The Explorers Podcast

The Explorers Podcast is about the greatest explorers and explorations in history.

On the Explorers Podcast, the explorers we cover include Ernest Shackleton, Ibn Battuta, Roald Amundsen, Frederick Cook, Adrien de Gerlache, John McDouall Stuart, Francisco Vazquez de Coronado, Matt Rutherford, Jacques Marquette, Louis Jolliet, James Cook, Abel Tasman, Alice Morrison, Fridtjof Nansen, Yuri Gagarin, Jacques Cartier, Richard Francis Burton, Teddy Roosevelt, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, James Beckwourth, Alvise Cadamosto, Henry the Navigator, Andres de Urdaneta, Edmund Hillar, Tenzing Norgay, George Mallory, Marco Polo, Xu Fu, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, Burke and Wills Expedition, Robert O'Hara Burke, William Wills, Hanno the Navigator, Lewis and Clark, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Hernan Cortes, John Franklin, Lost Franklin Expedition, Francis Drake, Diogo Cao, Pytheas, Nellie Bly, Christopher Columbus, Panfilo de Narvaez, Bartolomeu Dias, Mungo Park, John Cabot, Erik the Red, Leif Erikson, Zebulon Pike, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan, and Zheng He and the Chinese Treasure Fleet, Neil Armstrong, Aztec Empire, Moctezuma, Montezuma, Robert Falcon Scott, Tom Creen, Frank Wild, Cândido Rondon, Brendan the Navigator, and Vladimir Atlasov.

We also cover a variety of subjects and events and travel to many places. Topics include the Far East, the River of Doubt, the Manila Galleons, Mount Everest, the Moon Landing, Apollo 11, the circumnavigation of the world, the source of the Nile, the New World, Vinland, the Niger River, Timbuktu, the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, Antarctica, the Arctic, the Northwest Passage, the North Pole, the South Pole, the Congo River, the Chinese Treasure Fleet, the Corps of Discovery, Tenochtitlán, Japan, China, the Silk Road, the Spice Islands, the Moluccas, the Caravel, Mecca, Medina, Lake Tanganyika, Sputnik, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, the Seven Cities of Gold, and much, much more.

Society & Culture
Francis Drake - Part 4 - War in the Pacific
Francis Drake passes through the Strait of Magellan and proceeds to attack the Spanish on the western coast of the Americas.
27 min
Francis Drake - Part 3 - The Journey Around the...
Francis Drake begins his circumnavigation of the globe, traveling toward the Strait of Magellan.
34 min
Francis Drake - Part 2 - Terror of the Spanish ...
Francis Drake conducts three expeditions to the Caribbean, becoming the most hated main the Spanish Empire.
46 min
Francis Drake - Part 1 - The Early Years
The early years of Francis Drake, including his voyages with John Hawkins
38 min
Diogo Cão and the Exploration of West Africa
Portuguese explorer Diogo Cão travels down the coast of west Africa in the 1480s, becoming the first European to discover the Congo River, and setting the stage for others to round the tip of the continent.
29 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
See what happened to Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery after the conclusion of their epic trek
73 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
The Corps heads out of the Rockies and down the Missouri - the last leg of their epic journey.
33 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
Lewis and Clark lead the Corps east - up the Columbia River and over the Rocky Mountains
29 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
Lewis and Clark fight their way across the Rocky Mountains and make for the Pacific Coast
33 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
Lewis and Clark struggle up the Missouri River and find that there is no easy route over the Rocky Mountains
37 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery – Pa...
In the late summer and fall of 1804, Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery head into the lands of the powerful Sioux nation, aiming to reach the Mandan Villages, located near modern-day Bismarck, North Dakota.
41 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
In this episode, Lewis and Clark head up the Missouri River in the spring of 1804.
37 min
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery - Pa...
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark prepare to lead the Corps of Discovery west in an attempt to reach the Pacific Ocean
50 min
Nellie Bly and the Race Around the World - Part...
In the final part of our series, Nellie Bly sails from Japan in a last push to defeat Phileas Fogg - and her rival, Elizabeth Bisland.
30 min
Nellie Bly and the Race Around the World - Part...
Delayed ships, monsoons and other obstacles test journalist Nellie Bly as she travels from France to Asia,
23 min
Nellie Bly and the Race Around the World - Part...
26 min
Pytheas and the Circumnavigation of Britain
In about 325 BCE Pytheas of Massalia begins one of the first great voyages of discovery when he sets out into the land of the Celts to find the legendary island of Britain.
25 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 7/7
In the final episode in our seven-part series on Christopher Columbus, the Admiral and his crew find themselves stranded on the island of Jamaica.
36 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 6/7
Columbus sets out on his fourth and final voyage. This time he's been ordered to find a passage to Asia - a voyage that will take him along the Central American coast.
29 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 5/7
In his third voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus searched out the rumored lands to the south - and in the process, discover the South American continent.
33 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 4/7
Part 4 in our series on Christopher Columbus details his exploration of Cuba and Jamaica, plus his subjugation of Hispaniola.
26 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 3/7
Christopher Columbus heads to the New World for a second voyage. This time he has 17 ships and more than 1,200 men. The object is to establish a viable commercial enterprise in this newly discovered land.
34 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 2/7
Christopher Columbus sets off on his historic first voyage - one that would become the most important voyage of discovery in history.
37 min
Christopher Columbus - Part 1/7
Christopher Columbus tries to secure backing for an expedition to cross the Atlantic in a daring attempt to reach Asia.
27 min
Francisco de Orellana and the Exploration of th...
Francisco de Orellana heads down the Amazon River in a desperate bid to return to civilization.
74 min