You love Dungeons & Dragons; the myths, the legends, and the unforgettable characters. Every week, we dive into the lore behind D&D as well covering as the latest news and releases from the world's most popular roleplaying game.
The Locathah fishmen and the frog humanoids known as Grung are this week's subject!
48 min
Episode 158: Phlegethos, the Fourth Layer of Hell
Come visit scenic Phlegethos... where the air is literally fire!
63 min
Episode 157: Nessus, the Ninth Layer of Hell
Hotter Than the Nine Hells starts here! And don't worry, it's a dry heat...
59 min
Episode 156: D&D-Honor Among Thieves Thoughts (...
Just a bunch of Jarnathan stans talking about a D&D movie
77 min
Episode 155: Death Knights
We dig into the lore of death knights to find out... do they smell?
63 min
Episode 154: The Raven Queen
Mysterious and dangerous, what do we know of The Raven Queen?
51 min
Episode 153: Mielikki, the Forest Goddess
We dive into the lore of the Supreme Ranger!
65 min
Episode 152: Dumb Ways to Die (Apr. Patron Roun...
Dumb Ways to Die
58 min
Episode 151: The River Styx
In this week's episode the Lore Mistress ventures near to and takes you on a guided trip down the River Styx where we will see what secrets it holds and what lands it befouls.
27 min
Episode 150: Mithral Hall
We became familiar with this legendary dwarven stronghold when we dug into the lore behind the Companions of the Hall reclaiming it during the Icewind Dale Trilogy. Now we dive into the lore of the settlement itself!
49 min
Episode 149: Warlock Talk
We discuss Warlocks, their Pacts and their Patrons in this week's episode!
69 min
Episode 148: Class Struggle (Mar. Patron Roundt...
Which classes do you love to play? Which classes do you hate?
59 min
Episode 147: Duergar aka Gray Dwarves
The dwarves of the Underdark get the the Lorecast treatment this week!
50 min
Episode 146: Svirfneblin aka Deep Gnomes
We travel to the Underdark to talk Deep Gnomes!
66 min
Episode 145: Much Ado About Owlbears
What's the deal with owlbears? They're not an owl and they're not a bear!
54 min
Episode 144: Desired D&D (Feb. Patron Roundtable)
What kind of adventures do you want to see in D&D?
58 min
Episode 143: Keys from the Golden Vault
We discuss the latest adventure anthology from D&D!
This week, Mary and Sergio - alongside Lorecast Patrons and friends - ponder their orbs...
65 min
Episode 135: Tiamat
What has five heads, is evil as all get out, and the subject of this week's lore dive? If you guessed anything other than Tiamat, we need to have a talk.