Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bib...

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Chartable.com: Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

Religion & Spirituality
What Assumptions Are You Making? | The Life of ...
Do you feel strong in your faith? Could you be making some dangerous assumptions? Guard yourself with this message from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) based on https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Ki...
9 min
Are You Discipled by the Media? | An Interview...
Does what you pay attention to influence how you think? Does what you read matter? To put it simply, yes. Jeffrey Bilbro, author of https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55868921-reading-the-times (Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry In...
28 min
What Happens When We Lose Sight of God’s Holine...
Is God a priority in your life, or does he fade into the background of your busy life? Have we reduced him to coffee mug cliches and cross necklaces? Find out what happens when we lose sight of from Tanya Willmeth as she dives into https://www.biblegat...
9 min
What's God's Purpose for Your Life? | The Life ...
God's first command is this: "https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201%3A28&version=NIV (be fruitful and multiply)." But what does that actually mean? Listen as Patrick explains what God created us to do as we continue our series on...
8 min
Where Does God Dwell? | The Life of Solomon | 1...
The Temple used to be God’s dwelling place, but where does he live now? In heaven? On earth? Discover where God lives from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continues our series on the Life of Solomon in ht...
12 min
How to Deal with Rejection and Make a Differenc...
Ever feel burdened down and hopeless with how things are? Want to make a difference but unsure how? Get some encouragement from Justin McRoberts, author of https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58211333-it-is-what-you-make-of-it (It Is What You Make of I...
31 min
How Much Control Do We Have? | The Life of Solo...
Does uncertainty make you uncomfortable? Anxious? It does a lot of people. So how much control do we have, and how much do we need to rely on God? Get answers from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+7&version=NIV (1 Kings 7) as Ta...
9 min
Do Humans Have Glory? | The Life of Solomon | 1...
What are we apart from God? Are we good or lovable? Get insights from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller) as he studies https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+5.6&version=NIV (1 Kings 5.6) t...
9 min
What Solomon’s Kingdom Represented | The Life o...
It can be hard to imagine kingdoms in today’s modern world of democracy. But Solomon’s kingdom represented something very important: God’s kingdom. Learn about both from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as we co...
9 min
Do You Have to Pick Between Justice and Mercy? ...
Have you ever wondered how God reacts when you sin? Does he respond with love or with discipline, or both? Discover how God reacts to humanity's first sin and what that means for us today from Jane Lewis as she shares her favorite Bible verse: https://...
11 min
Can Pastors Be Rich?: Guest Interview with Ben ...
Should pastors have $5,000 sneakers or $100,000 cars? Are big churches successful or just showy? Get answers to these questions and more in this discussion between https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) and Ben Kirby ...
41 min
How to Turn Disruption into Opportunity | The L...
Feeling pulled in every direction? And then yet another thing comes up. How can we turn those frustrating disruptions into opportunities? See what Solomon did in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+3.16-28&version=NIV (1 Kings 3.16...
12 min
What Do You Want Most in Life? | The Life of So...
If God offered you one wish, what would you ask for? What did Solomon ask for? It wasn’t wisdom. Learn what Solomon really requested and what that means for us from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick Miller) as we c...
9 min
How to Deal with Adversity and Opposition | The...
Does it ever feel like everything is working against you? Like you can’t catch a break? Find encouragement and advice on how to deal with adversity from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings%202&version=NIV (1 Kings 2) as https://w...
9 min
How to Handle Doubt: An Interview with AJ Swoboda
<p>It's hard to go through heartbreak or see evil happening. How is God going to fix it? Find out from Keith as we continue our series on "Who Is Jesus?"</p><p><br></p><p>Like this content? Make sure to leave us a rating and share it with others, so ot...
45 min
What Are You Holding Back from God? | The Life ...
Do you find submitting your life to God easy? Probably not. It doesn't come naturally this side of the Fall. Instead, we want to hold back and keep our plans for ourselves. In this episode, Tanya Willmeth explores lessons from David, her dad and her li...
9 min
How to Turn the World Upside Down | The Life of...
Who defines your next step in life? David and Solomon broke their culture's script. Instead of putting his firstborn on the throne, David trusts Yahweh's choice. This is often how it goes in life - following Jesus means throwing out society's map and t...
11 min
Who Will Be King? | The Life of Solomon | 1 Kin...
It's time for a new series! Today we start our biographical study of King Solomon's life. As with all political transitions, his rise to power begs the question: who will be king. In this episode, Keith introduces us to 1 Kings and Solomon.Like this ...
14 min
Do Americans Work Too Hard? Or Not Hard Enough?
Is hard work a thing of the past for Americans? Should we enjoy our jobs? Why is unemployment so high? Listen to https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastors Keith Simon) andhttps://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ ( Pat...
55 min
How Jesus Served | My Favorite Verses | Luke 22.27
Jesus was both a leader and a servant. Hear how he humbled himself and served humanity from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continues our series on My Favorite Verses with https://www.biblegateway.com/pas...
12 min
The Morality of Mask Wearing?
Mask moralizing and scolding still happens on both sides of the aisle. But rather than taking sides, what if we saw masks as a window into how humans think about morality? What can the masks wars teach us about how different groups define "moral" and "...
70 min
What Is the Point of Life? | My Favorite Verses...
Do you ever contemplate your life? What about life in general? What are we living for? Gain some insight from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) as he continues our series on My Favorite Verses with https://www.bi...
12 min
What the Sabbath Teaches Us | My Favorite Verse...
We live in a fast-paced world that never stops moving. We have to hurry to keep up or else risk getting left behind, right? Or not. Learn why the Sabbath still matters today from https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/patrick-miller/ (Pastor Patrick M...
8 min
I'm Trans and I Love Jesus | An interview with ...
Over the last 5 years, trans rights have become a cultural lightning rod. But what often gets left behind in the culture war are the stories of real-life trans people. In this episode, Keith interviews his friend, Laura Skaer, a Jesus follower who tran...
53 min
What Are You Seeking?: Discovering Your Persona...
How would you describe yourself? How do you think God sees you? Discover how faith defines your personal identity from Annie Kelly as she continues our series on https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcast-series/favorite-verse/ (My Favorite Verses) with...
9 min