Vox Quick Hits

Vox Quick Hits cover the big, complex, important topics in news, politics and pop culture in just a fraction of the time. Check in daily to hear short updates from your favorite journalists and podcasts in the Vox Media Podcast Network. 

Society & Culture
Is the U.S. heading for a second lockdown?
Vox’s Dylan Scott says Covid-19 spikes in the U.S. could mean more lockdowns in its future. And more reopenings. And more lockdowns.
10 min
Who is Charles Booker?
Rep. Charles Booker is the youngest black state lawmaker in Kentucky, and he's competing against Rep. Amy McGrath to run against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the fall.
9 min
Is Black Lives Matter working?
Black Americans have more evidence to back up their experiences with police, and there's been a shift in white public opinion.
9 min
Brazil's coronavirus disaster
President Jair Bolsonaro called it the "sniffles" and recommended hydroxychloroquine. Now Brazil has over one million confirmed cases of Covid-19.
9 min
How the U.S. bail system works
With the wave of protests came waves of arrests and record-breaking donations to bail funds across the US, but reformers hope for a reckoning of one of the only for-profit bail systems in the world.
8 min
How not to fire someone
Attorney General William Barr tried to quietly push out the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan on Friday night. Then everybody noticed.
9 min
After 33 seasons, the reality TV show 'Cops' was canceled. Should scripted police dramas follow?
9 min
What is Juneteenth?
UCLA's Brenda Stevenson explains the history of Emancipation Day, and why celebrating is as vital today as ever.
9 min
The return of sports
There are two ways to do it: safely or not so safely. Guess which one we’re heading toward in the United States?
7 min
Welcome to CHAZ
Six blocks of Seattle have become the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. KUOW's Casey Martin spent a week within its loosely guarded walls.
9 min
A landmark LGBTQ ruling from the Supreme Court
Yesterday, explained: The Supreme Court of the United States decided that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
9 min
Is this the second wave?
Vox’s Dylan Scott says it’s hard to tell because the United States is riding 50 different Covid-19 waves.
8 min
The Talk
Two mothers — one based in Washington, D.C., the other in Chicago — talk to their teenage sons about race and police brutality in the United States.
9 min
The United States has a policing problem
Policing in the United States is so problematic that Congress wants to fix it. But it’s not this bad everywhere else. Rutgers University criminal justice professor Paul Hirschfield explains why.
8 min