New Books in African Studies

Interviews with Scholars of Africa about their New Books

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R. S. Dieng and A. O'Reilly, "Feminist Parentin...
How have the everyday practices of parenting been shaped by patriarchy and coloniality?
93 min
Assan Sarr, "Islam, Power, and Dependency in th...
An original, rigorously researched volume that questions long-accepted paradigms concerning land ownership and its use in Africa...
42 min
Will Rollason, "Motorbike People: Power and Pol...
Will’s book is an ethnography of taxi-moto drivers in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city...
55 min
Oludamini Ogunnaike, "Poetry in Praise of Proph...
Around the world Muslims praise the Prophet Muhammad through the recitation of lyrical poetry...
54 min
J-B. Tchouta Mougoué, "Gender, Separatist Polit...
Tchouta Mougoue illuminates how issues of ideal womanhood shaped the Anglophone Cameroonian nationalist movement in the first decade of independence in Cameroon...
64 min
Kara Moskowitz, "Seeing Like A Citizen" (Ohio U...
Kara’s book is rigorously researched and beautifully written. She draws on both archival and life history methods to center rural Kenyans,...
50 min
Alanna O’Malley, "The Diplomacy of Decolonisati...
In the summer of 1960, the Republic of the Congo won its independence from Belgium...
59 min
Steven J. L. Taylor, "Exiles, Entrepreneurs, an...
Taylor explores the second wave of African American exiles or repatriates to Ghana in post-1980s...
54 min
Ken O. Opalo, "Legislative Development in Afric...
Opalo examines the development of African legislatures from their colonial origins through independence, autocracy and the transition to multi-party rule....
70 min
Lynn M. Thomas, "Beneath the Surface: A Transna...
By 2024, global sales of skin lighteners are projected to reach more than $30 billion...
55 min
Mauro Nobili, "Sultan, Caliph, and the Renewer ...
In the early 19th century, on the floodplain of the Niger river’s inland delta in West Africa (present-day Mali), the Caliphate of Ḥamdallāhi emerged....
55 min
Neil Roberts on How Ideas Become Books in Afric...
Where do good ideas come from?
86 min
Joyce E. Leader, "From Hope to Horror: Diplomac...
Among the many books that were published in the past year about the Rwandan Genocide, Joyce E. Leader's new book stands out...
76 min
Kathryn M. De Luna, "Collecting Food, Collectin...
De Luna documents the evolving meanings borne in the collection of wild foods for an agricultural people in south central Africa around the turn of the first millennium....
68 min
Frank Wilderson III, "Afropessimism" (Liveright...
How should we understand the pervasiveness – and virulence – of anti-Black violence in the United State?
56 min
Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Nemata Blyden, "African Americans and Africa: a...
“What is Africa to me?”, African-American writer Countee Cullen asked in "Color."
54 min
Monique A. Bedasse, "Jah Kingdom: Rastafarians,...
Bedasse examines Rastafarian reparation to Tanzania in the 1970s and 1980s...
58 min
M’hamed Oualdi, "A Slave between Empires: A Tra...
Oualdi explores the life and afterlife of one figure, the manumitted slave and Tunisian dignitary Husayn Ibn ‘Abdallah...
38 min
Kwasi Konadu, "In Our Own Way In this Part of t...
Konadu tells the story Kofi Donko (1913-1995) and the many communities he served as a blacksmith, healer, farmer, leader and intellectual...
59 min
Anne Heffernan, "Limpopo’s Legacy, Student Poli...
Heffernan offers a thoroughly researched account of the Black Consciousness Movement, student activism, and politics in South Africa from the 1960s to the present...
64 min
Leslie M. Harris, "Slavery and the University: ...
How involved with slavery were American universities? And what does their involvement mean for us?
56 min
Jatin Dua, "Captured at Sea: Piracy and Protect...
Dua describes a tale that is not often told: how piracy works in the everyday lives of those involved in its grip...
56 min
Matt Cook, "Sleight of Mind: 75 Ingenious Parad...
According to Cook, a paradox paradox is a sophisticated kind of magic trick...
51 min
Nicholas R. Jones, "Staging Habla de Negros: Ra...
Jones problematizes long-held beliefs among literary critics and linguists that habla de negros as represented in dominant Spanish literature was exclusively racist stereotypes...
75 min