Troop Leader Experience: A Podcast ab...

The first ever podcast of its kind: interviews with GS volunteers across the country & even the world, conversations with goal-getter girls, and panel discussions & debates about all the latest news & information regarding all things Girl Scouts. (This podcast is not affiliated with or sponsored by GSUSA; it is completely volunteer and girl driven.)

100+ Service Project Ideas (for all ages)
Giving back to our communities and making them better places is a fundamental part of the Girl Scout experience. Sometimes this looks like Take Action projects, or high awards, but just volunteering in general is something most troop leaders say is important to them when envisioning running a troop. But, especially when you have younger girls, what the heck kind of service projects can you even do with kids in K-12? Here's a great big episode full of ideas.
36 min
My Favorite Girl Scout Traditions
It's a new Girl Scout year officially and I'm reflecting on some of my favorite traditions!
31 min
Fostering Creative Problem-Solving and Conflict...
When recording last week's episode, I came up with the idea to do some activity suggestions - both indoor and outdoor, for all age levels - to build problem solving skills and conflict resolution skills. I hope you can use some of these ideas with your troop!
23 min
How to Lead a Girl-Led Troop
We hear people talk about "girl led" in Girl Scouts all the time -and although I've broken down what that term really means in this podcast a few times before, it's never too much and this week, I'm doing one better: I'm giving you 15+ examples of what it looks like to actually lead a girl-led troop and to foster leadership skills among your girls, no matter how old they are.
25 min
How to Pack for Outdoor Adventures with Your Gi...
In today's episode, I'm sharing some tips for what to pack when you take an outdoor adventure with your troop. Now listen, this is not an exhaustive list, especially because that largely depends on what the heck you are doing. But in general, I learned from experience that there are some essentials you should just bring with you for any field trip or outdoor adventure with your troop no matter what you're doing or how old they are. Here are my essential items that you must have! + Some bonus items that will really pay off... trust me.
27 min
50+ Incredible Outdoor Adventure Ideas for Any ...
No matter what age group you're working with, we've got ideas for you to spend time adventuring outdoors! Outdoor activities are a huge tradition in Girl Scouts and so valuable for mental health, leadership skills, and relationship building. Tune in for another ULTIMATE GIANT LIST episode!
48 min
BONUS: Talking to Kids about Violence and Traum...
After another occurrence of senseless violence in the USA, everyone is talking about safety at school... including kids. We're all having strong emotional responses from this horrific event... including kids. Should we address this at Girl Scouts? And if so, how can we do it with the kids' best interests at heart?
56 min
10 Back-to-Troop Ideas to Get to Know Your Troop
In this episode, I am speed talking through 10 ideas for activities you can do at your back-to-school season troop meetings. I didn't mean to speed talk, but here we are. Don't listen to this one on 2x speed. I say this for your own safety. LOL
18 min
3 Ways to Engage Your Troop During an Election ...
Primary election years are a big deal in the US! But they can also be exhausting, and frankly, divisive. In this episode, I'm sharing 3 of my best tips for how to engage your girls in discussion and action around the fact that it's an election year... without actually getting involved in divisive politics that will alienate troop families.
26 min
Girl Drama, Mama Drama, and Conflict Resolution
This week, my guest is Sheri Bowman-Gazitt. We are talking all about managing DRAMA - girl drama, mama drama, and more.
26 min
Multi Level Troop Tips
This week, I wanted to share some tips for running a multi-level troop, including some insights into my own story and how my own multi-level troop started and grew.
41 min
3 Things to Prepare for Back to Troop Season
We're back for SEASON 7 of this podcast! And it's back to school season, which around here is also known as Back to Troop! Here are three things you can (and should) do to prepare for back to troop season!
25 min
Play Together: Activities to Put On Your Troop ...
I know y'all love the easy-to-implement episodes, and this one is packed full of ideas you are going to love.
52 min
What is Executive Function? For Girls and Adults
I first heard about executive function a few years ago and to be honest, it helped me understand neurodiversity on a level that is so much more helpful and useful. I was so excited to connect with this week's guest, Carrie Bonnett, because she specializes in helping kids (and adults) with executive function. I hope you're ready to learn something this episode - it's a good one!
34 min
Play-Based Learning for Girls of All Ages
My guest today is Amy from Spark Joy with Amy. We're talking about the benefits of play-based learning for children's engagement and resilience.
46 min
Making STEM Fun and Easy
It seems like these days everyone is always talking about STEM. Also, in an effort to close the gender gap in STEM careers, it seems like Girl Scouts has maybe 'overcorrected' with STEM activities ALL THE TIME. Do you feel this way? If so, this episode is for you.
39 min
What are we doing here? (A Reminder & Refresher)
Sometimes, we need a reminder about why we want to do this in the first place, and why this work matters. Today I'm reflecting on 6 years of this podcast and 112+ years of the Movement.
59 min
Healthy Self Expression and Emotional Resilience
Today, my guest is Susan Day. Susan is an art therapist practitioner and a published author living in East Gippsland, Victoria. Susan hosts her own podcast, facilitates creative art sessions, and has over six mindful art therapy books published. Susan is enthralled with the power of art and the written word to change people’s lives.
31 min
Building Girls of Courage, Confidence, and Char...
37 min
Trusting Your Intuition & Building Self Awareness
One of the things that is so special about Girl Scouts is that we can help counteract society's bad teachings and help girls build self awareness and practice trusting themselves and listening to their intuition. This carries into their teenage and adult years to help them make better decisions for themselves.
39 min
Facebook/Meta Ads for Girl Scout Recruitment
A few weeks ago we talked about digital marketing, and you all told me you really wanted to hear more about how to run Facebook/Meta ads. I brought in an expert for this one ;)
37 min
Part 2: What to do as a new Brownie Leader
A couple of weeks ago I answered the question "What are some of your best tips for a new Brownie leader?" Buuuuut I confess that my answer is probably not what the person who asked the question expected to get.
34 min
Connecting with and Supporting Teen Girls
My guest in this episode is Roya Dedeaux, a licensed therapist who specializes ins creative teen therapy, art groups, parenting courses, and more for better mental health. We are specifically talking about how to connect with teens in our troops, but if you have littles in your troop, I know there is a lot of value in this conversation for you, too.
41 min
Ask Me Anything: Where to Start as a New Browni...
If you're new to Girl Scouts like April, this is my best checklist of items to take care of to get started.
45 min
This week, my go-to returning guest Sheryl Robinson is back and we are talking about Adult Recognitions and Appreciation. Breezing through some of the awards that are available both nationwide and council-specific, we’re talking about the formal methods of adult appreciation in Girl Scouts as well as the other ways we can recognize each other.
45 min