François-Xavier Fauvelle, "The Golden Rhinocero...
What are the African Middle Ages? A place, certainly, and a time period, evidently. But also a “documentary regime,” argues François-Xavier Fauvelle...
59 min
Stephanie Newell, "Histories of Dirt: Media and...
Newell, along with a team of researchers across a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, explore this idea of “dirt” across the long 20th century...
44 min
Anais Angelo, "Power and the Presidency in Keny...
Angelo’s book analyses the little-studied institution of the Office of the President by studying its first postcolonial office-holder in Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta.,,
58 min
Learning from Rwanda: How 100 Days of Mass Kill...
An interview with Philip Drew
20 min
Omar H. Ali, "Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery ac...
Ali provides insight into the life of slave soldier Malik Ambar...
33 min
Pernille Røge, "Economistes and the Reinvention...
Røge charts the confluence and reciprocal impacts of ideas and policies espoused by political economists, colonial administrators, planters, and entrepreneurs to reform the French empire in the second half of the eighteenth century....
52 min
Sana Aiyar, "Indians in Kenya: The Politics of ...
Aiyer investigates how Indian diasporic actors influenced the course of Kenya’s political history, from partnering with Europeans in their colonial mission in East Africa to political solidarity with Africans in their anticolonial struggles....
86 min
Learning from Rwanda: How 100 Days of Mass Kill...
An interview with Philip Drew
16 min
Jacob Mundy, "Libya" (Polity Press, 2018)
Mundy's book is part-history, part-political science to guide readers through the intricate maze of foreign and Libyan actors and institutions that define modern day Libya...
62 min
Jeff Schauer, "Wildlife between Empire and Nati...
Schauer explains how this global attention to African wildlife evolved from late nineteenth century to the present...
48 min
Jeremy Black, "A Brief History of the Mediterra...
A history of the "middle sea" from prehistory to today....
30 min
Jessica Marie Johnson, "Wicked Flesh: Black Wom...
Johnson explores the nature of these complicated intimate and kinship ties and how they were used by black women to construct freedom in the Atlantic world....
95 min
Hideaki Suzuki, "Slave Trade Profiteers in the ...
Suzuki provides an insightful perspective to the growing scholarship on Indian Ocean slavery by shifting focus onto those who profited from the slave trade...
73 min
Oumar Ba, "States of Justice: The Politics of t...
Ba theorizes the ways in which states that are presumed to be weaker in the international system use the International Criminal Court (ICC) to advance their security and political interests....
Wright maps the intellectual history of the largest Sufi order in West and North Africa, the Tijaniyya...
63 min
Ravi Palat, "The Making of an Indian Ocean Worl...
Palat counters eurocentric notions of long-term historical change by drawing upon the histories of societies based on wet-rice cultivation to chart an alternate pattern of social evolution and state formation...
30 min
Benjamin Talton, "In This Land of Plenty: Micke...
Talton a transnational history that explores the influence of African American leaders on US foreign policy towards Africa in the 1980s....
71 min
Erik Gellman, "Troublemakers: Chicago Freedom S...
What does democracy look like? And when should we cause trouble to pursue it?
47 min
Charles Piot, "The Fixer: Visa Lottery Chronicl...
In the West African nation of Togo, applying for the U.S. Diversity Visa Lottery is a national obsession...
57 min
Nwando Achebe, "Female Monarchs and Merchant Qu...
Nwando Achebe considers the diverse forms and systems of female leadership in both the physical and spiritual worlds, as well as the complexities of female power in a multiplicity of distinct African societies...
61 min
N. Achebe and C. Robertson, "Holding the World ...
The contributors explore everything from issues of representation in novels and cinema, to political organizing, religious fundamentalism, slavery, love, and sexuality....
61 min
Gaurav Desai, "Commerce with the Universe: Afri...
Desai offers an alternative history of East Africa in the Indian Ocean world...
76 min
Mari K. Webel, "The Politics of Disease Control...
Webel tells a history of colonial interventions among three communities of the Great Lakes region of East Africa...
78 min
Laura S. Grillo, "An Intimate Rebuke: Female Ge...
What if the moral guardians of West African societies are postmenopausal women?
77 min
Edward Alpers, "The Indian Ocean in World Histo...
Alpers offers a concise yet an immensely informative introduction to the Indian Ocean world, which remains the least studied of the world's geographic regions...