The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastf...

We support parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society’s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Avoiding Booby Traps after a Hospital Birth
Why are some hospitals not as supportive of a woman's breastfeeding goals? What steps can you take to ensure you don't get booby-trapped?
44 min
Persistent Pain When Breastfeeding
In general, breastfeeding should never be painful. So, what about moms who experience persistent pain while breastfeeding? How do we explain that, and how do we figure out the problem?
41 min
Back to Work: Talking with Your Employer and Co...
How do you approach your employer about your pumping needs?
41 min
Tips to Comfortably Breastfeeding in Public
What are some effective ways to deal with the criticism? And what really concerns breastfeeding moms when they encounter this situation?
34 min
Elimination Diets: Food Sensitivities in the Br...
So, how do you know if your baby has food sensitivities? And how can you figure out which foods are causing the problem?
40 min
The Mommy Wars: How Do You Feed Your Baby?
We can’t possibly know all the reasons behind a mom’s decision to feed her baby- so why do we judge each other unfairly?
39 min
Back to Work: Healthy Food for Working Moms
As breastfeeding and pumping moms, how do we balance what we eat?
46 min
Breastfeeding and Pumping for Single Moms
How do you have time to manage it all? If you’re sharing custody of your child, how do you handle time away so you don’t experience a drop in milk supply? How do you manage the stress of being a single parent?
46 min
Sexuality and Breastfeeding
What is western society's attitude toward sex and the breast? How has it impacted women in America?
40 min
Breastfeeding After Formula Feeding Your First ...
Your plan is to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible- what tips can help you along the way?
39 min
The Racial Divide Within the Lactation Community
What does this racial divide mean for the lactation community? Today we’re exploring some of the big issues.
44 min
When Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Breastfe...
What do you do when that support isn’t there?
29 min
Breastfeeding Challenges: Mastitis, Galactocele...
Should you continue to breastfeed your baby? What are the risks?
35 min
New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: Months 2-6
How often are babies typically feeding during this time? How common are distractions and how can you overcome them?
38 min
Breastfeeding for Adoptive Parents
Did you know you can induce lactation and breastfeed your baby without giving birth? Can you get a full milk supply?
29 min
Dealing with Breastfeeding Guilt
So, what do you do with all this guilt? How do you process it? And how do you overcome it?
49 min
How to Get the Best Breastfeeding Photos
Should you take some selfies, or should you hire a professional photographer? How do you get the best photos? And then what do you do with the photos?
44 min
Successful Breastfeeding Stories: Hope Lien
Hope Lien successfully induced lactation so she could breastfeed her adopted daughter immediately after she was born. Learn more about how Hope prepared her body to make milk for her child.
27 min
How Pumping Supports Your Breastfeeding Goals
Today we'll learn more about the various type of pumps available and how you can utilize them to provide your baby with breast milk for as long as possible.
28 min
Breastfeeding Laws in the United States
What exactly are your rights? How do you learn about these laws? And why do we need even laws that determine how and when we can feed our babies?
36 min
10 Ways to Support Breastfeeding Moms
What can you do to support the breastfeeding mom in your life? We have some great ideas for partners, family, and friends.
41 min
Top Questions Moms Ask Lactation Consultants
What are some of the most common questions we ask these professionals? And what are the answers to those questions?
39 min
Breastfeeding Nurse-Ins: Helpful or Harmful?
So, what exactly happens during a nurse-in? How are they organized? And do they really make a difference?
35 min
New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: Weeks 3-6
What are a baby's typical sleep patterns during this time? How much weight should they be gaining?
38 min
Healing with Breast Milk: The Topical Benefits
Today we're learning about the properties of our breast milk that make it so unique, as well as the many ways you can use it!
30 min