podcast: The New TV Season is On! Sleepy Hollow? Yes. Junior Master Chef? Not so much Our tribute to Millennials: what you need to know about this generation and what they will be growing in their garden The Worst Passwords of 2013 Crimes Against Real Estate Would you fly Hello, Kitty Air?  Old Dog/New Tricks: Lian learns to do a webinar and be a celebrity auctioneer See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
40 min
Satellite Sisters 091142013: Putin the Peacemak...
Julie, Liz and Lian Cover: Putin the Peacemaker and Julie's classic Russion analogy Liz is off to the Google Zeitgeist Summit. Hear about her fellow Googlers Lian reports on breaking grocery store news Plus, Chico's Update, Mother/Son Communicationa nd our new fall schedule See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
40 min
Satellite Sisters September 8, 2013: Lian, Jul...
On today's Satellite Sisters, written reports come in from Sheila and Monica. Sheila's already been back in the pool with Diana Nyad.  Yes! Again with Diana so Sheila could extend personal congrats from the whole Satellite Sisterhood. Monica's report had good news (walking with a group at her gym) and bad news (colonoscopy tomorrow. Ugh.) Julie is almost overcome with lavender sachets as she reports on her college roommate's daughter's wedding. Great party with real Roman ruins.  Nice touch. Liz was working all week in Madrid, a city she loves.  Now she feels even worse that Madrid did not win the 2020 Olympics yesterday. Lian's been home in the sweltering SoCal heat but staying inside gave her time to whip up a great Chico's and HGTV report! Plus some awesome letters from you, our true Satellite Sisters.  Thank you. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
52 min
Satellite Sisters Sept 1: Introducing SS Next Gen!
Satellite Sisters Holiday Special! Liz and Sheila connect for the Labor Day holiday and introduce the newest Satellite Sister. Our niece Katherine Dolan is visiting from New York City with her fiance Alex.  We lured her into appearing as a special guest but during the course of the show, we managed to lock her into becoming a regular contributor for the coming year.  Woo hoo. Your Satellite Sisters are feeling like we want the voices of the Next Gen. Luckily we have our own supply of twenty-something Satellite Sisters.  Welcome to the show, young'uns'. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
36 min
Satellite Sisters August 25, 2013: Julie inven...
On today's Satellite Sisters, Liz and Julie get news on what Lian, Sheila and Monica are up to on this August Sunday afternoon.  Yes, people.  Bamboo Dreams live. Todays headlines include: Julie invents a new language you are going to want to hear about.  Easy to learn and very effective. She'll be using it on a big adventure next week that's been decades in the planning. Liz examines a dog care trend.  When exactly did the Pet Boarding industry rename their facilities Pet Hotels?  And who thinks up all the adorable names?  Yes, there is such a place in Hollywood at Chateau Marmutt. Plus, Julie's reviving a Satellite Sisters tradition. Civility. She's already on Rule 2. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
48 min
Satellite Sisters August 18: Special Summer Sur...
This week's show is a little longer than usual due to some surprise ringing-in at the very end.  Bedeviled as we were by some connectivity issues at the start, it all turned out quite okay.  You are going to want to hang in for the full show to get the advance word on "Bamboo Dreams".  And no, we are not going to provide any hints about what that could possibily be, except this one:  Felt is involved.  Enough said. Other topics tackled before we get the the Bamboo Dreams finale? Some theories on mean shopgirls around the world.  Oprah, you are not alone. Book recommendations: one to read and one we are staying entirely away from for reasons that will be obvious in the discussion. Movie Talk:  The Way Way Back And some mailbag notes from you and to you, including a special shoutout to THE MAN IN THE SEERSUCKER SUIT. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
72 min
Bonus Chaos Chronicles Podcast: The Happiness E...
A bonus podcast this week from Lian Dolan and The Chaos Chronicles. It's (almost) all about the Happy:  A Hot Chocolate Study that made me happy ( for a short time) 9 Ways to take a Bliss Trip, thanks to Health Magazine. The article by Kate Lowenstein is not online but you can find lots of other articles on Healthy & Happy here at  To access and identify your Signature Strengths,  the free Values in Action Inventory of Strengths Survey, click here.  Click here to get Happier   Can a website really make you happier? Well, I've ceratingly enjoyed it for the first day of 'sharing happy' with total strangers. Want to join the Happier Community? Click here.  To read more about Happier founder Nataly Kogan, here is an article by here at The Huffington Post.  Here's Nataly Kogan's TedX talk and bio.  See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
49 min
Satellite Sisters Aug 11: Wedding News, New Co...
On today's Satellite Sisters, Julie, Lian and Liz cover: Family Wedding Report:  Yes, we are all back from the big bash in Connecticut.  We've got a complete report and Julie's even got some awards to hand out. New Cold War:  Lian believes this bodes well for all things Bourne while Julie's got her own non-fiction perspective. Trend Report:  Would you eat this?  And what's with all the flags? Satellite Sisters of the Week:  Liz has shout-outs to Daniele Steel and Lake Bell.  Listen to find out why. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
48 min
Satellite Sisters 07-21-13: Comic-Con update: t...
Liz Dolan and Lian Dolan connectfor today's topics; Liz updates all on her Comic-Con Trip, including The Walking Dead and Cosmos, the new Neil deGrasse Tyson and gives otu awards fro Best Comic-Con Costumes Lian has a Pea Soup Incident Lian and Liz discuss the Whitey Bulger Trial New creative directions for satellite Sisters; BlogTalkRadio and BlogHer.  See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
55 min
Satellite Sisters July 14, 2013: Sheila establi...
On today's new Satellite Sisters, Sheila establishes connectivity with Julie, Liz and Monica from her new mobile unit parked in front her new base of operations.  Wifi, Skype, air conditioning, coffee and frozen yoghurt are all involved. A social media round-up from our email, blog and Facebook group include a great brithday email from Jill to Julie (see photo left!), birthday Facebook photo from Lu Ann (check the SS Open Group) and a trip in the wayback machine with Kathy Douglass about a show we recorded in November 2005. In the news: Julie has her own emissaries in the Moscow airport transit lounge checking on Edward Snowden.  (Wait until you here who they are!) She also has some thoughts for Kate Middleton, who must really need a Satellite Sister about now. Sheila has the complete update on wardrobe planning for the big family wedding in August.  You thought all the sisters had sworn off the high/lo look?  Not so fast! Monica learns a new bra-ism that might change her life. And Liz files her anticipated Thundershirt Report. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
53 min
Satellite Sisters 070213: Edward Snowden; Beaut...
Julie, Liz and Lian on the show today from Bend, Oregon, Steamboat Springs, Colorado and Pasadena, California: Tour de Oregon update from Lian Julie knows where Edward Snowden is Major Celeb sighting Adive from the Sisters on health, beauty and a few words for Jennifer Lopez See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
32 min
New Satellite Sisters June 23: Julie, Sheila an...
On today's show,  we have a report from the Oregon leg of Lian's ELIZABETH THE FIRST WIFE book tour.  She wants to thank all the Satellite Sisters who have attended along the way.  She'll be at Powell's Cedar Hill on Portland/Beaverton this Thursday night at 7 pm with Monica as special guest introducer. Meanwhile, Julie has the scoop on Edward Snowden, the TSA surveillance program leaker, who turned up today in Moscow of all places. She happens to be a leading expert on this particular airport and the secret VIP lounge where Edward Snowden is no doubt being held right now. Julie also needs your help on a plan for how to make citizens' arrests for those who are texting and driving.  Sheila has the perfect suggestion. Tutor to the stars?  That was Sheila's new gig this week.  And she barely escaped her own Senior Moment at the pool. And Liz provides an update on her pneumonia.  Her doctor has an unusual prescription for her.  Can she pull it off? See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
52 min
Satellite Sisters June 16, 2013: Julie, Liz, Sh...
On this Father's Day, we are thinking of our own father Jim Dolan.  Sheila got a jump on the holiday by a whole week. Sheila has more News of the Naked.  Plus, now that her school year is over, she's been living on gift cards and making the best of it. Julie has her eye on two sports couples she's been watching and offers a little advice for both Maria Sharapova and Lindsay Vonn. Plus, how did Vladimir Putin end up with a Super Bowl ring, anyway? Liz is getting over a little touch of either tear gar or pneumonia,. She's feeling much better and has a complete report of how she used her downtime. Meanwhile, Monica is the advance team for the Oregon leg of our sister Lian's book tour for ELIZABETH THE FIRST WIFE.  Lian is making appearances in Ashland, Bend and Bend in the next week or so.  Monica's prepping everything, including lining up some fresh condiments and making a trip to the dump with some old ones. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
47 min