Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
The Waves: The Afghan Women Left Behind - Gende...
What one family’s experience trying to get from Afghanistan to America says about the nation’s gender politics.
45 min
Slate Money: Delta Sky Miles vs The Two-Percent
When everyone has a positional good, it loses its value. Hence, the terrible state of VIP travel lounges.
48 min
What Next TBD: Who Will Pay For A COVID Vaccine?
The government is no longer footing the bill for the COVID vaccine. What does that mean for access?
27 min
Amicus: A Monumental SCOTUS Term Begins: Our Re...
On the brink of a new term, with plunging public trust and swirling ethics scandals, the Supreme Court eyes dismantling the regulatory state and arming domestic abusers.
55 min
Political Gabfest: Donald Duck and the Seven Dw...
Republicans hold a second Trump-less presidential primary debate; Senator Bob Menendez is being tried again; and it is Amazon’s turn to face the United States in court.
55 min
The Waves Special Episode: Senator Dianne Feins...
The longest-standing female senator leaves a legacy of fighting gun violence and conflict with her left-wing constituents.
24 min
What Next TBD: Is Amazon a Monopoly?
How the FTC’s case against the e-commerce giant could change everything about how you shop.
25 min
What Next: Can Marriage Fix America?
Why is this institution being touted as an economic cure-all?
20 min
What Next: Wait, China’s Taking Our Pandas Back?
A story of soft (and cuddly) power.
27 min
What Next: The Writer’s Strike Is Over: Who Won?
A tentative agreement has been reached between the studios and the writers’ guild. But what about the actors?
23 min
What Next: Rupert Murdoch and the Future of Fox
The audience that the network cultivated is now leaving it behind.
25 min
A Word: School of Destruction
How one southern university’s history is a bitter lesson in race and power.
25 min
The Waves: Incompetent Cervix - The Misogynist ...
Many names in the female reproductive system have roots in misogyny and racism.
40 min
Slate Money: AI Facial Recognition's Creepy Evo...
Facial recognition is coming for us all, and society probably isn’t ready for it.
52 min
Political Gabfest: Who’s Winning The Autoworker...
UAW autoworkers are on strike against the Big Three; the dilemma of social media trust and safety continues to loom large; and parent diplomacy adds to teachers’ workload.
58 min
The Waves: Why Joe Jonas’s ‘Bad Mommy’ Story Fl...
The tabloids want you to think Sophie Turner is a neglectful mom as her divorce from Jonas goes public. The internet isn’t buying it.
27 min
Amicus: SCOTUS Is Not Done With Guns and Abortion
The excesses of the 2021 term bleed into a new SCOTUS term with the possibility of gun rights for abusers post-Bruen, and the impossible tension between medicine and the law post-Dobbs.
71 min
What Next TBD: What Instacart’s IPO Means for Tech
After years of post-pandemic turmoil, Instacart managed to do something rare in the gig economy - turn a profit.
23 min
What Next TBD: Did AirBnB Need to Go?
Short-term rentals are getting blamed for a lack of affordable housing. Is that fair?
21 min
What Next: Tackling Homelessness and Addiction ...
Getting community support means addressing community needs.
29 min
What Next: How Wisconsin is a “Laboratory for D...
State Republicans are trying to cling to power—no matter what the electorate says.
25 min
Hear Me Out: Bring Back The Draft
It’s the best way to compensate for faltering recruitment.
33 min
What Next: The UAW Enters the Ring
Why auto workers are walking off the job now.
24 min
Slate Money | Criminals: TheraNOPE
Elizabeth Holmes went from optimistic founder, to convicted criminal.
38 min
What Next: McCarthy’s Impeaching Biden to Keep ...
The speaker is forever at the whim of the Freedom Caucus.
20 min