The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastf...

We support parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society’s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Coping with Cluster Feedings
Why do babies cluster feed? Could it be a sign of a growth spurt? What should you do if your baby is nursing non-stop? And how can cluster feedings impact milk supply?
30 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 8th Month
At eight months, how do you deal with a distracted baby? Does a constantly distracted baby mean the baby is weaning herself from the breast?
31 min
Breastfeeding Support: Local and Online
Breastfeeding support can truly make or break a mother’s breastfeeding experience. Yet, with so many local and online options, how’s a mother to choose which support will actually be beneficial?
34 min
Inducing Lactation Without Pregnancy
What exactly does induced lactation look like? Is medication required? And is it possible to exclusively breastfeed without supplementation?
34 min
Peaceful Sleep for Breastfeeding Moms
What exactly does "normal" sleep look like for your baby? What type of night wakings can you expect during your baby's first year?
38 min
Exclusive Breastfeeding After Early Supplementa...
Will you be able to make enough milk to eventually breastfeed? What are your options for supplementation during this time? Should you pump? And what's the best way to transition to the breast?
40 min
Postpartum Depression and Breastfeeding-Friendl...
If you're a breastfeeding mom, what choices do you have when it comes to treatment? Are there non-medicinal options that can effectively treat the problem? What roles do Omega 3 fatty acids, exercise, and bright light therapy play?
45 min
Breastfeeding and Dealing with Judgmental People
How can you cope with these statements without having your self-esteem completely squashed? What's the best thing to say when you feel like you're being attacked?
60 min
Essential Oils for Breastfeeding Moms
So, what exactly are essential oils and how are they made? How do you apply these oils? And what are the best essential oils to use for common ailments in your home?
41 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 7th Month
At seven months, what do you do when your baby starts biting, pinching or even hitting while at the breast?
38 min
Breastfeeding, Bedsharing and Sleep Training
If you choose to share your bed or co-sleep, how can you do it safely? What can you expect with sleep training and how can it impact the breastfeeding relationship you have with your child?
39 min
Breastfeeding Benefits Past One Year
Should you breastfeed your baby past one year? What are some of the benefits?
36 min
How Your Thyroid Can Affect Your Milk Supply
Hormone imbalances can definitely complicate a breastfeeding mother's milk supply. But how do you know if your thyroid is really to blame? What can a mother do to help manage these levels better?
39 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 6th Month
At six months, do our moms consider themselves "breastfeeding ninjas". Are they still feeling confident about their milk supply? And what are their plans for introducing solids?
32 min
Athletes Who Breastfeed and Breast Pump
Today we’re talking about what it means to be an athlete and the changes or challenges you may experience while breastfeeding and breast pumping.
37 min
Partial Breastfeeding: When Supplements are Needed
Breastfeeding moms may feel additional stress and responsibility as the pain provider of nutrition for their babies. How can partners help relieve some of the burden and bond with their babies at the same time?
34 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 5th Month
36 min
Breastfeeding Myths and Misconceptions: Feeding...
There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding breastfeeding. When it comes to breastfeeding your infant, should you really "rough up" your nipples to decrease sensitivity? Should breastfeeding ever be painful? Does a little formula or rice cereal really help your baby sleep better at night?
46 min
Back to Work: Is my baby getting enough milk?
How can you best calculate how much your baby will eat and what are the varying factors? How much breast milk should you keep in each bottle? And how can you ensure that your caregiver isn't overfeeding your baby?
44 min
Becoming a Badass Public Breastfeeder
Why is it so important to breastfeed while in public? And what tips does Abby have for dealing with staring onlookers?
46 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 4th Month
Today we're continuing our year-long series where we follow three women on their breastfeeding journeys. How are they coping with their breastfeeding challenges, such as sudden changes in behavior? And what are they doing to help prepare themselves for going back to work? Plus, what would cause a sudden drop in supply?
34 min
How Stress Affects Your Breastfeeding Relationship
How does fear and anxiety impact your baby? And how can it create difficulties when trying to bond with your baby?
35 min
Low Milk Supply: Donor Milk, Milk Banks and For...
If you have low milk supply, what options are available and what are the pros and cons of each? Which options did our panelists choose and why?
36 min
Breastfeeding Beyond 2 Years
What are some of the benefits of extended breastfeeding? What are some of the common benefits of continuing to breastfeed? What should you do if your child wants to breastfeed day and night?
34 min
Breastfeeding Expectations: The 3rd Month
Have common issues such as vasospasms and colic been resolved yet? How are the moms dealing with breastfeeding in public and returning back to work?
34 min