Finding the Throughline with Kate Hanley

Finding the Throughline: Conversations about the Creative Process invites you into the minds of writers and other creatives as they open up about their process, their doubts, and what kinds of changes they’re thinking about making. The questions are mildly invasive, honestly, and the answers are unvarnished…and so refreshing! 

Whether your creative work is writing, painting, making music, parenting, or simply living, Finding the Throughline can help you get—and stay—inspired. Invigorated, even. 

For detailed show notes on each interview, visit And if you’d like to hear these interviews in one ad-free episode (as opposed to broken up into three shorter episodes with a few ads sprinkled in to keep the lights on), become a paid subscriber once you’re there.


How To
Love Up a Friend EP: 8
Our friends help us be better people because they help us see ourselves more objectively. They make us laugh. They also help us remember who we are outside of our responsibilities.
5 min
Admit a Mis-Step EP: 7
I know our first reaction is typically to hide something we did wrong, but owning up to a mistake is SUPER freeing. When you admit a mistake, you don’t have to expend energy on either trying to ignore it, or justifying why you were right to do it.
5 min
Lie on the Floor EP: 6
Your mission for today is to lie on the floor. Yep. That’s it! Just stretch out on your back on the good ole floor. Why? And how? Tune in to find out.
6 min
Mono-task (at Least) One Thing Today EP: 5
Focus is part skill, part ingrained trait, and part habit. If you haven’t been doing much of it lately, or if it’s something that’s nearly always challenging for you because of the way your beautiful, one-of-a-kind mind works, focusing is NOT...
7 min
Listen Better EP: 4
When you’re in conversation with someone and they’re doing the talking, you’re most likely not listening. I know you probably think you are. But you’re not. You know what you’re doing? You’re thinking about what you’re going to say next.
5 min
Be a Better Person Weekly Breakdown Bonus EP : 3
I'll be following a routine all year. You don't need to keep track or anything. Sharing so you have some idea what to expect. Day one coming up!  Monday - Mindset and motivation and how you thing about things Tuesday - Work, productivity and time...
3 min
Kate's Definition Being a Better Person Bonus E...
The desire to be a better person is different for all of us. It will also mean different things too. The one thing that we all have in common is a willingness to make an effort to be the best version of ourselves.   
6 min
Be A Better Person Podcast Introduction Bonus E...
Start your day with one simple thing you can do in the next 24 hours to be a better person. Author Kate Hanley shares inspiration to help all of us be the best version of ourselves. 
4 min