What Drives You with Kevin Miller

From host Kevin Miller: When I was 7 years old and got out of line, my parents would give me an “attitude adjustment” and make me listen to motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but the experience gave me awareness of how powerful our minds and outlook on life are. I went on to become a pro athlete, have 9 kids, start 17 businesses and become addicted to performance and production. Till I burnt out. Multiple times.

That started a quest to not just pursue performance, but to uncover my true potential which was far more than just what I did. It became about who I was and could be. I started podcasting as host of The Ziglar Show, in a stroke of irony. After countless conversations with the most influential thought leaders on the planet, I wrote a book called What Drives You to look at what we really want and understanding why we want it. I now host a podcast of the same name, What Drives You. I’ve had deep talks with over 270 experts in the Human Potential Movement and my shows have had over 70 million downloads. I’ve walked with well over 1,000 people as they pursue their own personal evolution.

Today I don’t seek out the most popular leaders, but the most knowledgeable. I find the professors teaching classes, the therapists counseling with patients and the researchers in labs who understand what causes us to transform in today’s world. And what keeps us stuck. We don’t need more ideas. We need better understanding. I’m pursuing my own personal growth and evolution and invite you to learn and grow with me. Join me on the What Drives You podcast.

How To
741: Judge not and win hearts - Habits with Rob...
An FBI special agent whose job was gaining trust and catching and recruiting spies, shares his relational strategy at home to win his family’s hearts.
18 min
740: How to effectively communicate with groups...
How would you rate your communication skills when presenting something to a group of people at the dinner table, a meeting at work or on stage?
54 min
739: Become the drug of choice, with ex FBI Spe...
In any conversation you can become a constant dopamine hit for the other person.
58 min
738: Leverage your personal story to relate to ...
What if you were diagnosed with a small, benign brain tumor that you’d had all your life and it had been limiting your cognitive ability.
57 min
737: Being respected most by those who know you...
I’ve always felt to know the true measure of a man, audit how his wife and kids and doing.
20 min
736: How do we rate ourselves on playing it saf...
As a listener of The Ziglar Show I know you are a more “aspiring” person than the norm, as are our other listeners.
46 min
735: How to position yourself for blessings, w...
“Blessings” is right there with the word “success” as far as having a lot of baggage connected to it.
62 min
734: Be Becoming - the core of your personal ac...
This is about how you are arranging your life.
47 min
733: Break your predictive behavior to ignite y...
A key to a great story plot or comedy routine is to take people along a predictive path and then disrupt it.
25 min
732: The very real Pride & Shame of our character
Well, this is interesting. In the episode I play a clip from Zig Ziglar on the power of words we speak with and about other people.
56 min
731: How to insure everyone hears what you are ...
Even if they are listening, are they really hearing?
81 min
730: What to say to sell your product or service
We generally approach conversations like we approach walking, you just do it.
57 min
729: Letting go of that first, waking anxiety -...
Boom. You wake in the morning and often the first, conscious thought is a worry, concern or anxiety. It sounds negative, but it may just be how our minds work, to first deal with any threat. But it’s not an optimal way to start the day and if we hold on to the worry it will likely taint the whole day. Neil Pasricha’s tactic is to take that thought captive in the first seconds of his day, and “let it go”. He writes it down in his journal to get it out of his head. Then he also writes down something he is grateful for and what he will focus on. He calls it his Two Minute Morning and actually sells a journal by that name that is a bestseller. Neil was my guest in show 727 where the topic was, quit living your fragile life. I encourage you to visit Neil.blog and subscribe to his podcast, 3 books with Neil Pasricha. And you can get his just released new book, “You Are Awesome” at neil.blog or wherever you buy books. This is our habits episode and it was the mental spoke where he shared his waking routine that kick-starts his day. Hear more about it and his habits in the other spokes on the Ziglar Wheel of Life, in this show.
20 min
728: Victim speak. You are doing it. Stop.
You daily, if not hourly, speak a series of words that take away your personal power.
73 min
727: Quit living a fragile life - with Neil Pas...
We live in a time of more conveniences, automation, safety, knowledge, and creature comforts than ever.
64 min
726: Taking responsibility for your relationshi...
As we continue to breach the hard questions, this one is a doozy that massively affects our relationships.
59 min
725: Get better by reflecting, reviewing, refin...
What do you do to keep your mental edge sharp?
28 min
724: Are your current circumstances a result of...
That show title is a volatile question that will ultimately shape your life trajectory.
56 min
723: How to know exactly what to say in the mom...
“The worst time to think about the thing you are going to say is in the moment you are saying it”
74 min
722: Why you want to market to qualified people
Do you have a product or service? Are you good at selling it?
54 min
721: Make every minute count - Habits with Tom ...
We all know having a plan is the most secure way to ensure something happens.
19 min
720: How to keep relationships healthy amidst d...
Business and making money and keeping up with the demands of work tend to take priority in our lives, and to a great degree those pursuits are have-to issues.
49 min
719: You can choose to win - with Tom Ziglar
Is it really a choice? Can you really believe that?
68 min
718: The fallacy of being a “natural”
Truthfully, don’t you assume people who are the best at what they do were just naturals at it, to some degree? Yet we have so many stories of people who had no natural ability and performed at a very low level, but trained themselves up into a level of mastery. In a stark example we have James Earl Jones, with one of the most recognizable voices in the world, who was almost mute as a child for eight years, thanks to a severe stutter. Not that drastic, but in this show I bring you a message from Zig Ziglar explaining his desire to enter sales solely due to a financial incentive, and his following two years of languishing as a very poor salesman. It’s an entertaining story of course, but it really puts into perspective the reality that often the masters did not start off with an advantage. They simply applied themselves, learned and trained. Which opens the doors for you to pursue even those things that don’t come naturally. 
55 min
717: Rock & Roll, Jesus, and float tank self-c...
I discovered a really valuable addition to the Habits show and the Ziglar wheel of life, courtesy of a small revelation and then an answer from Brian Dixon.
28 min