Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Anal...

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O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 8, 2021
1 min
Highlights from O'Reilly's 'No Spin News'
Highlights from’s No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a Premium Member to watch with added perks – including a free O’Reilly book.
42 min
The O'Reilly Update, March 5, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 4, 2021
1 min
QAnon Threat - Credible or Fabricated; Dems Pus...
Tonight’s rundown: The feds release information of a “credible” QAnon threat in Washington D.C. – causing the House to cancel votes. But is this a legitimate threat? Or a fabricated one? Progressive Democrats in the House unsuccessfully pushed an amendment to lower the voting age to 16—with 125 Democrats voting in favor of the voting age change. H.R. 1: For the People Act passes in the House—here are the most absurd requests of the bill. Update: Black parents unify to reopen schools, despite the teacher’s unions’ attempt to claim racism is behind the want to put the kids back into the classrooms. Ferguson activists and Michael Brown’s father demand money from Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. 108 illegal immigrants test positive for Covid and then are released into the United States. Far-left attorney Debra Katz is now representing one of Andrew Cuomo’s accusers. This Day in History, 1829 – Andrew Jackson holds ‘open house’ at the White House. Final Thought: how to handle the radical left in your personal life—start by Standing Up for Your Country with our latest gear.
42 min
The O'Reilly Update, March 4. 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 4, 2021
1 min
Did Biden Trigger Latest Border Surge, States ...
Tonight’s rundown: Apprehensions at the Border have more than doubled in the last year – where is the Biden Administration planning to put all these people? Bill speaks with Former White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller under President Trump about the chaos at the Border Texas and Mississippi announce lifting their COVID restrictions, including the mask mandate- but is now really the right time? The LA Teacher’s Union says money allocated for school reopening will only go to white wealthy schools, pushing “structural racism” The pressure is mounting on Governor Cuomo as he gives his first press conference since February 19th A professor in Philadelphia receives backlash for speaking out against racial reparations The Sentencing Project, releases a new study about those serving life sentences are predominantly people of color – but there may be certain circumstances we need to understand first This Day in History, 1931: ““The Star Spangled Banner” becomes Official U.S. National Anthem Final Thought: Life is complicated, but we have a solution!
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, March 3, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 3, 2021
1 min
The Demise of the Biden Administration, Migrant...
Tonight’s rundown: Bill analyzes the 3 things that will sink the Biden Administration; the economy, immigration, and cancel culture The number of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the border is at an all time high and shelters are already 97% full – where is the Biden Administration planning to put all these kids? Today is Dr. Suess’ birthday and today he is CANCELED! University of Texas alumni are threatening to pull back on donations if the school does away with the school fight song “The Eyes of Texas” In an attempt to prevent a surge of COVID-19 cases, Miami plans to crack down on Spring Breakers Petaluma, California is the first in the nation to outlaw new gas stations – could this be the start of shifting the country to only electric cars? Actress Angelina Jolie auctions off a Winston Churchill painting gifted to her by her ex Brad Pitt This Day in History, 1807: Congress Abolishes the African Slave Trade Final Thought: How the Liberal Media is Handling Coverage of Gov. Cuomo
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, March 2, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 2, 2021
1 min
Trump Returns to the Spotlight, Embattled Gover...
Tonight’s rundown: The return of Donald Trump – Bill analyzes his first public appearance since stepping down from the presidency South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem shines at CPAC - could she be a contender in 2024? How the mighty have fallen: Cuomo and Newsom are continually caught in compromising situations; will this be enough to remove them BOTH from office? A French Court finds Former President Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of corruption The US now has a 3rd vaccine approved to prevent COVID-19 – but is it as effective as the others? The Mexican government wants to propose an immigrant labor program with the US – could this be beneficial or only cause more problems? Virginia becomes the first state in the South to legalize marijuana This Day in History, 1971: A Bomb Explodes at the Capitol Building Final Thought: An update on Bill’s NO Sugar Campaign
40 min
The O'Reilly Update, March 1, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, March 01, 2021
1 min
Best of The Week
Highlights from's No Spin News. Watch the No Spin News weeknights - become a Premium Member to watch with added perks - including a free O'Reilly book.
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 26, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 26, 2021
1 min
Biden At the Border, Why Obama Didn’t Issue Rep...
Tonight’s rundown: Bill explains how the Biden Administration’s border policies differ from Trump and what it all means for Americans and their wallets Sunday is the beginning of Trump’s “I’ll be back” tour, as he prepares to speak at CPAC in Orlando – will he announce running again in 2024? Barack Obama addresses why his administration didn’t tackle reparations in his 8 years in office, on his new podcast with singer Bruce Springsteen After allegations of sexual harassment are made by a former aide, Gov. Cuomo continues to get a pass from the mainstream media Bill prepares to get his second dose of the COVID vaccine today, as new COVID case numbers are on the decline! Talk about disturbing! Schools in Buffalo, NY want to address “systemic racism” by showing kindergarteners videos of “dead” black children speaking to them from beyond the grave about the dangers of being killed by “racist police officers” Congresswoman introduces bill to remove Lincoln statue that was paid for by enslaved Americans Superstar Bette Milder loses some of her sparkle by attacking Rush Limbaugh with KKK comparison on twitter – but this isn’t the first time she has shown poor taste on social media This Day in History, 1964: Muhammad Ali Wins First World Title Final Thought: How to fight evil – from the book “Let Freedom Ring”
43 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 25, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 25, 2021
1 min
House Committee Hearing on Media Censorship—Ber...
Tonight’s rundown: House committee holds hearing on ‘media disinformation and extremism’. This all goes back to blaming conservatives for the election controversy and the January 6th attack. Censorship in America—Bernie Goldberg weighs in on just how dangerous this is for the country. President Biden’s transition team raised $22.1 million from private donors, including George Soros and Hollywood celebrities. Black Lives Matter Global Foundation releases detailed look at their finances. Senator Mitt Romney reveals he’s confident Donald Trump would win the 2024 GOP nomination if he were to run again. Audit shows that 2020 election votes in Maricopa County were indeed counted correctly. Governor of Illinois ends cash bail for the entire state – ask New York City how that worked out for them. Joe Biden refuses to take the lead on school reopening. Why? Because he wants the unions’ money. California will send stimulus checks to illegal immigrants in coming weeks. Final Thought: why the networks went wall to wall with the Tiger Woods car crash.
41 min
The O'Reilly Update, February 24, 2021
9 min
O'Reilly Update Morning Edition, February 24, 2021
1 min