Christopher J. Lee, "Unreasonable Histories: Na...
Lee recovers the forgotten experiences of multiracial peoples in the British colonies of Nyasaland, Southern and Northern Rhodesia...
81 min
How the Yoruba Live: Islamic Teachings Shape an...
An interview with Adeyemi Balogun
10 min
David Morton, "Age of Concrete: Housing and the...
Who built Africa’s cities?
88 min
Phillipa Chong, “Inside the Critics’ Circle: Bo...
How does the world of book reviews work?
39 min
Eddie Michel, "The White House and White Africa...
Michel examines the complicated relationship between the United States and Rhodesia...
37 min
Peter Cole, "Dockworker Power: Race and Activis...
Dockworker Power is a refreshing mixture of two methodological approaches that situates the study of black internationalism among workers...
66 min
Rupert Lewis, "Marcus Garvey" (UP of West Indie...
Lewis documents the forging of Garvey’s remarkable vision of pan-Africanism and highlights his organizational skills in framing a response to the radical global popular upsurge following the First World War (1914–1918)...
78 min
Julie MacArthur, "Dedan Kimathi on Trial: Colon...
In 2015, University of Toronto professor Julie MacArthur decided to follow a couple more leads in the search for the long-missing, feared-lost transcript of the trial of legendary Mau Mau leader Dedan KImathi...
58 min
Sean Jacobs, "Media in Postapartheid South Afri...
Jacobs makes a potent argument about the role of the media, in its many new and old forms, as an arbiter of belonging and citizenship in our information-saturated age...
59 min
Roberto Strongman, "Queering Black Atlantic Rel...
Strongman reveals the many non-heteronormative texts, practices and beliefs though which Black Atlantic religious practices in Haiti, Cuba and Brazil were constituted...
41 min
K. Linder et al., "Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alt...
If you’re a grad student facing the ugly reality of finding a tenure-track job, you could easily be forgiven for thinking about a career change...
Besteman writes about her ethnographic encounter in the 1980s with Somalis from the village of Banta who she then re-encounters in 2006 in the town of Lewiston,..
44 min
Jessica Lynne Pearson, "The Colonial Politics o...
Pearson recounts France’s collision with the UN and World Health Organization in the immediate post-World War II years...
45 min
Judi Rever, "In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of ...
Rever and her sources tell a story far different from the one most people who are familiar with the Rwandan Genocide would recognize...
58 min
Gillian Glaes, "African Political Activism in P...
Glaes examines the experiences and agency of African immigrants in France from 1960 through the 1970s.,,
Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions...
37 min
Alex Lichtenstein, "Margaret Bourke-White and t...
"Life" published two photo-essays highlighting Bourke-White’s photographs, but much of her South African work remained unpublished until now...
35 min
Benjamin Breen, "The Age of Intoxication: Origi...
Focusing in on the Portuguese colonies in Brazil and Angola and on the imperial capital of Lisbon, Breen deftly explores the process by which novel drugs were located, commodified, and consumed...
59 min
Great Books: Manthia Diawara on Achebe's "Thing...
Chinua Achebe's 1958 Things Fall Apart transformed the world by vividly imagining the story of an African community in English...
36 min
K. B. Berzock, "Caravans of Gold, Fragments in ...
What is the “medieval”? How can we understand historical movements across the Sahara? How does religion –specifically, Islam– play a role in this project?
69 min
Miriam Driessen, "Tales of Hope, Tastes of Bitt...
Driessen finds that the hope of sharing China’s success with developing countries soon turns into bitterness, as Chinese workers perceive a lack of support and appreciation from Ethiopian laborers and local institutions...
Fredericks makes sense of the garbage-scape of Dakar, Senegal in the wake of the 2007 trash “revolts” against the city and country’s uneven and failing garbage infrastructure...
49 min
Alberto Cairo, "How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter...
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don’t understand what we’re looking at?
54 min
Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, "Migrant Women of Joha...
Kihato's book is about home and not-home, eloquently told about the hopes and dreams, fears and hardships of migrant women trying to make life and livelihoods in inner city Johannesburg....
42 min
Adeline M. Masquelier, "Fada: Boredom and Belon...
Masquelier offers a compelling ethnography of the possibilities of the fada, a space where young men gather, faced with the anxiety of being ‘good at being a man’...