The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastf...

We support parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society’s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
The Importance of Partner Support in Breastfeeding
How can partners help relieve some of the burden and bond with their babies at the same time?
31 min
Exclusive Pumping: Making It Work For You
What are the pros and cons for exclusively pumping? How can pumping impact a mother emotionally?
44 min
How to NOT Need a Lactation Consultant
What are some of the best ways to be successful at breastfeeding so you won't need the help of a lactation consultant? How can your medical team make or break your experience? And what situations put mothers at higher risk for needing assistance?
40 min
Oversupply and Over-Active Letdown
What are some causes of oversupply? Does oversupply result in overactive letdown? And how can you better regulate these conditions to make a more enjoyable experience for both you and baby?
35 min
Back to Work: Break Time for Nursing Moms
What policies here in the U.S. help protect moms who need to schedule pumping breaks throughout the day? And what happens if you have a job where you can't take standard pumping breaks? What are your options?
39 min
How WIC Supports Breastfeeding and Bottle-Feedi...
All women need support throughout their breastfeeding and pumping journey. Today, we're talking all about WIC, Learn more about their services and how they’ve helped lower income families all over the country.
39 min
How Dads Can Bond with a Breastfed Baby
What can they do to help bond with their babies in their own ways? And how does that initial bond strengthen over time?
33 min
A Great Start to Breastfeeding (Featuring Ina M...
Ina May Gaskin explains how mothers can prepare themselves for an enjoyable breastfeeding experience.
39 min
Lose Weight While Breastfeeding and Maintaining...
How many calories are needed to keep your supply and what are some healthy meals to help you keep on track? Plus, how to keep your body from producing too much lactic acid.
40 min
Ways to Combat Nursing in Public Harassment
What are some of the ways women are harassed? What should you do if asked to cover up?
42 min
Should I Wear a Breastfeeding Cover?
Today we’re talking about all breastfeeding covers- should you or shouldn’t you?
42 min
Milk Sharing: Mother to Mother
What are the main risks and benefits? Learn more from women who have both donated and received milk directly from another mother.
27 min
Breastfeeding After Previous Low Milk Supply
What are some possible causes of low milk supply? What are some recommended ways to increase supply?
36 min
Breastfeeding Your Baby in the NICU
How can a mom maximize her breastfeeding success when in this situation? What are your options when it comes to supplementation?
37 min
Back to Work: Your Pumping Rights
What are your pumping rights when you return to work?
34 min
The Dos and Don'ts of Nipple Shields
What exactly is a nipple shield and how is it used? What types of babies typically benefit from using a nipple shield?
41 min
Tips When Breastfeeding and Pumping Abroad
How do you stay respectful of other cultures while still pursuing your own personal feeding goals? And where do you turn if you need help?
33 min
Breastfeeding While Pregnant
While the thought of being pregnant while breastfeeding your little one can be daunting, it is possible for most moms. What type of changes could you experience early in your pregnancy? Should you expect a dip in your milk supply?
35 min
Oral Anatomy and the Affect on Breastfeeding
How can a baby's oral anatomy impact their ability to breastfeed? What are some of the most common issues babies face? And how have our panelists overcome their personal struggles?
36 min
Birth Interventions: The Impact on Breastfeeding
Which type of birth interventions have the greatest risk for negatively impacting breastfeeding? And what can you do, after your birth to minimize these challenges?
46 min
Breastfeeding Toddlers: Night Nursing and Weaning
What are some great night nursing strategies as well as ways to get your little to sleep without breastfeeding? What's the difference between producing less milk and not enough milk?
32 min
What Do You Learn In a Prenatal Breastfeeding C...
What can you expect from taking one of these classes? What do you really need to know before your baby is born?
42 min
Biological Nurturing and Laid-Back Breastfeeding
Today we're learning all about biological nurturing, which encourages your own breastfeeding instincts.
37 min
Breastfeeding Challenges: Weaning Your Baby
Today we're talking with moms about the practical side of what it takes to wean their babies.
39 min
Designing Clothes for Breastfeeding and Pumping...
How do companies create these clothes for breastfeeding and pumping moms?
36 min