Wonder of Parenting - A Brain-Science...

Wouldn’t it be great if your child came with an owner’s manual? A how-to book on how to raise your child? And if your child came with such a manual, wouldn’t it be helpful to have someone walk you through it, making that owner’s manual come alive? Michael Gurian and Tim Wright serve as your guides through what they believe is the owner’s manual for your child: Your child’s brain. While the brain doesn’t tell the whole story, it does offer a treasure trove of insights into your son or daughter. Michael and Tim each have over 30 years of experience using brain science research, best-practices, and their own experiences as dads in helping parents read, understand, and implement the gift of your child’s brain, the built-in how-to manual that will help you enjoy the wonder of parenting.

Kids & Family
Parents Ask The Toughest Questions
32 min
31 min
Power Struggles.
30 min
Managing the After School Hours
29 min
Fathers! With special guest Chris Brown.
30 min
Why Do Boys Use Insults And Putdowns?
32 min
Kids Ask The Darndest Questions
25 min
The Three-Year-Old with ADHD
The Three-Year-Old with ADHD
30 min
The Son who Lies
The Son who Lies.  A mom writes in asking for some help with her young son who tells lies.
28 min
A Mom at her Wits End
A Mom at her Wits End.  A mom is at her wits end with her 12 year old daughter.
28 min
A Child's First Phone with Guest Catherine Pear...
A Child's First Phone withh Guest Catherine Pearlman.  Dr. Catherine Pearlman joins Michael and Tim to talk about her new book on how to help kids navigate the world of screens.
34 min
The Glass-Half-Empty Child
The Glass-Half-Empty Child.  A mom writes in asking if parents can influence the attitude of their child.
27 min
Teaching Children Financial Responsibility
Teaching Children Financial Responsibility.  Michael and Tim tackle chores, allowances, bank accounts, and helping our kids learn about money.
27 min
Children and Trauma
Children and Trauma.  Michael and Tim respond to a mom whose family has experienced significant trauma.
31 min
Navigating Through Sexual Orientation and Gende...
Navigating Through Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.  Michael and Tim respond to a mom concerned about new gender policies at her son's school.
41 min
How Do I Best Motivate My Child?
How Do I Best Motivate My Child?  A mom writes in asking about the proper use of motivation.
27 min
Helping Kids Deal with the Illness of a Loved One.
Helping Kids Deal with the Illness of a Loved One.  Michael and Tim talk about how to help our kids when the people they love are seriously ill.
29 min
Moving our Kids Beyond Fear
Moving our Kids Beyond Fear.  A listener asks how we can help our kids move past the fear and trauma of the last two years.
26 min
To Push or Not to Push
To Push or Not to Push.  A mom writes about her frustration trying to get her son to do what she asks.
26 min
The Boy's Crisis Part 2
The Boy's Crisis Part 2.  Part 2 of Michael's and Tim's interview with Warren Farrell, author of The Boys Crisis.
29 min
The Boys Crisis with Guest Warren Farrell
The Boys Crisis with Guest Warren Farrell.  Michael and Tim are joined by the author of The Boy Crisis, Warren Farrell for part 1 of their two part interview.
28 min
Handling Teen Girl Conflict
Handling Teen Girl Conflict.  A look at rumination loops and girl "drama" and why it might be good for our girls.
28 min
Do Parents Really Matter?
Do Parents Really Matter?  Is the destiny of our kids found in their genetics or in our parenting?
26 min
Reading With Your Kids
Reading Wtih Your Kids.  Michael and Tim are joined by Jed Doherty to talk about the importance of reading with our kids.
32 min
4 Year Anniversary: Labels
4 Year Anniversary: Labels.  Celebrating four years of the podcast, Michael and Tim look at the power of labeling our kids.
34 min