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Democrats Overplaying Their Hand on Censorship ...
Tonight’s rundown: Public officials in San Francisco fold under public pressure on the renaming of schools. Censorship in America—Democratic lawmakers target Fox News and other conservative networks. Democrats cancel Governor Andrew Cuomo—as more investigations begin into his handling of Covid-19 in nursing homes. Reparations proving to be hot topic for the Biden administration – Director of the Sandlian Center for Entrepreneurial Government at the Kansas Policy Center weighs in on the impact of this on our economy. Cherokee Nation Chief asks Jeep to change name of vehicles—‘it’s time for both corporations and team sports to retire the use of Native American names.’ A somewhat surprising duo—Bruce Springsteen teams up with Barack Obama on a new podcast. Madonna complains of oppression at the hands of the patriarchy. Final Thought: the three areas that the left is overplaying – and it will hurt them eventually.
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 23, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 23, 2021
1 min
Cancel Culture Takes Strong Hold of the United ...
Tonight’s rundown: The dangers of cancel culture in the United States present day—and where the entire situation stemmed from. Step on a college campus and you’ll likely hear of something or someone being canceled. How to fight back against this plague. You cannot destroy the entire energy industry because of a theory and the situation in Texas proves that. Is Senator Ted Cruz finished in politics? Three states have topped $3 for a gallon of regular gasoline and the prices will keep rising. What has changed in America to allow hatred to be so widely accepted? Psychotherapist Dr. Lisa Palmer opines. The Supreme Court declined to halt the turnover of Donald Trump’s tax returns to New York state prosecutor. Andrew Cuomo’s woes continue to climb and even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now piling onto the Governor. This Day in History: February 22, 1980: Miracle on Ice. Final Thought: Independence Fund recipient explains the impact the track chair has had on his life.
42 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 22, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 22, 2021
1 min
Highlights from O'Reilly's 'No Spin News'
Highlights from’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a Premium Member to watch with added perks – including a free O’Reilly book.
43 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 19, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 19, 2021
1 min
Vicious Attacks After Limbaugh’s Death, Border ...
Tonight’s rundown: Absolute savagery from the left after the death of radio icon, Rush Limbaugh – liberals went wild on social media with no backlash, but network news was ominously quiet The Biden Administration has made it a point to seek out and end ‘white supremacy’ but is it really as prevalent as they want you to believe? LA County Schools are getting rid of police officers and adding ‘school climate coaches’ Trouble at the border will be an existential threat to Biden Administration as 71,000 asylum seekers are scheduled to pour into the US starting tomorrow! This Day in History, 2016: Then-candidate Trump and Pope Francis Clash Over Immigration Final Thought: Bill speaks with his children about the backlash they might face after his death
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 18, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 18, 2021
1 min
Biden’s Cringeworthy Town Hall, No Power in Tex...
Tonight’s rundown: Remembering Rush Limbaugh, who passed away today at 70 years old “Born a ramblin’ man” - although friendly in his demeanor, Joe Biden stumbled his way through his CNN Town Hall last night As Texas is hit with a historic ice storm leaving thousands without power, the controversy over fossil fuels heats up Trump attacks Mitch McConnell following his statement after Trump’s acquittal – causing further tension within the GOP Bill speaks with Former ’60 Minutes’ producer Ira Rosen about why corporate media is so corrupt California has had some of the toughest COVID restrictions, while Florida has been reopened for months, yet their overall COVID numbers are not that different – why? Gov. Cuomo offers no guidance on how to handle the latest crime spree in NYC, - tells Mayor de Blasio to “figure it out” This Day in History, 2014: Jimmy Fallon begins hosting ‘The Tonight Show’ Final Thought: Australia Takes Cancel Culture Notes from America
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 17, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 17, 2021
1 min
Should We Still Stand Up for Our Country, Biden...
Hey Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight’s rundown: A concierge member is concerned over the ‘Stand Up for Your Country’ motto, considering the alarming state of our nation today Preview: Biden’s Town Hall with CNN tonight – here is a list of the questions he WON’T be answering According to a Quinnipiac Poll, Republicans want Donald Trump to continue to be a prominent figure in the party After losing million of dollars due to fraudulent unemployment claims in her state, Suzi Levine is rewarded by the Biden Administration with a cushy new job! Gov. Cuomo offers a lame “apology” for NY’s nursing home scandal – but you won’t hear a word about it on CNN or MSNBC William Shakespeare has been considered one of the greatest writers of all time – well not anymore! Teachers across the country question the relevance of his work, as they feel it promotes misogyny and white supremacy This Day in History, 1923: Archaeologist Open Tomb of King Tut Final Thought: Why a membership is more important now than ever
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 16, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 16, 2021
1 min
Consequences of Trump’s Acquittal, Media Outlet...
Tonight’s rundown: Impeachment reactions – how GOP Senators are facing backlash for supporting to convict Trump Punished for doing their job - Trump’s Impeachment lawyers are targets of vandalism The mainstream media is still reeling after Trump’s second acquittal – will they ever get over it? Employees at The New York Times are afraid to speak their mind – but are they the only news agency muzzling their staff? The CDC says it’s okay to open schools, so why aren’t we? While Gov. Newsom looks like he is headed for a recall, no one seems to be able to touch Gov. Cuomo despite his nursing home scandal No beads, no drinks, no music: New Orleans business brace for a ‘Mardi Gras’ shutdown, as the Mayor orders all bars to remain completely closed UIowa Professor wants to dismantle certain fields of study in order to rid the college of ‘white supremacy’ This Day in History, 399 BC: Greek Philospher Socrates is Sentenced to Death Final Thought: The lesson that Harry and David Détente teaches us
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 15, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 15, 2021
1 min
Best of The Week
Highlights from's No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a Premium Member to watch with added perks - including a free O'Reilly book.
43 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 12, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 12, 2021
1 min
Republican Party Losing Steam, Rioters Blame T...
Tonight’s rundown: Donald Trump is being silenced and lawyers are afraid to represent him for fear they will be canceled – all of this along with the trial had led to a major slip in GOP support Leftists’ “Queen” Kamala Harris joked about killing Trump and Pence in 2018, but hypocrisy is the name of the game when it comes to the Democrats! Capitol rioters blame Trump in hopes of getting lighter sentences Now that the election chaos has dwindled, will states actually work on voter reform? Jeep didn’t do their research and featured Springsteen in their Super Bowl ad months after he was arrested for a DWI The Biden Administration is backing off their “everyone come on in” mentality by telling illegals to wait to cross the border The heat is on! As protestors interrupt Gov. Newsom’s press conference and chant “recall Newsom” UK hospital replaces the term “breast milk” with “human milk,” to seem more inclusive This Day in History, 1960: The Payola Scandal heats up Final Thought: Bill predicts what will politically happen to the country over the next 6 months
40 min