Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bib...

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Chartable.com: Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

Religion & Spirituality
What Story Are You a Part Of? | My Favorite Ver...
Are you struggling to find meaning in your life? Are you in the middle of a difficult season? Get some encouragement from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continues our series My Favorite Verses with https...
15 min
What is the Soul? | My Favorite Verses | Genesi...
You've probably heard people about "what's good for the soul" and "saving the soul," but what does all that really mean? What actually is the soul? Discover how the Bible defines it from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor P...
11 min
Was Purity Culture a Bad Idea? 6 Myths You Shou...
Were purity rings, banquets, and pledges the best or worst thing to happen to Christianity? Did purity culture teach good lessons about chastity, or offer a sexual prosperity gospel? Did it give a spacious vision of faith or narrow the scope of God's c...
65 min
Caught in the Comparison Game?: How to Get Out ...
Envious? Dissatisfied? Constantly comparing yourself to everyone else? Learn how to get out of the Comparison Game from guest host Tanya Willmeth as she shares why https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians%202%3A20&version=ESV (Galatia...
13 min
Do Some People Sin More Than Others? | My Favor...
Do you find yourself comparing your sins to others? Are you a pretty good person—compared to others? Learn these signs that you might be moving away from grace from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continu...
15 min
How to Fight Your Anger | My Favorite Verses | ...
Anger isn't always bad—God gets angry—so what makes our anger usually different from his? Learn how God saved us and how we can extend grace to others from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller) as he continues ...
9 min
Why is 11:00 on Sunday Morning the Most Segrega...
Is the church responsible for racism? Is the church becoming too woke? How do race and religion fit together? Learn from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastors Keith Simon) and https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-mill...
67 min
How to Overcome Sin and Regret | My Favorite Ve...
Struggling under the weight of your sin? Find freedom in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+16.6-7&version=ESV (Mark 16.6-7 )as https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon )continues our series on My Favo...
12 min
How I Lost My Emotions (and Found Them Again) |...
Experiencing emotional numbness? Struggling to relate to others or feel your own feelings? Try this practice that helps https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller), based on https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?sear...
8 min
How Hate Fuels Big Businesses & Politicians but...
After Georgia passed new voting laws the MLB and politicians on both sides seem vested in keeping using it to keep both sides angry. Who wins in this deal? Hint: it’s not youInterested in more content like this? Scroll down for more resources and rel...
53 min
Is Christianity as Soul-Sucking as a Bad Job? |...
Does Christianity feel empty? Are you feeling drained and burnt out? Get hope and meaning from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+2.10&version=NIV (Ephesians 2.10) as guest speaker https://vufaith.com/about-2/ (Matt Gordon) of V...
8 min
What We Really Want | My Favorite Verses | Psal...
<p>Feeling dissatisfied with your life? Disappointed with your life? Find out why from <a href="https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Keith Simon</a> as he delves into <a href="https://www.bible...
14 min
Why I'm Not Going to Heaven | My Favorite Verse...
Christians talk about heaven a lot, but what will it actually be like? There are a lot of misconceptions. Learn what heaven's really about from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller )as he explains https://www.b...
8 min
Why Friends Don't Let Friends Read Glennon Doyle
NYT Bestseller https://untamedbook.com/ (Untamed) restyles the philosophy of an old, dead white dead in the chic new fashions of social justice and feminism. Like Jean Jaques Rousseau, Glennon Doyle preaches and lives out the gospel of self-expression ...
82 min
The Danger of Growing Up Christian | My Favorit...
Guest host Jensen Holt McNair shares her memories growing up as a Christian, and how easy it is to become numb to the power of the Bible.Do you follow us on https://twitter.com/tmbtpodcast (Twitter)? Now's a great time to start: https://twitter.com/t...
9 min
Is There Anything You Can’t Trust God With? | M...
We know to trust Jesus with our salvation, but should we give him more than that? Keith shares his all-time favorite Bible verse, and how it’s changed his life.Do you follow us on https://twitter.com/tmbtpodcast (Twitter)? Now's a great time to start...
8 min
Does Life Have Any Meaning Without God? | My Fa...
Are we cosmic accidents? DNA propagation machines? Do love and hate, good and evil, or justice and injustice have any real meaning?Patrick opens our new series “My Favorite Verses” by exploring his battle with depression, and the existential breaking...
11 min
Why an Atheist Homicide Detective Changed His M...
How can a rational, intelligent person believe that Jesus rose from the dead? J. Warner Wallace, a Dateline featured cold-case homicide detective, asked this question as an atheist in his 30s. He hoped to disprove the resurrection by using the skills h...
39 min
Can Easter Offer Hope, Even to Cynics? | Mark |...
Does the brokenness of this world weigh you down? Are you struggling for hope in your own life? Find hope in the Resurrection from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon )as he continues our series on https://www.thecr...
11 min
Do You Have a Reason for Your Faith? | Mark | 1...
Are faith and reason really at odds with each other? What makes Christianity believable? Find out why https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller) believes in the Resurrection as we continue our series on https://www....
12 min
Should We Legalize Polygamy? Why It’s Already T...
Cities and states are beginning to decriminalize polygamy and recognize it as a union. Last week, Andrew Solomon wrote a https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/03/22/how-polyamorists-and-polygamists-are-challenging-family-norms (long piece in The New ...
54 min
How the Resurrection Applies to Our Lives | Mar...
What makes Christianity different from every other religion? The Resurrection. It happened thousands of years ago but still applies to our lives now. Hear how from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continue...
10 min
What Did Dying Accomplish? | Mark | Mark 10.45
Couldn't God just forgive us? Why did Jesus have to die? Get answers to these questions and more from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller) as he continues our series on https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcas...
11 min
Donald Trump & Evangelical Masculinity: An Inte...
Over the last century, we've baked politics, masculinity, and religion together. In this episode, Keith interviews https://kristindumez.com/ (Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez) about her book https://kristindumez.com/books/jesus-and-john-wayne/ (Jesus and John ...
30 min
Are Some Sins Better Than Others? | Mark | Mark...
Sometimes certain sins don't seem all that bad. Compared to something big like murder, is envy really a big deal? Learn how God sees sin from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continues our series on https:...
10 min