Wonder of Parenting - A Brain-Science...

Wouldn’t it be great if your child came with an owner’s manual? A how-to book on how to raise your child? And if your child came with such a manual, wouldn’t it be helpful to have someone walk you through it, making that owner’s manual come alive? Michael Gurian and Tim Wright serve as your guides through what they believe is the owner’s manual for your child: Your child’s brain. While the brain doesn’t tell the whole story, it does offer a treasure trove of insights into your son or daughter. Michael and Tim each have over 30 years of experience using brain science research, best-practices, and their own experiences as dads in helping parents read, understand, and implement the gift of your child’s brain, the built-in how-to manual that will help you enjoy the wonder of parenting.

Kids & Family
Listener Question: Personality or Trauma?
Listener Question: Personality or Trauma? A Grandmother writes about a trauma her granddaughter experienced at two weeks of age and wonders if that might have affected the granddaughter’s personality.
28 min
Special: How to Keep Your Kids Brains Engaged w...
Special: How to Keep Your Kids Brains Engaged while Sheltered in Home Michael and Tim discuss healthy brain habits for kids while sheltered in home.
31 min
Special: How to Keep Parents Sane while Shelter...
Special: How to Keep Parents Sane while Sheltered in Home Tim asks Michael for practical ideas on how to keep sane as adults, as parents, and as couples. 
29 min
Listener Question: What Do I Tell My Son about ...
Listener Question: What Do I Tell My Son about His Dad? A single mom asks this question as she anticipates her son, whose biological dad is not and has never been in the picture, asking it of her one day.
29 min
Listener Question—Motivating a 6th Grader to Learn
Listener Question—Motivating a 6th Grader to Learn. A 6th grader loves to read and play, but has a hard time motivating himself in school.
23 min
Special Edition: Talking to Your Kids About the...
Special Edition: Talking to Your Kids About the Coronavirus. Tim asks Michael about how we can help our kids navigate this pandemic.
31 min
Neurotoxins, Your Child, and Your Child’s Brain
Neurotoxins, Your Child, and Your Child’s Brain. Neurotoxins are everywhere. Tim asks Michael what they are, what they do to our brains, and how we can protect our children from them.
31 min
Helping Boys Thrive
Helping Boys Thrive. While lots of attention and resources are directed to helping out girls thrive, our boys are greatly underserved. Michael and Tim talk about the challenges our boys face and a way to rally local communities to address the issues of bo
34 min
Listener Question: My Brain Made Me Do It!
Listener Question: My Brain Made Me Do It! A 3 year old is wrestling with impulse control and blames his brain. Michael and Tim dig into the brain science to talk about how to help our kids manage their impulses as they grow into adults.
28 min
Listener Question: The Best School for Boys
Listener Question: The Best School for Boys. An expectant mom is already thinking about the best school for her soon to be born son.
26 min
Listener Question: How to talk about Death and ...
Listener Question: How to talk about Death and Suicide with Kids. The listener wants to know how to talk about Grandpa’s suicide with her young children.
27 min
Listener Question: Boy, Girls, and Pornography
Listener Question: Boy, Girls, and Pornography. Michael and Tim look at the effects of pornography on a boy’s brain and the legal issues surrounding online porn when it comes to our boys and girls
28 min
Listener Question: Raising Boys in a Gay Househ...
Listener Question: Raising Boys in a Gay Household. Two dads are looking to adopt sons and have questions about how raising their sons in a Gay Household.
27 min
Listeners Questions: The Three Year Old Wreckin...
Listeners Questions: The Three Year Old Wrecking Ball and the “Color Blind” Grandson. These two questions focus on harnessing the energy of boys, one with lots of physical energy, the other with energy expressed through humor.
30 min
Listeners Questions: The New Mom and Nature vs....
Listeners Questions: The New Mom and Nature vs. Nurture. A new mom wants advice on how to raise her new son and another mom wants to know how to discern inborn traits vs. learned behavior.
29 min
Listener Questions: Empowering a Daughter and T...
Listener Questions: Empowering a Daughter and The Independent Preschooler. The first question deals with a young daughter who doesn’t seem to stand up for herself with her friends. The second question is about a very independent Preschooler who struggle
33 min
Listener Questions: Parental Social Media Use a...
Listener Questions: Parental Social Media Use and the Boy who Reads too Much. A parent writes in wondering about the impact parental use of social media can have on kids and a mom is concerned that her son might be reading too much.
29 min
Listener Questions: The Teen who Won’t Study an...
Listener Questions: The Teen who Won’t Study and Language Immersion. Michael and Tim respond to the family who are struggling to get their teen son to study and to the mom who’s wondering about immersing her young son in French.
31 min
Understanding the Effects of Trauma on our Boys...
Understanding the Effects of Trauma on our Boys and Girls: Michael and Tim focus on the broader issue of trauma, what forms it takes, what signs to look for, and how to respond when our kids are traumatized.
31 min
Protecting Our Sons from Sexual Trauma Part 2
Protecting Our Sons from Sexual Trauma Part 2: Tim asks Michael about how to protect our sons from sexual trauma and what signs of sexual trauma parents should look for.
31 min
Protecting Our Sons from Sexual Trauma Part 1
Protecting Our Sons from Sexual Trauma Part 1: Tim interviews Michael about the sexual trauma Michael experienced as a 10 year old boy.
32 min
Listener Questions: Stapled fingers and rough w...
Listeners Questions: Michael and Tim answer two questions; the first from a mom whose son staples his finger and the second about a son who is rough with his cat.
30 min
Listener Question: The Lying Teenager
Listener Question: The Lying Teenager. A mom writes in about the challenges she and her husband are facing with a son who lies about vaping and other issues.
28 min
Listener Question: The Smart but Challenging Fo...
Listener Question: The Smart but Challenging Four Year Old. A single mom writes about her very smart 4 year old who is having troubles transitioning to school.
31 min
Listener Question: The Overly-Compliant Daughter
Listener Question: The Overly-Compliant Daughter. This mom is concerned about her people-pleasing daughter and how she can build resilience in her.
28 min