Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bib...

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Chartable.com: Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

Religion & Spirituality
Is Your Life Built on You? | New Testament | Ma...
Have you ever felt like you've lost your importance? Are you tired of trying to prove yourself worthy? What gives you value? In today's episode, Jensen discusses Matthew 18 and how to give your life lasting meaning.
13 min
Striving for Perfection? | New Testament | Matt...
Who do you put in your trust in? Do you have ultimate faith in yourself or in God? How can you be worthy of God? If you believe and pray hard enough, will God bless you? In today's episode, Tanya looks at Matthew 17 to discuss the reason why God is already pleased with you.
8 min
Who Do You Say Jesus Is? | New Testament | Matt...
How do you view Jesus? How did you come to get to know Jesus? Do you fully understand who Jesus is? Are you more concerned with God or with yourself? In today's episode, Keith walks verse by verse through Matthew 16 to discuss who Jesus really is.
8 min
Does the Bible Talk About Race? | New Testament...
Is race a social issue or a gospel issue? What does the New Testament say about race? Is Jesus for everyone? Are you missing the heart of Jesus? In today's episode, Keith discusses Matthew 15 and shares the Bible's view on race.
8 min
Fighting For Power? | New Testament | Matthew 14
Nobody likes feeling powerless. But what will you do to maintain power or avoid suffering? Are you a ladder climber? Are you constantly seeking personal gain? In today's episode, Patrick looks at Matthew 14 to discuss Jesus's definition of power.
9 min
How to Read Parables | New Testament | Matthew 13
Are parables just biblical fairytales used to teach a lesson? Why did Jesus speak in parables instead of speaking directly? How can you better understand parables? What is the purpose of them? In today's episode, Jensen talks through some of the parables in Matthew 13 and explains how to read them.
10 min
Religion or Relationship: Which Do You Have? | ...
What does your time with God look like? How would you describe your faith? Is your faith more about rules or Jesus? In today's episode, Tanya looks at the Sabbath day in Matthew 12 to explain the importance of relationship over religion.
9 min
Is it OK to Doubt God? | New Testament | Matthe...
Should you keep your doubts to yourself? How should you talk about doubt? Is it normal to doubt God? In today's episode, Keith uses Matthew 11 to discuss the role that doubt plays in the Christian faith.
6 min
Are You Willing to Sacrifice? | New Testament |...
What does it take to follow Jesus? Are you willing to give things up in order to be a part of God's kingdom? Will you face rejection for the sake of God's kingdom? In today's episode, Tanya discusses Jesus's directions in Matthew 10.
8 min
Are You a Good Host? | New Testament | Matthew 9
Are you quick to welcome people in? Do you seek out others who might be less popular? How likely are you to offer to host someone for dinner? In today's episode, Patrick looks at the hospitality expressed in Matthew 9 as an example of how to host well.
7 min
What Do You Gain From Jesus? | New Testament | ...
Are you looking for a comfortable and financially abundant life? Do you seek after Jesus's miracles to bless you with material goods? If you have enough faith, will you live the good life? In today's episode, Jensen speaks against the prosperity gospel using Matthew 8.
11 min
How to Have Better Relationships | New Testamen...
Do you have a tendency to judge other people who have the same sins as you? Tanya shares from Matthew 7 about how to improve your relationships with others. Step one? Remember who Jesus is and who you are.
9 min
You Might Be Greedy | New Testament | Matthew 6
Do you have too much stuff? Is it time for you to give away some of your belongings? Keith looks at Matthew 6 to discuss how greed can leave you spiritually blinded. So, do you own stuff or does your stuff own you?
8 min
How to be Blessed | New Testament | Matthew 5
What leads to a blessed life? Do your values align more with the world's or with Jesus's? Do you have to earn God's blessings? What do God's blessings look like? In today's episode, Jensen reads the beatitudes in Matthew 5 and discusses the differences in the blessed life according to the world and according to Jesus.
13 min
What's Your Legacy? | New Testament | Matthew 4
What do you want to be known for? How do you spend your life? In today's episode, Patrick shares what Jesus did and didn't live for in Matthew 4. Listen to find out how you can make your life more like Jesus's.
9 min
Are You Part of God's People? | New Testament |...
Does God only want a certain type of person? How can you be sure you're part of God's kingdom? How can you be righteous before God? In today's episode, Jensen reads Matthew 3 and discusses the significance of Jesus's baptism.
12 min
Are You Threatened By Success? | New Testament ...
How do you react to other people's victories and failures? Are you trying to be king of your own life? Who has ultimate authority over you? In today's episode, Tanya discusses Herod's reaction to Jesus's birth in Matthew 2.
9 min
Image Isn't Everything | New Testament | Matthew 1
Are you consumed with your own image? Who do you want others to think you are? Are you enough for God's kingdom? Keith kicks off our series through the New Testament in a year with Jesus's genealogy in Matthew 1. Listen to find out if you have what it takes to be a part of God's kingdom.
8 min
Bible Reading | Habits
What do you spend the majority of your time doing? What makes it hard for you to read the Bible? Are you too busy to read the Bible? In today's episode, Patrick discusses the importance of having a habit of reading the Bible and how to create a schedule to do so.
8 min
Prayer | Habits
Do you really understand how prayer works? When are you most likely to pray? If you pray the right way, will God give you want you want? In today's episode, Jensen looks at Jesus's example of prayer and shares four helpful tips to create a habit of prayer.
9 min
Gratitude | Habits
Studies show that creating a habit of gratitude can improve your mental health. How can you practice gratitude in daily life? What does the Bible say about giving thanks? Is it possible to change your negative thought patterns to positive patterns? In today's episode, Tanya shares 3 helpful tips for growing in gratitude.
9 min
Growing Self-Control | Habits
Join the TMBT community in reading the entire New Testament in 2023. Get your FREE reading plan here. In a world where what feels good is more important than anything else, what is the need for self-control? How do you know when to say no to something? Why is self-control biblical? In today's episode, Keith shares how creating a habit of self-control can change your life.
10 min
How to Give Good Gifts | Advent | Luke 2:21-38
What's the most important thing you can give your kids? (Or spiritual kids!) What kind of parents did Jesus have? In today's episode, Patrick shares the importance of valuing faith over busyness.
6 min
Are You With the 'In' Crowd? | Advent | Luke 2:...
We crave exclusivity. But what happens when you aren't included? Does God play by such rules? Do you need to be better before you're worthy of God? Jensen shares how God's reveals Jesus's birth to ordinary, weak and unclean people.
10 min
How to Welcome Jesus | Advent | Luke 2:1-7
What made Jesus so unlikely? Do you delight in Jesus? Where do you find your value? In a world that prioritizes might, Tanya shares the importance of dependency.
8 min