We Don't Have Time For This

Two full-time working mums with lots of opinions and no time. Featuring childhood besties Gemma Peanut and Kate Reeves.

Kids & Family
Society & Culture
Please Don't Make Me Track My Spending
Another sunny day in Solitary Confinement. But thanks to the Singles-Bubble, Gem and Revzy are reunited IRL. Revz is wondering if she's the only one who isn't playing Grown Ups with her money and Gem is taking on the role of Mum, a.k.a Sensible Sandy, a.k.a Sir. Buzz Killington. But she's unfortunately, probably right on this one. Then, we get quite the rage on over the crazy divisiveness going down online around vaccinations and Revz just straight up loses the plot. Gem is trying to stay open minded, but it's all getting too much and SOMEONE BREAK US OUT OF HERE. Then we do a rapid fire AMA with your questions and, frankly, we just don't have time. There's rage, there's LOLs, there's singing and #notsponny and if you're still here, we fucking love you and please, send help cos we are loose lockdown loons. Another Tuesday with your fave Besties, bitches.
54 min
Loving Your Kids So Hard It Makes Them Weird
You guys, Gem is going grey. Proper grey. Probs because her daycare just up and shut down. Lucky we’re in perpetual, unending lockdown… 🥴 Today we’re just wondering, are we harder on our girls than our boys? I mean, we definitely are, but is that normal? We discuss how we don’t want to make weird-ass men out of our boys, but omg, we just want to marry them a little bit. But for real, we want to be those cool mother-in-laws and have all our adult kids loving coming to visit us every single Sunday. BUT HOW DO WE DO THIS AND NOT MAKE THEM WEIRD? And is having a girl a guarantee of a built in bestie? Or is that yet another thing we don’t wanna fuck up? Lockdown may have made us over think all of this, but here we are, in our makeshift podcast forts coming to you, just cos it’s Tuesday.
54 min
Real Life v Reel Life 🤳🏼
Maybe it's Sydney Lockdown, but this week we get a bit real. Or is it reel. People keep asking Revz if Gem is really as perfect as her instagram grid and frankly, its opened a can of self-conscious, 2021, macro worms. Is it uncool to appear cool on the gram these days? Or is there a feed for every feel? If you love connecting through socials online, do you need to have a "brand" or can you just show up as yourself - and what if showing up as yourself has a real, well, brand about it? What is the role of your real friends compared to your "reel" friends? And my god this is such a weird conversation, but its not like we all haven't thought about it! A deep, dopamine dive into life online, off-line, through a phone and into our heads. Revz hits a nerve with Gem and together, we try and figure out just why any of us really give a shit. ALSO SOME GOOD #NOTSPONSOREDS. Happy Tuesday! Or is it Wednesday? Or Sunday? Or October? Or 2037? We do not know, but we are here.
59 min
The Best Month To Be Born In Is...
Fuck you Lockdown, seriously, fuck you. We at Whinge FM really want you to get in your cab and get outta here, cos now "Home Schooling" has to happen and there's a looming birthday. So really, what is there to do but cry, shop (online) and pour yourself a hefty #skimflatwine and go for your "exercise". We somehow get really macro reminiscing on our 90s music and please, someone stop the singing. On the topic of birthdays, when is the actual best time to be born and does anyone ever really care about your birthday? Really? One we won't be phoning in is our 40ths, which are still aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages away but we have plans. Then, a bit of a gear-shift and Gem has made a major move in her professional life and its given us a case of the feels. It's an ep full of feelings, you guys. AND FEELINGS ARE FOR FEELING (Revz wrote that, cos, not sure if you know this, but Revz loves therapy).
56 min
Would You Put Your Breast Milk In A Necklace?
LIVE from Sydney Lockdown, we are remote recording from under blankets to bring you more basic drivel this week. Kicking off with what everyone is talking about (19 minutes, 58 seconds mean anything to you?) #netflixandchill #donkeyschlong. As well as some retail recon the DLs have done re: tooth fairy and we're HORRIFIED. Speaking of terrifying keepsakes, we discuss breastmilk jewellery and hey, why not, if that's your jam? Right Gem? Then, Gem does not have time for her Mum flouting her utterly perfect parenting and enabling her kids' inner brat life. And Revz is so done with hormones (and frankly, should she even be allowed to do this podcast when she's in this state?) We rail at the way people give directions, COVID, vaccines, and reminisce about stalking mixed race baby hashtags; it's yet another pick n' mix from your favourite Tuesday Besties.
50 min
What No One Tells You About Birth (but ACTUALLY)
ROCK UPDATE! Where is that goddamn engagement ring, cos, we're still feeling queasy. Now, what is the going rate for a manky old tooth these days, and how does it all work with the Tooth Fairy? Cos it seems there's a few different stories out there, and we need there to be one. So today, we get into a much requested topic which is - What do you wish you had known about birth before you did the damn thing? We have some hacks, some (eeew) tips and (gross) advice - STAY WITH US - we get into the much-discussed episiotomy, the Day 3 Blues, Vag birth vs Sunroof, the gas, YA FIRST POO, it's g l a m o u r o u s. This turns into Maternity Ward Klepto Antics and, yes, it's a thing! Then we touch on the idea of orgasming while you're crowning... now... we don't like to judge but GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, FELICITY. As you were, Bitches. It's Tuesday in Lockdown, and this one's the loosest of them all!
46 min
Where Can I Get Me An Echo Chamber?
Oh hey Tuesday! Can we talk about hair maintenance (or lack there of), and why Revz ever thought it was a good idea to add *go blonde* to her busy life? And then, take a breath, we get into the old g r a t i t u d e chestnut... and we've changed our tune since Ep 12, or have we? We're a bundle of contradictions on this one. This week, Gem is running on fumes, cos she has #nightcreepers and she's (shocker) over-worked. To add to this, she's having wild cheese-induced nightmares and that leads us to whether it's ever ok to recount your dreams to, well, anyone. We accidentally drop a job ad for our expanding Poddy team and then speaking of sleep, we do what we said we'd never do, and tackle the topic of sleep-training, specifically the smugness that lives on either side of the debate. Raffa is a klepto now, Revz hates Teddy's nickname and Gem can't pronounce "hypocrite" BUT the big takeaway is that everyone sucks, you should seek out your confirmation bias and, bloody, YOU DO YOU MOTHERF*CKRS!
52 min
Gentle Parenting Can GET IN THE F*KN CAR!
Gemma is, because of course she is, spring cleaning! How fun is good old fashioned de-clutter (stay with us).... and how annoying is it when a partner moves sh*t, puts sh*t in the "wrong" place etc... Then, there's a diamond situation and it's making us all sick. But that's what happens when you move house and go into labour on the same day. Then, Revz goes full pirate, and will someone reign her filthy mouth in? Then, we do not have time for sick days. Fuck you, snotty sick days, don't you know there is NO time? And then look, this is controversial, but can we talk about gentle parenting… we are not sure we have any time for it, but then, we are once again, a bundle of contradictions so who the f*ck knows. Welcome to f*cking Tuesday.
44 min
You Don't Make Friends With Game Night
Coming to you "LIVE" from Tasmania, thanks to Stillwater Seven and Clover Hill Wines. This week, we really cover the full gamut on Whinge FM. Starting with the Emergency Department, like, who has the time guys? Not us! And if human children aren't enough, can we talk about "Fur Babies"? Revz has a gripe, and she's ready to lay it on the line ("don't @ me", she begs, like a big dumb, dumb). Then, look, can we talk about when kids wanna dress themselves? Why do they have zero style when we've tried so hard to raise them chic? WHY?! Revz bought horrendous shoes for her gross kids that assault the senses, and Gem claims that Raffa has fun clothes but we need to see the receipts. A bougie sea plane interrupts us before we get into the detailed intricacies of what makes Reality TV (yes, it's very important), and Revz exposes Gem for the Game Nazi that she is. All in all, another basic bitch-cast, but from a beautiful part of the world. Thanks for having us Tassie!
64 min
Sorry, Who's Having Another Baby?
Unpopular opinion... but can we all hold hands and say that sometimes it's just easier to solo parent? THERE! WE SAID IT. But, careful what you wish for. This week, we are looking into the future, with a special guest, Psychic Medium Anna Paola Boyd, but before we do (and oh, how we do), we reminisce about the past, and remember high school formals? Gem is still smug about her cheap-ass formal outfit and Revz cannot believe she thought she was fat, when in reality she looked like a greyhound. Enter Anna, who has some bombs to drop on us about our future and all the best made plans we thought we had all sewn up. Apparently there are babies on their way, major moves, career slam-dunks and a SOUL CONTRACT. Strap in, basic besties, this one goes roguer than rogue.
56 min
The Topic We're Utterly Sick Of Discussing
First up, scandal, is Gem up the duff? Cos Revz has done some detective work and if it looks like a jar of pickles and smells like a jar of pickles... MAYBE ITS A JAR OF PICKLES. Gem recounts her first kiss, which makes us mourn the loss of kissing, RIP The Pash. Then we talk about The Sex Talk and how Revz has given it multiple times. Then, look, we're ragey. And we're sick of being ragey on this topic, but we just are. We discuss a current news story and our visceral reaction to how it's played out, which gets us back into sexual politics and workplace behaviour and DON'T WORRY, THEN WE TALK ABOUT THE BEST FOUNDATION.
50 min
If Your Bestie Can't Call You On Your Shit, Who...
Ok, periods. Why? Just why? I mean, we know why but, please, have we not evolved beyond the blinding rage? Then we talk about intervention during birth and the further blinding rage we feel when people glorify “natural” birth #whateverthatmeans. Speaking of loving the drugs, we went OUT for Mother’s Day (jokes, there were no drugs) and we keep getting shamed for it. So, is Mother’s Day really for mothers then? And what’s the greatest gift you could give a mum? Which leads us to friendships and the difference between old ass mates and new Mum-Friends. How do you take a friend crush to a friendmance? Finally, Gem is - shocker - exhausted and Revz calls her on her bullsh*t and “next-week” attitude. But in a career win, Gem reveals her new project! So it’s ALL happening!
59 min
When Your Bestie is Navigating Infertility
First up, the people need to know Gem's nickname, and Revz is on the case in this worldwide exclusive and it reminds us just how silly and insecure we all are about the dumbest things that literally no one else cares about. Speaking of names; to keep your name or change it when you get married? What about the kids? And here we go again at the p a t r i a r c h y. Also, throwing Gem further under the bus, we're talking bad, old tattoos... and guess who's inked up? Lucky she gives no f*cks! Then, we finally get down to it, and the topic on the table is infertility. We have both experienced it, been there for each other through it, and are on the other side. So how do you support someone you love who is navigating life under the cloud of infertility? And how do you tell your childless friend that you are pregnant? We've been there, so you don't have to. Another Tuesday with your basic besties.
74 min
When Emojis Reveal Your Bad Parenting
What's your most used emoji? Is it loving, a warm hug, Spanish dancer vibes or straight up murdery? Maybe it gives away your drinking problem (*cough* REVZ). We steal each other's phones and psychoanalyse where we're at based on tiny cartoons. Then, we get into a bit of self identity, pregnancy and how going from 0-1 kid and 1-2 kids changes who you are. Oh also, Gem has a biter on her hands and Revzy has a lemon. Thanks for hanging with your fave hot-mess besties for another Tuesday Loose-Fest.
56 min
I Don't Wanna See A Ghost, It's The Sight That ...
61 min
Is Crying In Front Of Your Kids Ever Ok?
Hoorah the school holidays are FINALLY over but the whinging kids and sibling fighting, does that EVER end? When you’ve had enough, is it ok to completely lose it in front of your kids? And what about with Hubs? We wonder if there’s a good and bad way to fight with your significant other. Now, it’s far less important, but Revz doesn’t know what to wear and it’s all she can think about. Gem on the other hand in comfy AF (pun intended) being a mumsy dag and ain’t nobody gonna stop her. Sack dresses FTW or tits out for the boys... #discuss.
53 min
Never Worked So Hard to Disappoint So Many People
Ok, full disclosure, we are a little loose this week, coming off the back of technical poddy issues and #dummygate, we are two sleep-deprived zombies. But we're here! And we're talking about Gem 'copping some crit' on the gram via the Mum Police and exactly how dummy weaning went down in her household. Revz has been knocked for six by a meme, and look, it's made her spiral. As if a brutal meme wasn't enough, we also heard a bang on quote and it's just so real, you guys. Gem had a shocking run-in with a Mansplainer which begs the question... Should anyone ever put up with a toxic work culture? Spoiler alert; no, but it's never that easy, is it? Finally, can we just stop waiting for life to get easier? Is it time to lean in to the manic hustle and just own it?
59 min
Mum Guilt In Flour And Icing
We kick this week off addressing a call-out we got via DMs about beauty, but don’t worry it quickly descends into scrotox and deflect, deflect... LOOK OVER THERE, it's kids party time for us both and we sit on very different sides of the cake aisle. Gem puts on the Outsourcing Queen crown, Revz goes full art director. We don’t have time for extra-curricular craft being assigned outside of school hours. Then we take a trip down memory lane to a whack time we went to... wait for it... RUSSIA. Yet another romp with your basic Tuesday besties. And if you haven't spotted a typo in all of this... Gem was here.
63 min
Ask Us Anything (Unless It's About Drunk Shoppi...
We're flipping the script this week, cos we wanted to open it up to you, Dear Listeners, in an Ask Me Anything, poddy style! But first, the Easter Bunny is coming for Raffa's dummy and Gem is shitting herself for what's to come. Revz has a little baby klepto on her hands which is probably not a sign of intelligence, although, watch us spin it that way. We talk drunk online shopping and even circle around the cauldron of kids s l e e p. We get into all your quezzies including what success means to us, and more importantly, where do we get our hair done. All in all, another hour with your favourite basic bitches.
73 min
When You Run Into Your Ex Looking *Fire Emoji*
Have you ever run into your ex? Let me rephrase, have you ever run into your ex looking *Fire Emoji*. Well sometimes, just sometimes, life serves up a just dessert, and this happened to "Us" this week and "We" were both there for it and we may have merged into the one person at this point. Gem also experienced another parenting first / rite of passage and arrived at a pretty awkies realisation about herself that she needs to unpack. Revz is pissed that ALL the family gifting falls on her, even for her in laws, so we get into that and somehow end up at another layer of guilt involving sustainability. Wow, we did it again, we went everywhere.
60 min
Getting Paid to Overshare
Drama, Drama, Drama! We had our first on-air fight over, wait for it, Harry & Meghan. Its the Brit v The Republican and spoiler alert, nobody wins. In the theme of confrontation, Gem tells us about an aggressive blow-up at her local playground and then in some kind of weird non sequitur we get into the hot topic of sharing your life on the internet - we reminisce about life pre-social media and then get hella scared for the children. THE CHILDREN! Finally, Revz forced Gem into a 'salacious' tell-all about what really happens behind the scenes of influencing and what-was-this-episode-about? Life...oh, life! ohhhh li-ife, OH LIFE. Doo doo doo doo.
72 min
Please Son, Don't Be A Dick
57 min
Let's Talk About Sex, (After) Baby
We're all thinking it, how much sex is everyone having? Well, not everyone everyone, more like, everyone with young kids who's been together for a while and is, well, tired AF. How much? Cos we feel like people are lying and that it's the new insta-status to be boinking for Australia. So, is it a sign of the quality of your relationship and just when is the perfect time, amongst all the other things we don't have time for? We just wanna get into it, and by it, we mean the topic, not the actual sex thing. That's tiring.
62 min
The Difference Between Boys & Girls
We kick off today's show with some pass-ag gifting and then, oh what a surprise, Gem has another s#^t story to share about some #funkyjunk. Which gets us thinking, what are the differences between boys and girls and once again, does it really matter? Gem gets a boner for Malcom Gladwell and Revz is so over all the mums forecasting her motherhood experience. Will she make it to 7pm on yet another groundhog day? We check ourselves over how many times we've uttered the phrase "oh you think it's hard now..." and we end with a feud over interior design. We also ignore all your DMs about why dogs are amazing, so you should probably troll us over on the Facebook Group.
49 min
Surprise, Dear Listeners! Dropping into your feed today with a special bonus ep to round out your week because the famous, the highly requested, the formidable.... THE GOOD MUM is here!
66 min