Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bib...

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Chartable.com: Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

Religion & Spirituality
Want An Easy Life? | Torah | Deuteronomy 32:48-52
Do you expect your life to be easy? Spoiler alert: God never promises that. In today's episode, Patrick uses Deuteronomy 32:48-52 to discuss what you should expect in your life and why suffering can be good.
7 min
The Role of Poetry in the Bible | Torah | Deute...
When you think about God, who do you imagine? Can you capture the full image of God? How can the Bible describe the complexities of God? In today's episode, Jensen uses Moses's poem in Deuteronomy 32:1-47 to describe the importance of poetry in scripture.
10 min
Do You Know Your Limits? | Torah | Deuteronomy 31
Have you been feeling burnt out? What do your weaknesses keep you from? What are your limits and boundaries? In today's episode, Tanya uses Deuteronomy 31 to describe how God turns your weakness into strength.
9 min
Does Obedience Matter? | Torah | Deuteronomy 30...
Is it possible to follow all of God's laws? Why should Christians be obedient to God? What does it take to live a faithful life to Jesus? In today's episode, Keith discusses Deuteronomy 30:11-20. and the importance of obedience to Jesus.
9 min
Do You Have What it Takes to Love God? | Torah ...
Have you made God promises that you can't keep? How many times have you said, "I'll never do it again"? Here's the good news: your sin doesn't surprise God. In today's episode, Patrick discusses Deuteronomy 30:1-10 and what it takes to love God.
9 min
What Pride Takes From You | Torah | Deuteronomy 29
Do you know your own sin? What's keeping you from living out God's promises to you? Are you comfortable with your sin? In today's episode, Jensen discusses Deuteronomy 29 and the danger of pride.
10 min
How to be Blessed (and Not Cursed) | Torah | De...
What happens when you disobey God? Is there anything you're putting above God? Does God give curses? In today's episode, Tanya shares about God's curses for disobedience in Deuteronomy 28:16-68.
10 min
Prosperity Gospel: What It Is and What It's Not...
If you obey God, will you get physical blessings in life? If you're a good Christian, does God owe you good things? Is the prosperity gospel real? Why is the prosperity gospel harmful. Keith uses Deuteronomy 28:1-14 to share the danger of the health and wealth gospel.
8 min
How to Read Apocalyptic Literature | Daniel 8
Are you confused by the "weird" books of the Bible like Daniel or Revelation? What does "apocalyptic" mean? Is the world about to end? What is the goal of such books? In today's bonus episode, Keith and Patrick walk through Daniel 8 and discuss why and how to read apocalyptic literature in the Bible.
45 min
Why Sin is a Big Deal | Torah | Deuteronomy 27:...
What does sin actually mean? What consequences are there for sin? Does sin lead to curses or blessings? In today's episode, Patrick discusses the consequences of sin in Deuteronomy 27:9-26.
10 min
Why You Need a Reminder | Torah | Deuteronomy 2...
Are you a forgetful person? Do you often forget God's gifts? How does God give reminders of his love for his people. Jensen shares the reminder of God's gifts from Deuteronomy 27:1-8.
8 min
The Key to Popularity | Torah | Deuteronomy 26
Are people drawn to you? Do others want to be around you? In today's episode, Tanya shares some lessons from Deuteronomy 26 about how to be well-liked. Spoiler alert: have humility.
10 min
How God Protects People | Torah | Deuteronomy 2...
How does God look after the poor and vulnerable? Does the Old Testament say anything about women, minority or human rights? What does the Bible say about caring for the poor? In today’s episode, Keith looks at verses in Deuteronomy 24 and 25 to discover how God calls people to care for others.
8 min
How to Apply God’s Law | Torah | Deuteronomy 22...
Are Old Testament laws still relevant to your life? Should you be responsible for following God’s laws? Even those laws that seem weird? In today’s episode, Patrick looks at Deuteronomy 22:1-12 to share how to apply God’s laws to your life.
7 min
Does God Have Access to All Areas of Your Life?...
Have you given God the right to rule your life? Is there anything that you’re holding back from God? Are you still trying to take control over your life? In today’s episode, Jensen uses Deuteronomy 22:13-30 to share the importance of letting God in to all aspects of your life.
12 min
Offended By the Old Testament? | Torah | Deuter...
There are some Bible passages that are offensive to modern ears. How do you deal with hard Bible passages? What’s actually moral and immoral? In today’s episode, Patrick discusses Deuteronomy 23 to show how to read difficult passages of scripture.
9 min
The Importance of the Cross | Torah | Deuterono...
What is the point of the crucifixion? Why do Christians wear crosses? Is it important to know how Jesus died? In today’s episode, Keith uses Deuteronomy 21 to discuss the importance of Jesus dying on a cross and what it means for Christians.
9 min
When Life Gets Hard | Torah | Deuteronomy 20
Do you expect an easy life? How do you react when things don’t go your way? Should following Jesus be easy? In today’s episode, Tanya uses Deuteronomy 20 to share the hope you can have in the midst of hardship.
10 min
Want to Get Revenge? | Torah | Deuteronomy 19
Are you seeking revenge on someone? Do you want to right a wrong? Is there an injustice that you want to get justice for? Trying to get even with someone? We live in a culture obsessed with revenge. Jensen shares what God thinks about revenge in Deuteronomy 19.
12 min
How to Handle Change | Torah | Deuteronomy 18
Are you entering new territory in life? Are you going through a big change? Does the culture around you impact you? Or do you impact the culture around you? In today’s episode, Tanya discusses Deuteronomy 18, when Moses prepares Israel to enter the promised land.
8 min
Why Jesus is King | Torah | Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Who is king or queen in your own life? Who governs your decisions? Do you long for power? Does power change people? Keith discusses all of this and more on today’s episode on Deuteronomy 17:14-20.
9 min
When to Judge (And When to Not) | Torah | Deute...
Is it true that only God can judge you? Are Christians too judgemental? When is it okay to judge others? What happens when you misjudge someone? In today’s episode, Patrick looks at God’s guidelines in Deuteronomy 17:8-13 about Israel’s court system.
9 min
Hope Amid Injustice | Torah | Deuteronomy 16:1-...
Does it sometimes look like darkness is winning? Like the world might be too far gone? Where is God amid tragedy and injustice? In today’s episode, Jensen looks at Deuteronomy 16:1-17:7 and God’s kingdom for hope during times of darkness.
10 min
Mo Money, Mo Problems? | Torah | Deuteronomy 15
What is the purpose of your money? Are you using your money in a biblical way? What is your view of money and generosity? Tanya looks at Deuteronomy 15 to share the purpose and heart behind generosity.
11 min
Overcoming the Bystander Effect | Torah | Deute...
When you see someone in need, what do you do? What if they don’t deserve your help? What holds you back from generosity? In today’s episode, Keith examines God’s heart toward generosity in Deuteronomy 14 and shares the importance of helping others.
11 min