Inside The Vatican

Each week, Colleen Dulle goes behind the headlines of the biggest Vatican news stories with America’s Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell. They'll break down complicated news stories that have a whole lot of history behind them in an understandable, engaging way. Colleen and Gerard will give you the inside scoop on what people inside the Vatican are thinking, saying—and planning.

Religion & Spirituality
Vatican issues new universal laws on sexual abuse
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry and I explain why the papal almoner climbed down a manhole this weekend to illegally restore electricity to 450 homeless people squatting in a building in Rome. We also explain who the papal almoner is, and...
20 min
Is the church getting closer to introducing wom...
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry and I talk about three stories from Pope Francis’ trip to Bulgaria and North Macedonia. We’ll talk about what he did on that trip, as well as two stories he commented on during a press conference aboard...
23 min
Pope Francis' big reforms to the Roman Curia ar...
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry and I update you on the situation in Sri Lanka following a series of explosions in churches and hotels there on Easter Sunday. Then, we’ll talk about the new editorial board of Women Church World. Will...
16 min
Pope Benedict breaks his self imposed silence
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry and I talk briefly about the horrific fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Then, we’ll update you on Pope Francis kissing the feet of South Sudanese leaders, and the importance of gestures like this...
18 min
Two groundbreaking dialogues at the Vatican
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerard O’Connell and I update you on Cardinal Sarah’s recent comments on migrants, which strike a different tone from what we’ve come to expect from Pope Francis. We also discuss why Pope Francis prefers to...
20 min
Unpacking the pope’s document on young people
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerard O’Connell and I take a look at the joint appeal Pope Francis signed with King Mohammed VI of Morocco to keep the city of Jerusalem and its holy sites open to people of all faiths. Then, we unpack some of...
17 min
Inside Lucetta Scaraffia’s resignation and Pope...
On the of “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry O’Connell and I brought you an interview with Lucetta Scaraffia, the editor of Women Church World, a monthly magazine that comes out with the Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. On Tuesday,...
20 min
How things are changing for women in the Vatican
Gerry’s out this week, so instead of following our usual format, this week we’re breaking out of the weekly news cycle to bring you an interview about a slow change that’s beginning for some really important people in the Vatican: Women. Lucetta...
12 min
Bishop accountability and Pope Francis' sixth a...
This week, we’ll update you on Cardinal Pell and several other high-profile cases of abuse. We’ll also talk about Pope Francis’ sixth anniversary as pope. Cardinal Pell was sentenced to six years in prison. He’ll be eligible for parole in...
18 min
Secret archives, Cardinal Pell and the slow pro...
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Gerry O’Connell and I update you on what has been happening since the sexual abuse summit. First, we take a look at on how to handle cases of sexual abuse, and how to put the proper structures in place in each...
19 min
Deliver Us: a new podcast about the sex abuse c...
We talk a lot on this show about the church’s sexual abuse crisis, and while Gerry and I try to break down what’s new, we don’t often get to talk about the problems that are at the root of this scandal—or how hearing these stories over and...
32 min
First day of sex abuse summit includes some sur...
This week on “Inside the Vatican” Gerry and I are in Rome covering the sexual abuse summit. So this week’s episode might sound a little different—you’ll hear the sounds of Rome, and some of the interviews that Gerry and I have been doing...
16 min
Will a new book hijack coverage of the sexual a...
This week on Inside the Vatican, we’ll fill you in on Cardinal Muller’s , along with updates on the McCarrick case, preparations for next week’s summit on sexual abuse, and information on a bombshell book that threatens to overshadow that...
17 min
The pope’s historic trip to Abu Dhabi
This week,  visited Abu Dhabi to meet with religious leaders at the Global Inter-Religious Meeting on Human Fraternity, a conference aimed at combating religious extremism. Where the pope chooses to visit will always be significant. But what...
16 min
Pope Francis is open to married priests—in some...
Whenever Pope Francis goes on a trip somewhere around the world, he usually invites journalists to join him on the papal plane, and he’ll spend a few minutes taking questions from them. Pretty much every subject is on the table, and some of the...
14 min
How World Youth Day is changing the church
This week on “Inside the Vatican” we look at why the Vatican seems to be lowering expectations for its upcoming international summit on sexual abuse. Then, we talk about World Youth Day, which is being held in Panama this week. Gerry has covered...
14 min
Vatican commission's research confirms that wom...
This week on “,” we explore the topic of women deacons. We feature some clips from America’s with two members of the Vatican’s commission to research in the early church. Then, Rome correspondent Gerry O’Connell and I unpack what Pope...
18 min
Changes and preparations ahead of the summit on...
As 2019 begins, all eyes in the Vatican are turned towards the upcoming , and recent weeks have brought a number of stories that reveal how Pope Francis aims to lead the church on this issue. First, the Vatican confirmed this past weekend that it is...
15 min
2018 Vatican News Roundup
This week before “Inside the Vatican” goes on break, we are giving you a round-up of this year’s top Vatican news—and digging into the questions that remain about these stories going into the new year. We examine whether Pope Francis’...
22 min
Did Pope Francis change his mind on gay priests...
we look at Pope Francis’  His new book on consecrated life, “The Strength of a Vocation,” is based on a long interview and Pope Francis has a number of quotations that have made headlines around the world. “The issue of homosexuality...
15 min
Will the Vatican’s sexual abuse summit make a d...
we take a look at the  that will plan the Vatican’s upcoming, high-stakes summit on sexual abuse. One committee member, Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India, told  in October that the meeting “will be successful, or it will be a...
16 min
The Sex Abuse Crisis and Catholic Infighting
Full show notes and related articles:       
13 min
Are the bishops stalling or taking the time to ...
Full show notes and related articles: 
21 min
Who knew what when about former Cardinal McCarr...
For full show notes and links, visit:  
20 min
The Synod on Young People is not over
This week on “,” America’s new Vatican news explainer podcast, producer Colleen Dulle and Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell unpack the . The main takeaway from the , Gerry says, is the method of listening, discussing and discerning that...
24 min