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News Commentary
The O'Reilly Update, February 11, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 11, 2021
1 min
Democrats Push Social Media Bill, No National ...
Tonight’s rundown: As Day 2 of the Impeachment trial gets underway, news sources report that Trump was allegedly angry with his legal team for their Day 1 performance Are Democrats turning on Big Tech? A new bill is introduced by Democrat Senators but will it really limit social media platforms power? How extremist groups like Antifa and The Proud Boys use social media to convey their message The PC Police isn’t done with Aunt Jemima just yet! It looks like the whole company is getting a facelift The NBA may have done away with racial justice messaging, but Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban has decided there will be no National Anthem either! The Chicago Teachers Union has FINALLY agreed on terms to get them back in the classroom Absurd Quote of the Day: NY Times’ Tom Friedman declares China is doing better than America, despite the “bad stuff with the Uighurs” This Day in History, 1967: 25th Amendment ratified Final Thought: Bill works with The Oxford Club
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 10, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 10, 2021
1 min
Impeachment Trial Begins, Biden's Open Border P...
Tonight’s rundown: Opening Statements from House Managers in the Trump’s 2nd Impeachment Trial Why are we spending millions of dollars to keep the National Guard in D.C.? – There’s only one reason, and that’s to promote fear of the right According to the Pentagon, ex-military members are being recruited by extremist groups due to their experience with weapons and leadership skills What ever happened to the caravan that was headed to the U.S. from South America? College students continue to denounce universities for their lack of ‘anti-racism” courses Alcohol and Drug Abuse have been on the rise since the pandemic began – when will our leaders finally take notice and address the REAL health crisis? Renowned documentary filmmaker, Ken Burns is under attack by PBS, but why? Isn’t he a prominent liberal!? This Day in History, 1971: ‘All In the Family’ - Archie Bunker learns his best friend is gay Final Thought: Bill’s close calls with COVID
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 9, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 8, 2021
1 min
Politics Injected into Super Bowl, Repercussion...
Tonight’s rundown: Super Bowl wrap up – Biden’s interview and how Jeep made a conscious decision to alienate conservative voters with their commercial After the success of their 2020 season, the PC police are turning their attention to the Kansas City Chiefs by pushing for removal of the team’s mascot Preview of Trump’s Impeachment trial – what we can expect in the coming days California has been a mess with all of their COVID restrictions – but it looks like houses of worship are finally getting a win, while Gov. Newsom’s recall numbers get a big boost! The school reopening saga in Chicago continues, as plans for kids to return to the classroom is pushed to March This Day in History, 1887: President Cleveland signs the Dawes Act Final Thought: The problems with buying things online
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 8, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 8, 2021
1 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 5, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 5, 2021
1 min
Income Equality in America, Are Rioters Part of...
Tonight’s rundown: Biden’s weak demeanor doesn’t stand a chance against a Progressive takeover Income equality in America is our biggest failure? Really? Why are there still 7,000 National Guard members in D.C.? Democrats want to continue to perpetuate fear into Americans Bill sticks up for President Biden on his comments about FBI agents The Department of Justice considers charging Capitol Rioters under Organized Crime law – but can they really prove that? Looks like Rep. Liz Cheney lives to see another day in Congress as her fellow GOP members rally Right under our noses, Democrats block stats on Cuomo’s poor handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes Ben and Jerry’s chooses to idolize Colin Kaepernick ahead of Super Bowl Sunday in Tampa Bill’s Super Bowl Prediction – who will take home the NFL’s top prize This Day in History, 2004: Facebook is Launched Final Thought: Bill’s past Super Bowl Presidential Interviews
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 4, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 4, 2020
1 min
Politics Clash with Sports, Trump Is Still To B...
Tonight’s rundown: Over the past year politics have been front and center in the sports arena, and with the Super Bowl this weekend, the media is making sure everyone knows where Tom Brady stands BLM is backing members of the ‘Squad’ who want to expel members of Congress that opposed certifying the 2020 election Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is now placing blame on former President Trump for her incompetence in handling the Teachers Union Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is taking a stand against Big Tech companies who try to silence conservative voices Looks like Gov. Gavin Newsom is in real trouble – a new poll shows his support is dwindling as the recall deadline draws closer DePaul University Students in Chicago want SEGREGATION on campus – is that not a civil rights violation? This Day in History, 2002: New England Patriots Win First Super Bowl Final Thought: Biden sits down with “CBS Evening News” prior to Sunday’s Super Bowl
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 3, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 3, 2021
1 min
Biden’s Immigration Agenda, Will Trump Get a Pr...
Tonight’s rundown: President Biden signs 3 executive orders aimed at reversing Trump’s immigration policies - but why is he doing this now? Now climate change is a racial issue? According to the Biden Administration it is! Gamestop stock situation – it’s just a way to disrupt the stock market The riots in Portland have given rise to a “culture of criminality” and with Oregon decriminalizing hard drugs, things are only going to get worse Famous for playing law enforcement characters, actor Denzel Washington says he has the utmost respect for those in uniform The Washington Post believes Trump should NEVER get his own Presidential library – but if he raises his own funds, why shouldn’t he? Say goodbye to long wait times as a new at home test is supposedly 95% accurate No progress has been made with the Chicago Teachers Union as students stay home for another 2 days As Bill predicted, cable TV news ratings fall in post-Trump era You’d think working for NBC, they would know better! - SNL Comedian accused of making Transphobic jokes during Saturday’s broadcast This Week in History, 1942: LA Times Urges Security Measures Against Japanese-Americans Final Thought: Holly Survives the Blizzard of 2021
42 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 2, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 2, 2021
1 min
Biden Indifferent on Unity, Trump’s Stacked Le...
Tonight’s rundown: Actions speak volumes - Bill was hopeful that President Biden would do what he promised and unite the country but sadly he hasn’t kept his word With the Impeachment trial beginning next week, President Trump hires a new legal team Looting and burning buildings to the ground are the new requirements for a Nobel Peace Prize - as the BLM movement is nominated for the “coveted” award A concerning military coup has taken place in Burma and Bill predicts that Biden won’t do anything about it Missed negotiations between the Chicago Teachers Union and the Public School system cause chaos on Monday – could a teacher’s strike be looming? Is the word “pig” a slur? PETA thinks so This Day in History, 1964: The Beatles first Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 Single Final Thought: Bill may be the Strictest Parent Alive – and He’s Thrilled
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 1, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 1, 2021
1 min