Inside The Vatican

Each week, Colleen Dulle goes behind the headlines of the biggest Vatican news stories with America’s Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell. They'll break down complicated news stories that have a whole lot of history behind them in an understandable, engaging way. Colleen and Gerard will give you the inside scoop on what people inside the Vatican are thinking, saying—and planning.

Religion & Spirituality
Changes and preparations ahead of the summit on...
As 2019 begins, all eyes in the Vatican are turned towards the upcoming , and recent weeks have brought a number of stories that reveal how Pope Francis aims to lead the church on this issue. First, the Vatican confirmed this past weekend that it is...
15 min
2018 Vatican News Roundup
This week before “Inside the Vatican” goes on break, we are giving you a round-up of this year’s top Vatican news—and digging into the questions that remain about these stories going into the new year. We examine whether Pope Francis’...
22 min
Did Pope Francis change his mind on gay priests...
we look at Pope Francis’  His new book on consecrated life, “The Strength of a Vocation,” is based on a long interview and Pope Francis has a number of quotations that have made headlines around the world. “The issue of homosexuality...
15 min
Will the Vatican’s sexual abuse summit make a d...
we take a look at the  that will plan the Vatican’s upcoming, high-stakes summit on sexual abuse. One committee member, Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India, told  in October that the meeting “will be successful, or it will be a...
16 min
The Sex Abuse Crisis and Catholic Infighting
Full show notes and related articles:       
13 min
Are the bishops stalling or taking the time to ...
Full show notes and related articles: 
21 min
Who knew what when about former Cardinal McCarr...
For full show notes and links, visit:  
20 min
The Synod on Young People is not over
This week on “,” America’s new Vatican news explainer podcast, producer Colleen Dulle and Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell unpack the . The main takeaway from the , Gerry says, is the method of listening, discussing and discerning that...
24 min
Why might Pope Francis go to North Korea?
In the first episode of Inside the Vatican, producer Colleen Dulle and Vatican correspondent Gerard O'Connell give an update on the Synod on Young People, Archbishop Viganò's third letter and relations between the Holy See and North and South Korea....
20 min
Inside the Vatican - Trailer
Each week, Colleen Dulle goes behind the headlines of the biggest Vatican news stories with America’s Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell. They'll break down complicated news stories that have a whole lot of history behind them in an...
0 min