Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
A History of Racist Ideas
Jamelle Bouie talks to Professor Ibram Kendi about the racial components of Trump's policies and the history of these racist ideas.
20 min
A Safe House for Refugees
Virginia Heffernan talks to the journalist Jake Halpern about his latest piece in this week's New Yorker, "The Underground Railroad for Refugees."
36 min
Undone By Scandal
Jacob Weisberg talks to John Dean, a key figure in the Watergate scandal, about the Trump/Nixon parallels and differences. Plus, will anybody in the Trump administration step up to play the role of "John Dean?"
28 min
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of Administration Sca...
Jamelle Bouie is joined by Matthew Miller to talk about what we know and what we can infer about Jeff Sessions’ meetings with the Russian ambassador.
22 min
Tone vs. Substance
Jacob Weisberg talks with Virginia Heffernan and Will Oremus about Donald Trump's address to Congress.
29 min
Trump's War With the Press
Jacob Weisberg talks to Joel Simon, the executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, about how the media should respond to the President's remark that the press is the "enemy of the people."
23 min
What About Pence?
Virginia Heffernan talks to Nicole Hemmer about the balance of power shifting towards Vice President Pence and how he's doing all the real work of the Presidency. Also, what should we think of Trump voters today?
21 min
To Absorb or Not To Absorb?
Jacob Weisberg talks to The Atlantic's Editor-in-Chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, about The Atlantic's coverage of President Trump and what stories to keep an eye on about the president's administration.
24 min
Overt Madness, Covert Purpose
Virginia Heffernan talks to The New Yorker's John Cassidy about Donald Trump's press conference and the GOP response to the reports linking members of the Trump administration to the Kremlin.
25 min
A Cry For Help
Jacob Weisberg talks to the former United States Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, about the latest New York Times story reporting that Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.
24 min
The Unresolved Conflict of Interest
Jacob Weisberg talks to Eric Lipton, a reporter at the New York Times, about Don Jr. & Eric Trump and the unresolved conflict of interest problem.
17 min
The Return of the Dossier and The End for Flynn?
Jacob Weisberg talks to Lawfare's Managing Editor Susan Hennessey about the Trump administration's decision to not immediately appeal the travel ban halt.
27 min
No! They're Best Friends, Really!
Jacob Weisberg talks to New York Magazine's Olivia Nuzzi about the Steve Bannon/Reince Priebus relationship and how she's approaching her first week covering the White House.
21 min
Trumpcast Live From Washington DC
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Virginia Heffernan, Jamelle Bouie, and Dahlia Lithwick to talk about Steve Bannon, Trump's foreign policy, and how things will shake out with the courts and the Trump administration.
73 min
A Time for Bromides
Jacob Weisberg talks to Yascha Mounk about the first two weeks of the Trump administration.
29 min
The SCOTUS Dilemma
Jamelle Bouie talks to Slate's Dahlia Lithwick about Donald Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court and the bind it leaves the Democrats in.
15 min
The Magnitsky Act and The Looming Russian Danger
Jacob Weisberg talks to Bill Browder, the investor and author of Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice.
37 min
The President's Executive Disorder
Virginia Heffernan talks to David Miliband, the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), about the effects of President Trump's executive order on refugees worldwide.
21 min
Not the New Normal: How the Media Should Cover ...
Live from the Skirball Center at New York University – A handful of New York's top editors talk about how journalists and the media at large can play a bigger role in making sure that fact prevails over fiction.
76 min
The Worst Case Scenario for Voting Rights
Jamelle Bouie talks to The Atlantic's Vann Newkirk about the dangers being proposed to voting rights by the Trump administration.
22 min
A Strategy for Dealing with the BS Parade
Jacob Weisberg talks to the press critic, Jay Rosen, about developing a strategy for journalists to cover the Trump administration.
28 min
Signals vs. Noise
Jacob Weisberg talks to CNN's Fareed Zakaria about Donald Trump's isolationist policies and whether Americans should be worried about the future of our democracy.
32 min
The Show About the 45th President of the United...
Virginia Heffernan talks to Julia Turner, Slate's Editor-in-Chief, about today's inauguration, Donald Trump's speech, and how to move forward in covering our new President.
19 min
The Anatomy of a March
Virginia Heffernan talks to Jo Miller, the showrunner/head writer of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, about this weekend's Women's March on Washington.
26 min
A Message from Moscow
Virginia Heffernan talks to Alexey Kovalev, a Russia based journalist, about covering Vladamir Putin's pressers and what the American media should keep their eyes open for when covering Trump.
28 min