The Shallow End

From the Webby Award-winning creators of The Box Of Oddities Podcast comes The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth.

Friends since childhood, Lindsay Schnebly and Jethro Gilligan Toth have always shared a love for stories of people doing ridiculously dumb things. They found it wildly amusing as young boys. They still do today. This is your invitation to pour a strong drink and join them for true stories that are tragically hilarious.

Society & Culture
TSE-022: A Sexy Sobriety Test
Jethro has a story of a drunk Canadian who made bad choices and the police officer that punked him. And then, a guy caused quite a scene on the Interstate all because he didn't want to pay for an Uber. Hardhat and safety goggles are not required but are recommended when listening to Episode 22 of The Shallow End.
30 min
TSE-021: Desperately Seeking Deven
Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane can have bad end results. Lindsay has the story. Then, Jethro tells us of a murderer who jumped bail and was on the lam for over three decades. Don't worry. He gets his in a most delightful way. Episode 22 is freshest if listened to before date on carton.
32 min
TSE-020: Altering Your Prison Pajamas
Don't you love it when a horrible person gets their comeuppance in the end? Jethro has the story. And then, Lindsay has details on why it's not a good idea to cut corners when constructing a major dam. Warning! While listening to Episode 20, avoid contact with mucous membranes.
38 min
TSE-019: Sensible Cadaver Shoes
Jethro reports on a terrible mishap in the meat section at an Arizona Walmart. And then Lindsay gives us pointers on how not to burgle a store. WARNING! Do not puncture, incinerate, or store episode 19 above 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
31 min
TSE-018: Exit Through The Sugarcane Field
They say, "pride comes before the fall." Lindsay has a perfect example of this when one man decides his thievin' skills made him invincible. Then, Jethro reminds us that you can't learn everything from a Youtube video and that some things are best left to the professionals. Warning! Contents of Episode 18 may have settled during shipment.
34 min
TSE-017: Trampoline Chicken Coop
Some people will do anything for delicious fresh baked goods. Jethro has a story of a guy who takes it to a whole different level. And then Lindsay has our very first listener-submitted story involving what would become an awesome display of pyrotechnics. Our 17th episode ontains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients.
34 min
TSE-016: Walking My Pig In The Panhandle
Jethro has the story of a bank robber with extremely poor decision-making skills. Arresting police officers were bewildered. And then, who hasn't had luggage lost or damaged by a baggage handler? One guy exacted the ultimate revenge after his guitar was destroyed by a major airline. Lindsay has the details. It's episode 16! Actual crash results may vary.
32 min
TSE-015: It Must Have Been One Sexy Bench
Things we learned this week in The Shallow End. Don't wear flip-flops when climbing Mount Fuji. Also, nobody likes a pantsless Batman. Lindsay has the details of an ill-advised live streamed event and Jethro talks about sexual escapades gone horribly wrong. Warning! Listening to The Shallow End does not enable you to fly.
36 min
TSE-014: Never Believe A Drunken Engineer
Lindsay has a story of a treasure hunt that went badly. Very, very badly. And then, can a time change be deadly? You bet it can! Jethro has all the details. It's episode 14! Now available without a prescription!
33 min
TSE-013: Deadly Lawn Furniture
Jethro has the ultimate story of instant karma involving a metal toilet. And then Lindsay delves into the dangers of lawnchair aeronautics. The little part of episode 13 which suffocates when the sharp part which gets hurt is swallowed is contained generously.
34 min
TSE-012: Prophylactic Pyrotechnics
Ever mistakenly throw away over a half billion dollars? Well, one guy did. Lindsay has the details. And then Jethro has a difficult time deciding which story of stupid decisions to share. So he shares several. Warning! Reheating episode 12 may cause it to warp.
33 min
TSE-011: A Table Leg, A Broom And A Bottle of S...
It was a very embarrassing day for this particular would-be home invader. Jethro has the details. Then Lindsay reports on a volcano selfie attempt that goes off the rails in a hurry. The best safeguard, second only to abstinence, is listening to Episode 11.
32 min
TSE-010: Comfortable Salmon Footwear
Lindsay has a story of high-altitude Hijinx at 41,00 feet. It doesn't end well. And then, an all-you-can-eat Sushi promotion that goes bad before its freshness date. The slight variations in color and texture enhance the tenth episode's individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
32 min
TSE-009: Fun With Mortar Shells
Jethro tells the story of what could possibly be the most embarrassing trip to the emergency room. Then, what not to do when the power goes out. Lindsay has the details. Insurance regulations prohibit recipients from listening to Episode 9 without an escort.
32 min
TSE008: Diesel Fumes And Nazi Sweat
JG reports on the hilarious sinking of a WW II Nazi U-Boat. And then, can you coach a team to the Little League World Series and still have the time to rob 13 banks? Lindsay has the answer. If any defects in Episode 8 are discovered, do not attempt to repair them yourself, but return to an authorized Shallow End service center.
36 min
TSE007: Some Rope And A Couple Gallons Of Veget...
Some people can get extremely creative when it comes to breaking and entering. But if it's an alcohol-fueled idea, it rarely ends well. Lindsay has the details. And then JG has a story of serious courtroom failures that prove that there are few limits to some people's stupidity. Episode 7 of The Shallow End is not a savings account and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
34 min
TSE006: Keep Your Piano Opinions To Yourself
Can a messy house kill you? Yes. Yes, it can. Lindsay has the unbelievable details. And then, Jethro discovers that a little confidence can carry a person a long way. In this case, right to prison. Episode six of The Shallow End is not intended for use as a dental drill.
28 min
TSE005: Broken Glass And A Feces Covered Iphone 12
Lindsay tells us about a wacky party trick on the 24th floor of a highrise that went horribly wrong. Jethro follows that with a light-hearted tale involving vault toilets and dog leashes. The contents of this episode of The Shallow End should not be fed to fish.
34 min
TSE004: I Had To Throw Away My Floor Mats
Lindsay has a cautionary tale for would-be poachers wearing quality pants. Then, Jethro investigates a story about a car with a bad odor that nearly turned deadly. For comfortable and safe use of The Shallow End, please read the Safety & Comfort Guide.
30 min
TSE003: Fascinating Dresser Drawer Stories
JG tells us about an extremely bizarre circus act that left many traumatized. Others, however, found it hilarious. And then, a Facebook fail that led to prison time. Lindsay has all the ridiculous details. Episode 3 of TSE is not to be combined with radioisotopes except under the advice of a physician.
32 min
TSE002: Those Scarlet Pants Are Fetching
It takes bravery and careful planning to become a professional stuntman. Unfortunately, William didn't have the latter. Then we hear the story of a very bitter man whose puttering in the garage turned deadly. Neither the seller nor the manufacturer will be liable for any brain damage arising from listening to The Shallow End.
33 min
TSE001: A Scrum With a Guy In Underpants
It's the very first episode of TSE! Lindsay tells us about a guy with a love for buffets and shotguns but hatred for cactus. Then, Jethro discovers a story of a man who will do anything for wine fresh from a tanker truck. TSE001 was assembled in the United States from U.S. and Japanese components.
32 min
The Shallow End - Series Trailer
The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth
1 min