The Tore Says Show

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News Commentary
Tue 02 Nov: Back Doors - City List - In Charge ...
It's a smart move for the enemy to take the evil to local communities. Make a world pledge of obedience. How many mayors in on this? What voters get to say is zip. Just move along citizen. The VAXT and NOVAXT separation is coming. Using city, state and country tyrants was always the plan. Thanksgiving is a target date for big events. City councils will sell you out in a minute. Commonalities in cities worldwide can be used against us. It's blatant foreign influence in our country. Sponsor labelled suits required for all politicians. What and who's doesn't stink? It's what we call optics. She told them to go get those Alaska servers. The toxicology reports are coming back. Remember that everybody tells you who they are. November will be an exiting month, but then December comes. Stick together, help each other and pray.
155 min
Mon 01 Nov: Truth Pills - Shocked - Code Brown ...
Back again and the attacks never stop. Patriots and truth tellers face the fascist onslaught. Throwing shade the General's way. Some say soiling of official undergarments may have occurred. The political prisoners of Jan 6. The truth cannot be controlled. Pro Se people are making progress in court. Fighting for election integrity never ends. The Daughters Of Liberty showed us the way. Citizens push big for education honesty. Keep coming at them and never stop. Hidden justice starts with judges sealing reports. She's upgraded, got questions? It's never smart to delay truth. Take one step back and think. The dominoes must all be in place, because big moves start now.
170 min
Sun 31 Oct: Tore Guests On A July 26th, 2017 Ha...
Tore in her second early interview with the Hagmann Report. Subjects include Tore's amazing predictions regarding pandemics, hospitals and medical tyranny, and her research background. Also discussed are Information on viruses more DNA questions, and what to expect if things continue in this direction. This is the second interview of two. Run time is one hour and twenty minutes.
82 min
Wed 27 Oct: Targets - Power Drunk - Rhetoric - ...
Tyrants are terrified when the people are united. The Fed's reaction to school board meetings proves it. Disgusting weasel talk is called out by a few brave Senators. The wellness centers push their product lines at school. Back when California advised Hitler. The proletariat troops protect leaders not people. Difficult conversations lie ahead, and behind. Excitement and determination are sure signs of movement. Disgusting Cohen of Tennessee was in on all the evil. Out front then, ready to burn now. It's going to get fiery, in maybe, 48 hours. America will be going off completely. Here's the facts, we are not now and have never been the underdog. Now is the time and it's finally our turn. That's how it goes.
122 min
Thu 21 Oct: Hard Awake - Down Pants - The Point...
Waking up is so very hard to do. Obvious fake, fraud and abuse makes it easier. There's a point where even the sheeple get activated to stand up. That's why the psyops are thick. What the hell is Congress even doing? The Nads uses protocols to interrupt real debate. It's the erosion of discussion. But, some real questions are getting thru. Justice joke on the stand. The $600 excuse. An obvious goal is to kill off all small business. 10 most powerful angels. A Reagan history lesson. Statewide groups are catching on fire. We need our own think tanks. The 9th and 10th Amendments are genius. Now is when we mix our pride with activism, because we can only rely on ourselves.
132 min
Wed 20 Oct: Freak Out - Crumbling - Person Part...
Why did they wait until now to say get involved? Where were they? The people must carry the fight. We are the storm. Political parties are a scam for all to see. Rebellion means involvement, and the press is freaking. It's money that elects the ancients. The dismantling means they are on the way out. Changing faces is common with celebs. When military and politics combine. The wrong track was chosen by many. Clone lives still matter. Did someone say no sperm needed? Everything is weaponized. Vax's, infertility, human cloning, IVF, it all seems like some sort of plan. They seek to divide both cells and political opposition. When the truth becomes known, we'll be asking how could this possibly have happened.
135 min
Tue 19 Oct: Coming Bells - The Beast - Same Scr...
If you think it's the worst year ever, you would be wrong. It feels like history all over again. There is simply not that many of them compared to us. Autocracy and how quickly things can change. Check out the island tyranny. Idols come and go. The covid model and it's history. Some claim it's the mark of the beast. Regime crumbling is a spectator sport. Sew your pants on, here comes Theodora. The year 536 led to the dark ages. Global ash of various colors came from nowhere. The moving geography of history and the ancients. Beware, beware of the green gospel. It strains logic and meaning, but those in the know say we are going to hear a lot of bells.
141 min
Mon 18 Oct: Find Out - No Whimpers - Max Lawfar...
The greedy bastards want to own us, and they think we're stupid too. F around and find out who's the spookiest of the spooks. Don't forget, lots of people are watching. The health care system was created to control us. Fat pharma paychecks define the news. The rewriting of history is an ongoing effort. Crafting a narrative is getting more complicated. Fake kids in fake vids for a fake veep. It's just about that time. Who recalls when SNL was funny? Color of law is not enough for justice. The masses must stand up and resist tyranny. The Clinton's are back in the news, and there's hints about Chelsea. It's happy birthday time. Remember that only the people can put a check on run away government power.
104 min
Sun 17 Oct: Tore Guests On A July 24th, 2017 Ha...
Tore in an early interview with the Hagmann Report. Subjects include Tore's background, experience and plans for the future. Also discussed are Information on viruses, DNA and related subjects relevant to today. Medical industry changes, Tore's experience in the field, and the tyranny of the future are covered. This is the first interview of two. Run time is one hour.
58 min
Fri 15 Oct: Game Changers - Double Speak - Tide...
The people are finally seeing their collective power. And the fight to destroy it rages on. It's hot garbage from one disaster to the next. Vax psyop failing. Lottery IOU's mean states can be bribed. It's a red looking tide and MSM has panicked. DNA testing is the next ID tech. VISA has been good to Nan. The big push to comply makes for obvious tyranny. Masks keep slaves obedient. Doctors know what's going on. Some are even standing up. Remember, it had to happen this way. Torching the bottom line. Hidden budgets and unused kickbacks. Our people are going thru a major stress test. Teaching dis-function K thru 12. Are you ready for torched benefits? We must each be individuals, but work as one. If not now then when? If not us than who?
150 min
Tue 12 Oct: Throwing Fire - Wise Guy - Writs La...
The deposition from hell highlights smug, arrogant, elitist corruption. The Coomer crumble fest . A large majority of Americans don't want mandates. Is defending rights really domestic terrorism? Texas takes a stand with our Writ wording. Professor Alex Halderman dives into voting machines. Judges should not be hiding evidence. Reprehensible and illegal is standard. Swing state testing for self hackers. Fighting the fighters gives cred. How far gone are teachers unions? Those zoom call recordings say a lot. Discrepancies, miscounts, large differences, and the basics of electoral fraud. The people now understand how recounts can happen. Let's go Brandon. You may be sick of hearing it, but they really, really, cannot stop what is coming.
126 min
Mon 11 Oct: Tyranny Law - Rebel Duty - Can't Br...
It's centralized government force versus the people, again. No surprise, our country has a long untold history of same. Slaves run the hamster wheel until it ends. Poverty and freedom are very close relatives. The essential elements of a prosperous society are wrapped around freedom. Writs alive, 47 states have now filed. We're seeing pyramid style control. Now is a perfect big entrance time for SCOTUSgate. 1880 was a stalwart election with crazy leftists, painful death, stalwarts and half breeds. The Social Compact Theory takes a hit. Jacobson versus Massachusetts in 1805 is now being sold as forced jab precedent. No need to die if violence means they win. Resisting is totally in our blood. Supreme Court shenanigans then and now. Our victories will be etched in history. Always remember that we are the many and they are the few.
130 min
Fri 08 Oct: Memory Whole - DNA Stores - Phase S...
Understanding the miracle of human memory, and related research, explains much about today. DNA as a storage medium is well advanced. Why not crystals? Eons of information passed down, until now. Protein memory blockers are real. Was it 2019 when things got started, or 2012? Fauci and killer virus planning go way back. Ike knew way back when. That's right, memories get passed on via neurons and the germline. Flower loops and super coils. Perfectly bred humans means smart enough to serve but too dumb to revolt. The winners write the history. Who would experiment on black people? The amazing cell line of Henrietta Lacks and her tragic, sad story. Frequency changes have made all that was invisible now painfully obvious. Stand fast patriots, because it's going down.
130 min
Thu 07 Oct: Our Courts - Mockery - Selective La...
Without legal justice in honest courts, we have nothing. Taking back our Constitution and the institutions that protect it will not be easy. The level of compliance is shocking. Promises kept means something. Selective justice and targeted arrests are signs of a dictatorship. Lawfare has been a weapon of the left forever. School boards shake and whine. FBI versus moms. It's what a tyranny does. We're still free on paper, at least for a while. Protecting the courts means using them. Corrupt judges will show themselves and become vulnerable. When evil can no longer hide, then the rule of law will return to America.
120 min
Wed 06 Oct: Off Hacked - Gone ID - The Pen - VA...
The hacks and shutdowns are for cover. BigTech has pressing data management issues that need addressing. Somehow, the keys are lost in the wallet. A good crypto mystery rides the ups and downs. Writs now filed in 45 states. Fake whistle blowers are obvious next to the real ones. Promo bait, message control and operational backfire. Good body doubles will test your ID skills. That's you on paper, just not really. Monica interview weirdness. Project Veritas exposes the shocking vax fetal cell lines. Contempt for religious exemption. McKinsey in the middle again. It's hard to see it, but we're actually winning. Take pride, because you are the hero's of your own story.
128 min
ue 05 Oct: Trust Touch - WhoRThey - Pre Plague ...
If you're asleep now, tomorrow's future may be a real surprise. Many sheeple are trapped in their own mind. The American dream and perpetual debt. Layers of tyranny show quickly in the brainwashed. Domestic travel restrictions are next. Consultants suddenly own the world as McKinsey remains a major player today. Speculation is not production. The top layers of the pyramid will always survive. Taking power back means getting money out of the equation. The blame others strategy. 45 Writ states and growing. Know their plan and counter early. We must use our court system as the founders designed it. It is both our tool and our weapon to protect precious freedom.
133 min
Mon 04 Oct: So Hot - Fire On - Mask Distraction...
Can you feel everything getting hotter? It's a scorched earth policy they pursue. Let's segue right away. Judges sandbag, scold and trample Article III. Have no doubt, they are coming for your kids. That's when things start to get real. The blackouts may be self inflicted, like the whistle blower. NDA's are there to cover evil. Censorship is a sure sign of tyranny. SCOTUS is in session, so let the scandals begin. We must use our voices and pens as weapons within our own courts. Project Veritas is doing God's work. Chit chat about crimes against humanity over a salad at lunch. FB snitch looks staged along with their app family problems. Big show coming? Sort of obvious with the UFO news suddenly on all channels. What's a Fonesca? The Pandora papers are coming soon. For most people, their eyes and ears are just not ready, but we will see a more complete human existence soon.
116 min
Fri 01 Oct: Foundations - The Taking - Freedom ...
History repeats itself, and also their evil plans. We're about to see another nasty round. It's Constitution time, with some rule of law please. Call it bail ins or capital controls, but bank theft is more accurate. Look to Cyprus and see our future. Bond holders go first. Fascists use lots of repeated slogans. Who's tired of giving in? Explaining away trillions is easy for Yellen. 39 states have filed Writs with almost zero media coverage. The circle tyranny of stolen elections and medical mandates. Cal vax psychos start after kids. One child's choice between hospital or heaven. What exactly is a hive mind failure? Some people were just never meant to be with humans. What's coming will help sort that out. Stay salty.
127 min
Thu 30 Sep: Nightmare Shift - Flashbacks - They...
It's a sad, horrific tale that has to be told. Past shows prove perception. It is incredible what they are allowed to do. The Obot bill got it all started. School boards are feeling the heat. What? Hunter involved with pallets of cash? Conservators, and how they got that power. Have no doubt pinheads, parents are the primary stakeholders. Real victims tell heart wrenching tales of medical protocol murder. Hospitals, death panels, and our sudden reality of medical tyranny. Give me some happy veep talk. Who do you like? There is nothing better than having your voice heard. A new month is here, so let's have faith in better things to come.
138 min
Wed 29 Sep: Toe Hold - An Interview With Patric...
The great patriot Patrick Byrne joins Tore for another electric interview. Arizona facts, massive fraud, and how it's going to roll from here. All the scams have to get fixed before the next election. Topics include magic ballot paper, undercover disguises, deleted data, and an AG looking to do the right thing. Don't miss the big rally in Arizona tomorrow. It's the start of the new phase, because we've got them cold. This is a fascinating strategy session between two geniuses fighting for your freedom. Listen, learn and then go get active.
74 min
Tue 28 Sep: Super Salty - Due Credits - Sidney ...
Some people take the risk and some take the credit. It's good, it's bad, it's pissed off grateful. The general says advice was given, not taken. The great Sidney Powell makes use of a bad ass affidavit. Who's scribbles are those? Tom Feeney of Florida is who started it all. Did someone say sharks? One small gal was the absolute best at operational planning. Oh, the early days of vote rigging in Ohio. Methods over people was the rule. Case the 6 Jan event and don't miss anything. Spooks always go alpha. Project Veritas does it again. The new evil needs numbers. It's there for all to see, so go tell the world.
130 min
Mon 27 Sep: The Charter - UN JFK - Paytriots - ...
The challenges intensify as expected. It's no time for mincing words. Is this what got JFK shot? The UN charter and why he signed it. The endless game of inside info and compromise. Bend the knee now and it will never stop. Brave military men now facing the SHU. Apathetic America is the biggest disappointment. Private contractors are the devils little workers. Lawfare weapons target families too. There's gates, fences and roads as the camps get real. Machine checks in each state needed for October surprise. Are the grass roots dead? Remember that it's during extreme pressure when diamonds are formed.
125 min
Fri 24 Sep: Undo Time - Hil2Dy On - Speed Up - ...
The results are in. Massive discrepancies prove Trump won Arizona. All the dazed and confused that don't get it. The coup against the people is unraveling. A short interview with Patrick Byrne. At the keyboards during the exact moment. They are clinging by teeth, toes and fingernails. Those that vouched for the Arizona results are suspect. Oh yeah, all servers had full internet connectivity. It's the first state point of the spear. Thirteen writs filed, sixteen ongoing. Next target up is the IRS. And then what everyone is waiting for, the MSM. Nothing an illegitimate junta does will stick. Short show tonight, but includes a bonus phone convo with PFC_Bergy. Let's all have a blessed restful weekend.
76 min
Tue 21 Sep: Rights Club - United Power - Your H...
It has never been more true than today that our rights are won in battle. There is no one deserving faith other than God and ourselves. Our numbers outweigh their evil. There is simply no government right to control me. Big tech and the MOU agreements. Did I hear Lockheed? How certain intel groups played elections. Self policing and the bottom line are opposites. Never play dumb with a woman. Writ updates from state groups. A corrupt judiciary leaves very few options. The state constitutions can be our tool. Freedom from masks is paramount. SCOTUSgate is coming and will be a stunner. School health care has become sadism. Now is truly the time to get up and fight for your freedom and your country.
179 min
Mon 20 Sep: Med Evil - Mask Daze - Death Jab - ...
The medical tyranny is intensifying as injustice builds. Needle evil has so many adherents. Masks, school prisons, teachers unions, forced jabs, social division, it all swirls in a bad stew. They seek to divide, and the scamdemic is a perfect tool. Project Veritas has another brave truth teller. Vax deaths hidden under the mat. The HIV factor will be news soon. How quickly the hospitals turned malicious. Even the FDA posts internal critics. Saved from wolves, eaten by shepherds. What? The Constitution doesn't specifically protect parents rights? A movement grows. The first goal is 26 states. Never forget that this fight is helping the boss. It's harvest moon and time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Fight hard, because our freedom is at stake.
131 min