Vox Quick Hits

Vox Quick Hits cover the big, complex, important topics in news, politics and pop culture in just a fraction of the time. Check in daily to hear short updates from your favorite journalists and podcasts in the Vox Media Podcast Network. 

Society & Culture
What is QAnon? | Today, Explained
As the Republican National Convention gets underway, a bonkers (and dangerous) conspiracy theory is gaining a foothold inside the GOP. President Trump appears to be okay with it.
9 min
The DNC’s Zoom convention | Today, Explained
The Democrats proved a virtual convention doesn't have to be a downer. Especially when Rhode Island brings calamari.
8 min
What to expect from the RNC | Tell Me More
What can we expect from the 2020 Republican National Convention? And how has the coronavirus pandemic scrambled the Republican Party’s plans? Aaron Coaston explains.
7 min
Ending child poverty | The Ezra Klein Show
What would our social policy look like if we truly invested in kids?
9 min
Back to school | Today, Explained
Schools in the US are reopening even though kids play a key role in community transmission of Covid-19.
7 min
100 years of the 19th Amendment | Today, Explained
A woman's place is at the polls. The 19th Amendment’s centenary is today, but the fight for universal suffrage in the United States continues.
9 min
How to safely vote by mail | The Weeds
Request a ballot early as quickly as you can. Return it as quickly as you can. And look for drop-off locations to lessen the burden on USPS.
3 min
Can Democrats take back the Senate? | Tell Me More
Back in February, it seemed super unlikely that Democrats would win back the Senate and take control of Congress. But now, with less than 100 days to go until the election, it looks like they have a real shot at succeeding.
8 min
Saving USPS | Today, Explained
The House of Representatives is cutting its vacation short to block changes at the United States Postal Service that could affect the integrity and outcome of the election. Rep. Gerry Connolly explains why he's going a step further and calling for the postmaster general to resign.
10 min
Have state polls changed since 2016? | Tell Me ...
Vox's Li Zhou tells Jane Coaston more how state polls have changed since 2016. Plus, why some Democrats are reluctant to trust polls after getting burned on Election Night 2016.
4 min
Has the pandemic made us more socially awkward?...
The coronavirus is complicating our relationships with family, friends, and strangers as we're forced to have more boundary-setting conversations to stay safe.
9 min
Why Russia's coronavirus vaccine is so troublin...
Vox's Alex Ward and returning guest Jen Kirby talk about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Moscow has developed a coronavirus vaccine.
8 min
2020 makes no census | Today, Explained
The 2020 census is fighting a losing battle against the coronavirus and President Trump. NPR’s Hansi Lo Wang explains how a decade of money and power are at stake. Forward 15 secondsBack 15 seconds
9 min
The conservative dilemma | The Ezra Klein Show:
From the Ezra Klein Show: Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson on the conservative dilemma
9 min
Kamala Harris | Today, Explained
Joe Biden made history by picking Kamala Harris as his running mate.
10 min
The Weeds: What makes a judge conservative?
The litmus test for what it means to be a "conservative" judge keeps changing.
6 min
Today, Explained: Alexander Lukashenko vs. Svet...
9 min
Tell Me More: Is voting by mail safe?
Who votes by mail in the presidential election this fall — and why — could not only change the White House, but the course of the country. Vox's Ian Milhiser explains.
9 min
Today, Explained: How Trump’s relief plan helps...
President Trump wants to resolve the congressional deadlock over stimulus relief by himself. Vox’s Li Zhou rummages through the mixed bag.
7 min
Tell Me More: What can polls teach us?
What can polling really tell us about the presidential election? Matthew Yglesias, a senior politics and policy correspondent at Vox, explains.
5 min
Today, Explained: The rise of meatless meat, ex...
Is meatless meat healthier? Does it actually help the environment? And will animal welfare concerns get enough people on board with saying goodbye to meat?
9 min
Florida’s Covid-19 tragedy
The state saw Covid-19 coming. It still became an outbreak epicenter.
7 min
The moral urgency of the Uighur crisis
The Chinese government has systematically detained tens of thousands of Uighur Muslims in concentration camps, where many are subjected to torture, brainwashing, and other human rights abuses.
5 min
What's going on in Lebanon
A chemical blast has made a very bad situation worse for Lebanon. Journalist Habib Battah explains from Beirut.
7 min
Bryan Stevenson on how America can heal
From The Ezra Klein Show and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
9 min