The Rachel Cruze Show

Money should be fun, not stressful. Learn practical tips on how to save more money, get out of debt quickly and make progress toward your goals. You can take control of your money and create a life you love. Get even more money saving tips at

Classroom Parent vs. Venmo Parent? (Settling th...
Whether you’re a “Venmo parent” or a “classroom parent,” we all want to show up for our kids without judgment. Well, today I’m putting the “Venmo vs. classroom parent” debate to rest, plus you’ll learn four things to remember the next time you feel tempted to compare.
9 min
When to Move Out of Your Parents’ House
Hanging out with Mom and Dad can be comforting, but is living with your parents actually holding you back? In this episode, learn five important steps that will prepare anyone to thrive in life on their own.
6 min
11 Things You'll Regret Buying Cheap (Learn fro...
Spending more for a quality item that lasts can be a great way to save money in the long run. In this episode, find out which 11 purchases are worth the extra investment.
9 min
Why Trying to Look Rich Will Actually Make You ...
Blowing your savings on that designer purse may feel good in the moment, but in the end, trying to look rich will leave you stressed (and in debt)! In this episode, find out what living above your means is really costing you.
11 min
Is It Still Possible for Gen X to Retire?
If you’re approaching retirement age but don’t have quite enough saved to stop working just yet—don’t panic. In this episode, I’ll share some important steps Gen X and above can take to get ready for their golden years.
7 min
5 Reasons to Rent Instead of Buy
I know when all your friends are buying new homes, comparison can creep in and make you feel like you’re falling behind. But in this episode, find out why it may actually be wiser to rent for a season.
6 min
Political Money Facts That Will Shock You
Have you ever wondered how much White House staff and government officials actually get paid? In this episode, find out the surprising salaries of the bigwigs in Washington, D.C.
6 min
New Build vs. Pre-Owned Home: Which Should You ...
Few purchases are as exciting (and important) as buying a home. Whether you’re in the market or just starting your research, get answers to your questions about when to buy and how to find the right home.
10 min
3 Movie Quotes to Remember This Election Season
With November approaching, I know the election is on everyone’s minds. That’s why I want to share three classic movie quotes about politics and money you’ll want to remember this season.
8 min
5 Signs You're No Longer Middle Class (My React...
Even if you feel like you’re “middle class,” you might have leveled up financially and not even know it. In this episode, learn how to manage any income level like the “upper class.”
12 min
The Financial Struggle No One's Talking About (...
If you have a heart for adoption but feel overwhelmed by the process (and the costs), you’re not alone. In this special episode, author Marcy Bursac shares her tips as a foster mom.
22 min
Is It Wise to Keep Your Money in an Online Bank?
Could where you bank actually be impacting your money? In this episode, I’ll break down the pros and cons of online banking to help you make the best choice.
7 min
Don’t Let These Holiday Expenses Sneak Up on You
Between holiday travel, decorating and all the festivities, these last few months of the year can get expensive quick! In this episode, learn my tips for how to enjoy this season without breaking your budget.
8 min
5 Delicious and Affordable Fall Recipes (With J...
In this episode, money expert and certified foodie Jade Warshaw is joining me to talk about our favorite affordable fall recipes.
13 min
5 Ways to Reset Your Life (and Money) Before th...
A fresh haircut, a clean car, an empty inbox—some things in life make you feel brand new. In this episode, you’ll learn five ways to reset your life and money that will leave you feeling at ease and ready for the new year.
8 min
6 Financial Lessons That Have Changed My Life
Not once have I ever regretted choosing experiences over things. In this episode, find out why, plus five other financial lessons that have made all the difference for me.
10 min
Should We Really Want to “Die With Zero”? (My H...
How should your money habits change as you age? In today’s episode, find out what the book Die With Zero suggests—plus what I think is a better plan.
8 min
What Everybody Gets Wrong About Generational We...
You don’t need a big inheritance to start building a legacy. Be encouraged that generational wealth can start with you! Check out this episode for three tips on how you can single-handedly change your family tree.
8 min
7 Target Shopping Hacks You're Missing Out On
If you love Target as much as I do, then here are seven shopping (and saving) hacks you need to take advantage of the next time you go. (As if we needed any more reasons to love Target!)
7 min
Harvard Professor Reveals The Real Reason You W...
Did you know that how you use your money can impact your happiness? Find out how you can achieve lasting financial happiness in this interview with social scientist Dr. Arthur Brooks.
14 min
7 Valuable Life Lessons I Swear By
From money to marriage to health, today’s episode touches on some of life’s most important topics. Find out seven valuable lessons I’ve learned that will benefit you in every stage of life.
15 min
7 Purchases That Significantly Improved My Life
What was the last purchase you made that had a big impact on your life? In this video, I’ll share some of my own life-changing purchases that were more than worth the money.
8 min
5 Uncomfortable Truths I’ve Learned About Money
What if some of your assumptions about money were hurting you financially? Today, we’re talking about uncomfortable money truths that will help you handle anything life throws your way.
11 min
Why Americans Don’t Want to Be Millionaires
Would you rather sacrifice your lifestyle to become a millionaire ASAP or enjoy a comfortable life now? In this episode, learn why setting yourself up for success financially can lead to both.
6 min
How to Outsmart Sneaky Retailers and Save Money
From monitoring your browsing history to making it even easier to spend, companies are always finding new ways to take more of your money. But you still have the final say about what you spend! In this episode, find out how to avoid spending traps and save your money for the life you want.
24 min