The Tore Says Show

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News Commentary
Fri 11 Mar: War Routine - Clear Thinking - Big ...
The selling of another war somehow looks different this time. An evil repetitive history of sinister manipulation. So many war motives. Knowing their history makes for clear thinking. Today, the war pitch sounds like traitor talk. Making us vulnerable with prison thinking. The Ukraine distraction and corruption cover up. How may wars did Trump start? Zero. Now it's NAZI propaganda all over again. The words of war have evolved, but we have stepped up too. Our war is informational, but no less war. A sad history of presidents and lies. Their biggest mouths are constantly elevated. Memes and stickers are part of the fight. Our five missions. Don't let them tell you lies. It may not feel like it, but we are in command. When we invest in knowledge, the results show that together we will win.
123 min
Thu 10 Mar: Front Page - Hot Mess - Largest Ric...
What they consider news is a complete joke. Car stories and gas price plans. The judge reads the act to Juicy, who acts right back. The butt of jokes and and wacko award winner. Mayor Lori with Chicago's largest. Uruguay and the new energy play. Saudi has 28 years of oil left. Then what? ChyNa's future energy play in Uruguay. The small human oriented country. A national balancing act. Some confuse it with Paraguay. On purpose? Climate, seashores, economics and small population, How does this nation even exist? Spain, Portugal, colonial dominance and John Kerry. Useful information for the coming months. Clean food and good access. Time for nations to pivot South. Expansionism and the Orientals. Watch who's coming down the map. Trust in God because there will be no deals.
139 min
Wed 09 Mar: Harder Way - Dingy Briefs - A Littl...
The pathways used by evil are becoming more apparent. The legal fights continue in a mix frustration and determination. There's two ways this can go. Work day birthday. The back burner is where they put everything. Follow the Constitution or GTFO. Trump speaks to the youth. Can you imagine Brandon doing this interview? The sponsor drop challenge. Economic growth was the best in the world. The best answer to everything is education. Florida leads the way, again. It's tough looking back on history and then living it. The planned path to human destruction. Random samples and lots of them. Meningeal signs, damaged VAXT immunity, atypical symptoms, dumb docs, scattered blood work, medical system compromises, stiff necks and sudden death. It's time to educate yourself on treatment of the VAXT we love. They may hate you for avoiding harm, but we must now consider how best to help those that didn't.
186 min
Mon 07 Mar: Enrichment - Our Ore - All Stops - ...
It's a long sordid history of corruption, evil and treason. Uranium One was the crux of many schemes. Remember, nukes are clean energy. The war lies, concocted stories, blatant treason, and deep state failure of everything. Visa, SWIFT, and the amazing flash ban on Russian everything. History has realists like Stephen F. Cohen. The view from 40k feet makes it all make sense. Is this the Dim's Hiroshima? Western blood gets spilled with senseless war mongering. Costs are too great for the EU or NATO. Nuland, the election planners and an atta boy attitude. This is Antifa like behavior. CHAZ in Kiev looks familiar. It's proud boys on steroids. Since 2010 this has been building. The brave Andrew Breitbart went around the gatekeepers. Be ready for anything, because they can't avoid the truth this time.
177 min
Sat 05 Mar: Core Struggle - The Goods - Give 'n...
Everyone is an expert until they have to show results. The memes offer both give and take. Stawwwp not being productive. Show us real action. Who's walking the walk? Ask who really wants election integrity. Where are those generals and pundits now? The constant trashing looks strategic. Who's the only person fighting Dominion? None have offered to help. It's a civilized civil war. No fly bait and the hard sell. Don't forget when Ukraine's debt vanishes. What the citizens want. Exiled and drafted. The blue haired combat volunteers are where? The bloviating and the freak outs. Delaying the inevitable while everything crumbles. Focus on the micro things, right? With dinosaur tools we fight. Mind your family, yourself and always love mankind because that's why we fight for freedom.
120 min
Fri 04 Mar: Short Show - Ohio Fallout - Closing...
Short show tonight due to a tight schedule of patriot tasks. The blatant bending of rules in Ohio will cost them. Tennessee kicks out Dominion. More to follow on them. Major movements and events hint at future good news. Lindsey panics. In the closet and the shady files, plus smiling on the photos. Crimea is to Russia as Guam is to the USA. Let's do a hands across Ukraine. Don't forget, now Ukraine's debt is gone. A GoFundMe account? Really? Bottom line, it's not our war. We should never forget our nations founding values, and stand firm on what we demand.
21 min
Thu 03 Mar: DePlatformed - Death Twitch - Power...
Ours was once the land of free speech, now tyrants censor truth tellers with no repercussions. For live shows, Twitch is out, is in. Patrick Byrne explains and speculates. SOS ballot phookery in Ohio. No real patriot likes running psyops. Just look who is supporting Ukraine. The pressures are gettin into their heads. Dominion eating crow in Tenn. Decertification pending? Checks and balances mean the courts might actually be working. One case can prove election fraud. An undercover victory for journalism. There's nothing like attorneys who speak freedom. The raging dumpster fire accelerates. We all need to get involved. Remember that prayer is the best ammunition for defense. Use it often.
87 min
Mon 28 Feb: Sideways Strategy - Father Of Lies ...
To understand the evil we're seeing, you must imagine yourself as the devil. The maximum load of anxiety, doubt and fear. Misinformation, distraction and misdirection are their tools. The arbitrary selection of our rulers. This is not the way it's supposed to work. Towing the line no more. When it comes to political reps these days, nobody wants a pussy. The best place to wreck a system is from within. The blind spots that result from lying, and the damage they do. Watch for negative creep over. Our President Trump and his speech at CPAC. Powerful, cunning and smart. Call BS, and bring down the house. The America First Strategy is the only strategy. "By 2024 or sooner." Integrity in the electoral process means ballot access too. Focus on today as if tomorrow was already here. Truth takes them down with one swoop so you must never stop fighting.
125 min
Fri 25 Feb: Targets - Caddy Dan - False Fronts ...
The desperate enemy is lashing out in all directions. Dan Scavino, and everyone on Trump's staff, is a target. Social media and the tamers of the tweet. A perfect strategy is both intricate and simple. Call it change, chaos, or a fighting spirit. Then there's the Raskin level TDS. Verizon deals and the German power plays. Evil brothers from Ecuador, huge donations to Obama and Clinton, arranger Adam Schiff, genius journalist Julian Assange and the disgusting deals made. Why would a country flip? Yes, there were experiments on people. Relentless grasping at straws. Puzzle pieces coming together. Russia has them by the nads. No SWIFT, no heat. Nigel at CPAC. We're all tired of the antics. Look to the regular people and not RINO's. Brace yourself, because now things get really hot.
120 min
Thu 24 Feb: Geo Briefing - The Prizes - The Reg...
It's like the best current situational briefing available to civilians. A breakdown of the players, the history, the inside moves and the scramble to cover tracks and save narrative. It's all planned. Turkey, Greece, the Dardenells, the Bosphoros, three seas and heating fuel for Europe via the TurkStream. It's all in play. These waterways bare watching you say? Those agents pushing riots have been arrested. Who are the Nazi's with bio weapons labs again? A warm water Putin and the big game chess he plays. Brandon shakes inept and befuddled. Turkey's challenges are major. Greece holds some cards too. MSM lies and hides, then repeats. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Remember, it had to be this way, was not unexpected and has been mitigated as much as possible. NCSWIC We will take back our country because the weapons they cannot control are us.
142 min
Wed 23 Feb: Then 'n Now - Fun News - Re Pluto -...
Let's take a close look at just how far we've come. The swamp is so very deep and wide. A short look at some fun news. Rare earth magnetic supply chains, huh? It's a planet again. Pluto, strange snow and ice, and the question of reclass. Is that planet X? The declass panic and MSM narrative scramble. All roads lead to 44. Do not overlook war between agencies. Data monitoring under the big island. FISA judge plays dumb. Their plan is all about division. PP Harry shouts pass the soap. Willing and complicit spell JOB. It's called framing a target. That could be us too. A war with half baked losers, taxpayer funded evil, amid refused knee bending and a murdered witness. That makes for big brass ovaries. Meet Tore Maras. Fearless is as fearless does.
140 min
Tue 22 Feb: All Can See - Bizarre Days - Brit T...
Even though we see truth faster, others are finally catching on. Brittany has some shocking stories to tell. The chosen brother and the dirty work done. Seriously, the grand kids too? When you're spoiled and protected, the hold is strong. Most binding chains are unseen. The unrighteous that spread the word. Panic is accelerating. The land of confusion. Messing with the algos. Laying and weaving make a false fabric. We are consuming their goods while they consume us. Acknowledging the break away. A man on the street in Kiev. Liberation will come piece by piece. Donetsk don't tell. Cheesy Chucky chatter. How to put people in a box. Milo calls out the cracking masks. Can you feel it in the air? We're winning.
119 min
Mon 21 Feb: Corporatism (Part 2 of 2) - Patrick...
Patrick Byrne joins Tore in the second half. They touch on tyranny's history, the cabinet model, a militant layer, aeroplane miles, and more. Why is the Dominion lawsuit being ignored? Has John Kerry been served? So many smart people are blinded by the scamdemic. The complex, vile contents of Hunter's laptop. Big victories are coming, lets don't blow it. Scammy Davis Jr. brings doubts to the coming trucker protest. A set up? How we're living thru a global Milgram experiment. Why do libs crave authority? Scratch a lefty, get a goon. Ask Chomsky. The beginnings of wokism and the loss of critical thinking. Citizen grand juries and a new strategy. Our future plans are for justice and freedom. That's why we should always aim above morality and strive to do good.
101 min
Mon 21 Feb: Corporatism (Part 1 of 2) - Evidenc...
The first half of tonight's two part show. The wedding of communism and capitalism has born many bastards. Syndicalism, industrial Mussolini variants, and the worst upper level fascist kind. Hitler, Sanger and the helpful American left. Discernment is key to media understanding. Find and support those patriots who love the country. They try to deter citizen participation. Ukraine infiltration or an obvious invasion. In world affairs, America is no longer a factor. Some history behind the modern origins of fascism. The power of words and how they are weaponized. Change for good take work. The USA is no longer a player in world events. How Russia can liberate Ukraine. Patrick Byrne joins Tore for the second half.
100 min
Sun 20 Feb: Tore's Speech At The ReAwaken Ame...
Introduced by Patrick Byrne, Tore takes the conference stage at this very successful ReAwaken America Tour. This was on Saturday 19 February, and presented by Apologies for audio issues. Tore's speech runs just over 11 minutes.
11 min
Wed 16 Feb: Treason Tales - Half Slime - Tech...
It's all coming into better focus, and it looks a lot like treason. Of course, that's nothing new to us. Freaky hints at the SB. The NFL's fast deals and real big time players. People see it's time to reset our course. Race, justice and the melanin nomination. The coms within the silent circle. Manos, Joffe and how MIT and UNC got involved. Ohio is where things happen. Cyber attacks and political campaigning. Fabrication alpha. Ongoing resistance is a big deal. Friends sometimes fight in public for positioning. Sen. Grassley is pissed. Who's tired of boomerangs? Remember, it's our obligation to prove we want freedom. And that means it's time for good people to step up.
112 min
Tue 15 Feb: On A Ride - Time Review - Broken Re...
For those just catching up, today's events were covered here long ago. Let's look back and see how current events unfold. Discernment is a highly learned skill. The useless media are nothing but script readers, and everyone is playing a role. Spent cards don't help in the game. When it's easy, they ban you. What happens when options run out? The genius of crowd sourced intelligence work. Like a broken record we must keep repeating the facts. It's all moving at a dangerous speed. Killary's bribes and very deep state $$$. The blacklisting of enemies is what fascist regime's do. When does denial of service get criminal? The Russia versus ChyNa models. The criminal MSM still gets funded. Political prisoners are real in America. Know your rights and facts, because all this insanity stops only when we say so.
131 min
Mon 14 Feb: Mosaic Day - Love Targets - St. Val...
For patriots, love of country is part of today's reflections. You can also add families, friends and freedom to the list. Safety, security and warmth is what we all need. Seeing election fraud from the other side. Guarding the puzzle pieces until the right time. The hamster wheel is spinning and you are on it. A chocolate crazy story. She was picking her teeth with a key? Everyone knows Obama knew. JOB was a special advisor at the time. Remember the name Angelo Manos. It always has to be independent private contractors. Florists and bugs. Something needs to be broken into a million pieces, then reassembled. You have to catch them first, and that's been done. But there is no point if the people don't see, so we must help them.
73 min
Thu 10 Feb: Big Shift - Real Thriller - Talking...
The winds of change are blowing, and they're getting stronger. Narrative fractures and panic repair efforts. Sure reality is confusing, but total ignorance is a choice. Give us some of what they are not talking about. GOP endorsements good or bad? Again, they can't stop what's coming. What about those other stolen elections? A look at crumbling media myths that go back to generations previous. Speaking truth to evil makes some eat their words. The tech fiat rules are also ending. President Trump speaks about crime. Running the numbers for boomers. Old Tonight Show clips and the hints they dropped. VAX criminal Dr. Wen is a fraud and useful crisis actress. There is a shifting shape to the evil we face, so we must stay strong in both faith and resolve.
109 min
Wed 09 Feb: Re Betrayal - Many Forms - Maskhole...
The betrayal comes from many angles and in all forms. A sense of harm from losing trust. CDC switches policy and spawns mask off movements. Infighting and irrelevent policies go together. We all have PTSD now. Helping our nation grow means dealing with smack talk. Pence and Pelosi in collusion. Assets for unlimited investigations meant their ops failed. Aggression is their default policy. Foreign money helped the red stringers. True fact, it's game over for them. The dots are easier to connect looking backwards. Get involved and get off the bad candidate ride. Politics should not be considered dirty. Never forget that people hate the truth. Don't let hard lines blind us. Ukraine's 7 year itch. Always pay attention as they show us who they really are.
112 min
Tue 08 Feb: Never Again - Mike Timarco Intervie...
Truth shines when we see their ways and not just hear their words. God is our protector, and always will be. On wings of eagles is where justice soars. The Homeland Security edict of tyranny. Cambridge Analytica data mining, election moves, true intentions and API for beginners. Mike Timarco is Tore's special guest. Together they cover inside info on the bottomless laptop, election scammers, global news and all the traps being layed for patriots. What future strategies show promise? We must consider both short and long term. All the awake people want to get involved. Poll watching, running for office, and voting in primaries are all critical. Taking our country back must be a local effort, because giving up just isn't in our blood.
118 min
Mon 07 Feb: Patrick Byrne Press Conference With...
Patrick Byrne talks to the press about what he saw during the election fights, what choices were given and taken, his meetings with President Trump, the stolen election strategy, snakes and RINOs team up and much more. Patrick also takes a series of questions from the press. Technical issues end the stream abruptly. Run time is 1 hour 11 minutes.
71 min
Mon 07 Feb: First Domino - Evil Moves - J6 Frau...
Every move they make is destructive to America. What happens when the thumb is off the scale? What is taught today isn't real history. Our unity as a people will pull us through. Flu versus Covid. Fake data, scary peaks, coding tweaks and whistle blowers. VAX experiments in Africa and population control. US aid is gone $$$. The first domino makes the rest fall. Is that you Warren? You can't lock them ALL up. Without valid ID, we have nothing. As tech evolves, so must our privacy. Where's Durham? Hints flow as our President interviews with Kash Patel. Raskin ethics. Before the big moves, it all has to be perfect. Adding insult to injury. Demons crawl in thru open borders. It is what it is for now, because sometimes things are a little bit different.
126 min
Thu 03 Feb: Meetup In Tampa - Live Recording - ...
Tore and Patrick Byrne speak at tonight's group meetup in Tampa, Florida. Audio is rough and technical difficulties were rampant, but the well attended and energetic meeting went on. Patrick and several speakers take the mic, presentations are shown, strategies discussed and then Tore and Patrick field questions from the crowd. The recording begins and ends abruptly. Run time is one hour and thirteen minutes.
74 min
Tue 01 Feb: Patrick's Place - New Bunkers - COG...
A short show tonight from the Byrne residence. West Virginia's Greenbrier facility, and the age that conceived it. Cold war, nuke scares, duck and cover, and the bunker of a lifetime. What COG means for today. The Cuban missile crisis updated. A new blimp suit strategy. For the maintenance of freedom. A mock up White House interior could pass as authentic. Who would go underground today? Patrick Byrne joins Tore for a lively second half of show discussion. Then it's off to do patriotic shit.
66 min